Should "armageddon" be a full 2nd Edition?

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Should armaggeddon be a 2nd edition of the game?

  • Yes, I would love everything to be in one place.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • oh god no, I'm still getting used to the revised rules, SFOS, and the tourney fleets!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Cosmic Mongoose
Ok guys, this has cropped up in another thread, so what do you think? should Mongoose make the Armageddon release a full on bonafide version 2, second edition including full rules and fleetlists? or is it too much too soon?
hiffano said:
Ok guys, this has cropped up in another thread, so whaqt do you think?> should Mongoose make the Armageddon release a full on bonafide version 2, second edition including full rules and fleetlists? or is it too much too soon?
I won't vote, because

a) I know what's supposed to be in Armageddon, so changing it would cause massive publication delays
b) I'd love to see a complete package of all rules and ships in one package, but I'd be a bit pissed off to be expected to pay for it this soon myself

Technically wulf, that is a no :-)
I agree, the paying again would be an issue, but having said that, we will probably all go and buy armageddon anyway.... and then pay again for next ed rules. . . I'd accept a delay to be honest if it was for a full package.
We are geeks and gamers, roleplayers and wargamers, which carrys with it a bit of zealot-dom. Thus being said, we have a tendency to aquire anything and everything that relates to our obession. So, we will end up buying just about anything that gets published, regardless
Sorry Hiffano, I'm with Wulf, there's as much chance at this stage of Armageddon being a 2nd ed as there is of Sunderland avoiding relegation!

I've voted on l33tpenguin's similar poll though for a single fleet list whether you play campaign or tournament/one-off
This one seems to be more asking to stop making us buy/refer to 30 different books to run a game and instead drop it all into 1-2 books that cover all... and not to add yet another variant of the game, or, if so, standardize it and stick it all in one book
I am aware this could happen, but at least it lets mongoose know what we kinda want :-)
besides, without knowing the actual content of armeggeddon (as you guys do) we don't know how much extra work it would be to cut and paste in all the stuff from the rulebook, and how fundamantally changing this could be 8)
I'd love to have a single rulebook, but it doesn't need to have all the fleets in it. Only the intro set needs to have a few ship stats and counters to get folks started.

Separate fleet books, like the Dilgar one, would be fine, with numbered counters, which would up the price, but I'd be happy with that.
ugh.. I remember back in the day, rummaging through 30 different battle tech books putting together my armies and micromanaging them so I had the exact mechs I wanted, the refering to a foot tall stack with dates from like 2069 to 3,001,679 AD
l33tpenguin said:
ugh.. I remember back in the day, rummaging through 30 different battle tech books putting together my armies and micromanaging them so I had the exact mechs I wanted, the refering to a foot tall stack with dates from like 2069 to 3,001,679 AD
The big difference here SHOULD be that each fleet is self-contained in a single book, either SFoS or a race-specific fleet book. So you only need that book. The trouble with BattleTech (well, one of the troubles with it... it was more trouble than it was worth once the Munchkins got at it) was the horde of variants and modifications available to virtually every army. Personally I would rather we had seperate fleet books for every fleet (at a fiver a time, like the Dilgar and, I assume, the Drakh), and the rulebook seperately. That would solve the problem, replacing a fleet book would be a minimal expense.

I dont think it should be a full second edition. I think they should be looking at creating one based on the tournament lists though.

Armegeddon should be a compendium IMHO. That way if I want to play I pick it up and maybe SFOS for the fleet lists if they dont want to include those.

Though honestly Id like to see a companion fleet list book with everything in one place as well.

Honestly the cost of the basic box is just silly. $50 for two really small books and some counters. Counters that I dont even use. Roll the basic rules into armegeddon and sell the counters seperately to people who need them.
I second the dropping the whole "boxed set" thing. If it came with like 2-3 skirmish/raid level ships from each of the big four, yeah. $50. but some cut out counters? Ugh... I use counters when I need, but I don't like them one bit otherwise.

I honeslty don't think the value of the boxed set is there.
I think maybe next year a "compendium" edition might be a good idea. call it 2nd edition if you like.
bring together all the rules and fleets in 2 books.
The rules should include everything but ships. rules, campaigns, scenarios, tournament guides, painting ship tips, etc.
The fleet book should have reference sheet pages we can photocopy for use in play - similiar to what FASA did with their ship control sheets.
there should be ONE and only ONE fleet list. not different ones for campaign play and another for tournaments.

Honestly, a true second edition should not be done unless a MASSIVE change to the rules base is done, or enough new content is added, including new rules, to warrent a new edition. Look at D&D, its been around since the dawn of roleplaying and its only in 3.5, which was a complete change from 2nd ed.
l33tpenguin said:
Honestly, a true second edition should not be done unless a MASSIVE change to the rules base is done, or enough new content is added, including new rules, to warrent a new edition. Look at D&D, its been around since the dawn of roleplaying and its only in 3.5, which was a complete change from 2nd ed.

I hear that D&D Version 4 is currently being worked on. Plus there have been more than 3.5 versions of D&D:

1. Original Pocketbook Set
2. D&D
3. AD&D
4. Masters Edition D&D and I am sure more boxed sets I am missing
5. 2nd Edition
6. 3rd Edition
7. 3.5 Edition

I actually started playing when the Pocketbook set came out.

Davesaint said:
l33tpenguin said:
Honestly, a true second edition should not be done unless a MASSIVE change to the rules base is done, or enough new content is added, including new rules, to warrent a new edition. Look at D&D, its been around since the dawn of roleplaying and its only in 3.5, which was a complete change from 2nd ed.

I hear that D&D Version 4 is currently being worked on. Plus there have been more than 3.5 versions of D&D:

1. Original Pocketbook Set
2. D&D
3. AD&D
4. Masters Edition D&D and I am sure more boxed sets I am missing
5. 2nd Edition
6. 3rd Edition
7. 3.5 Edition

I actually started playing when the Pocketbook set came out.


This is true, however, there are, for the most part, 3 distinct "editions" of the game. the orig pocket+D&D are basicly the same game, one expanded on the other, AD&D is not very playable with D&D, too many differences (never played Masters ed. so can't comment). 2nd (and my favorite edition) again is completely different than 1st. I believe 3rd is an expansion on second.. I can't remember exactly. and 3.5 is again totally different (and not to my liking...).
4th? God... give me 2nd and I'm a happy camper. We don't need checks for drawing our weapons!! Give us some leeway! What have you done to magic?!? Don't dumb things down so much to where you write out what a GM *CAN* do when a player casts a wish *sigh* Um, where was I? Oh. Yes, Unless there is enough new material, or great enough changes to the rules, I don't think a 2nd edition is warrented yet. Just a compendium or such. If the rules are revamped (changing campaign and tournament fleets to be the same with a new rule set for how campaigns run, for instance) then sure, 2nd ed ACtA.. or maybe AACtA?