PHB required?


I am sorry if this was already discussed in these forums. Reading about the Babylon 5 I could not determine whether it is a stand-alone product or if it requires the DnD Player's Handbook like other D20 products in the market. What I mean is: if I buy the B5 RPG book, do I get a complete starting game or do I need additional rulebooks? I'd appreciate if someone could shed some light into this. Thanks.
You need the players handbook. But you can also just download the rules you need from here:
Tegman said:
You need the players handbook. But you can also just download the rules you need from here:

Actually you'd need the 3rd edition SRD strictly. You'd need to adapt a few things to play B5 with the 3.5 edition SRD as some of the skills and feats have changed.

If you are playing based on 3.5 then you could buy the Mongoose Pocket Player's Handbook which is basically the 3.5 SRD with some extra bits on ability score generation and the like (the bits that WotC make you buy their PHB for)
