Should "armageddon" be a full 2nd Edition?

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Should armaggeddon be a 2nd edition of the game?

  • Yes, I would love everything to be in one place.

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  • oh god no, I'm still getting used to the revised rules, SFOS, and the tourney fleets!!!

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looking foreward to a compendium edition. if we can get the bugs hammered out by then, we won't need a 2nd edition!

A complete counter set would be great.

Dywnarc said:
Do you guys live int he same gaming world I do? When I bought Call to Arms i thought it was incredible value. A great game system with counters to get me started so I don;t have to run out and by models till I know what I like?

My only dissapointment was for that price a series of special order markers and player summary sheets are in order. But now you got servel excellent ones avaaible online so it dosn;t matter much.

I guess these days I feel there are a lot of game systems that cost a lot more to get started.

You also get no dice, no maps, no models and thin rule books. Not a comment on the quality of the game at all, but just the contents relative to other gaming purchases of similar amount leave you wondering. I know some of that stuff like thin books and no maps is just part of the game, but its just a comparison. If there had been quick reference sheets in there, a couple planet, asteroid, and gas cloud templates, a set of dice, a cardboard turn template, and a cheapo plastic tape rules, I would have felt it was alot more "complete" I guess I compare it to things like battletech. Box set $35. Includes at least as much printed rulebook, plus maps, dice, record sheets, counters and a poster sized map.

SFOS and the models are alot closer to average gaming prices.

Sure any mini system without counter costs more to start, but its always nice to find lots in the box. :D Besides most mini systems you can buy the rules without buying the boxed set.
A definite no! I'm still annoyed that Mongoose now has a 2nd edition of the Babylon 5 rpg. I definitely do not want another 2nd edition for a B5 game that isn't that old.
msprange said:
Also worth pointing out here that if 2nd edition ends up as a hardback book (or two), we will keep the counters on sale as a separate pack. . .

Excellent, counters are your friends!

So just to clarify an earlier post, if/when 2nd edition ACTA comes out, 1st edition will just be taking up space on shelves rather than being of any use in the game?

Releasing another fleet book would be a disaster at this point. I've run a couple of tournaments and half the people who show up already don't know about the newest fleet version. If Mongoose wants to make good, fair, and competitive fleets just let us play test the fleets for them since it seems they didn't bother to play test any fleets when the original rules came out.

I for one will most certainly not pay for another book but would be happy to download another CTA type packet. Maybe just release new fleet lists with the final versions of the fleets so we each don't have to shell out 50 bucks.
StarcrusherInc. said:
Releasing another fleet book would be a disaster at this point. I've run a couple of tournaments and half the people who show up already don't know about the newest fleet version. If Mongoose wants to make good, fair, and competitive fleets just let us play test the fleets for them since it seems they didn't bother to play test any fleets when the original rules came out.

I for one will most certainly not pay for another book but would be happy to download another CTA type packet. Maybe just release new fleet lists with the final versions of the fleets so we each don't have to shell out 50 bucks.

I'd agree but since I wound up getting my SFOS for free........

This is turning out a lot like many other games with version 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 etc... If things were done right the first time this would not be a problem. It brings me back to FA and AOG which I was explained this was not going to be like as far as revision go. OOOPPPPSSSS.

If I buy a book and two months later its revised completely it kinda put me off from buying more.

If your going to do it try to get it right the FIRST time. It may be hard with so many different players with different ideas/points of view but major playtesting is required for this to happen. I don't think this was done effectively.

I'll likely buy the compendium if it come out but the game goes on ebay the day a few months after release of the compendium that talk start of a new version starts.
Morpheus1975 said:
This is turning out a lot like many other games with version 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 etc... If things were done right the first time this would not be a problem.
The problem isn't that it wasn't done right, the problem is it wasn't done how some people would have liked it. The big problem is there were a lot of those people...

The answer to that is more and wider playtesting. But overdo that with too many playtesters and you get a mess of conflicting ideas, and no consensus. Hopefully things are improving with a team of widespread playtesters with diverse ideas on what's needed.

I was pushing for SFOS to be a complete "one stop" rulebook so yeah, a complete 2nd edition with everything in one place that supercedes and includes every rulebook to date would be good. It doesn't have to include all the fleets, just the rules so you're not stuck in a cross-referencing loop to check how to do something. Fleet books are much better seperate anyway so you can issue updates more frequently (I don't mind throwing away a 32-page book that only cost me £3.99)

*Plus* issue the new rules in a "Rules Supplement" for those who don't want to throw their old books away just yet.