speculative trader supply list


Hello all! This time the question is on which supplies a broker/illegal broker has on a particular planet. For the sake of brevity I will not point out exactly the lines that are ambiguous to me and just proceed with a concrete example. If you may tell me the standard rolls in this example this will dispel all my doubts (I understand that every referee can apply custom modifiers but I am asking for a standard planet).

Planet: pop 3, trade codes: Ht
- supplies for a legal broker?
- supplies for an illegal broker?

If you need to roll (as I suppose), please tell me how many times and on which part of the trade goods availability table you roll
ehm... anybody? My question was mostly if the illegal broker offers also legal stuff or not
Core Rulebook(old 2020 edition) page 211:
A given supplier has all Common Goods, the Trade Goods that match the world's trade code, and 1D randomly determined goods. ...

I read this as follows:
Both legal and illegal supplier have the fixed goods(Common Goods and trade code goods) and randomly generated goods. Ignore illegal randomly generated goods for legal supplier and allow them for illegal supplier.
Common Goods are listed under 11 to 16 on a D66 in the Trade Goods table with an Availabilty of "All". For trade code goods check the Availability column . Illegal goods are listed under 61 to 65 on a D66.
I would reroll ignored goods until a valid good is rolled. I would allow for multiple goods of the same time should they be rolled.
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I have the core rulebook 2022 and at 211 there is a spaceship. I think rules changes slightly. For example, in an example (in italic) there is written (for rolling the randomly deterrmined goods):
"the referee can now generate an additional number of goods equal to the wolrd population code to reflect the random items the supplier has" (page 243).

I think I can merge the rules. Thx!

Just the last thing, to be sure:
for the illegal broker and the randomly generated goods: do I roll on the full list in this case or just the illegal stuff?

EDIT: I have found the line you mention at page 242. However, that can be in contrast (and so maybe applied only on the legal supplier) to this other sentence:
"a black market supplier has whatever illegal goods match world's trade codes, as well as any randomly rolled illegal goods. Roll 1D on the trade goods table and use '6' as the leading digit"
I have the core rulebook 2022 and at 211 there is a spaceship. I think rules changes slightly. For example, in an example (in italic) there is written (for rolling the randomly deterrmined goods):
"the referee can now generate an additional number of goods equal to the wolrd population code to reflect the random items the supplier has" (page 243).

I think I can merge the rules. Thx!

Just the last thing, to be sure:
for the illegal broker and the randomly generated goods: do I roll on the full list in this case or just the illegal stuff?

EDIT: I have found the line you mention at page 242. However, that can be in contrast (and so maybe applied only on the legal supplier) to this other sentence:
"a black market supplier has whatever illegal goods match world's trade codes, as well as any randomly rolled illegal goods. Roll 1D on the trade goods table and use '6' as the leading digit"
Sorry, but I don't have the 2022 update, so I can't help you with any changes they made to the rules in there.
EDIT: I have found the line you mention at page 242. However, that can be in contrast (and so maybe applied only on the legal supplier) to this other sentence:
"a black market supplier has whatever illegal goods match world's trade codes, as well as any randomly rolled illegal goods. Roll 1D on the trade goods table and use '6' as the leading digit"
Well, it seems that they wanted to make sure that an illegal supplier does have illegal goods. So instead of rolling a D66 for each random good you just roll a 1D and put a '6' in front for a 61-66 result. With just a D66 roll on the Trade Goods table it is not guaranteed to generate illegal goods(61-65).
uhm, ok. So, in this case do they have the illegal goods in addition to the normal ones or not? Maybe an illegal supplier is just a better supplier
uhm, ok. So, in this case do they have the illegal goods in addition to the normal ones or not? Maybe an illegal supplier is just a better supplier
Well, in the old rulebook they apparently did not have additional goods but could generate illegal supplies.
In regards to the 2022 update I can't say for sure, but from what you wrote it seems an illegal supplier has all Common Goods, all legal goods that match the trade code, all illegal goods that match the trade code and 1D randomly generated illegal goods(60 + 1D).
So yes, that would make an illegal supplier a better trader but there is always a price to pay when doing business with shady figures, if not in Rules-As-Written(RAW) but at least in the roleplaying aspect.
It would be the referees decision to allow a Streetwise roll to find an illegal supplier or not. Even a legal supplier may not be available on certain worlds.
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