OGL Ancients

could we have some (small) anticipation on what difference it will have from standard d20?

I would like some form of wound/critical system and fate system

you know in mythical tales you get lots of horrible wounds or nearly impossible feats
fabio milito pagliara said:
could we have some (small) anticipation on what difference it will have from standard d20?

I would like some form of wound/critical system and fate system

you know in mythical tales you get lots of horrible wounds or nearly impossible feats

Funny you should mention those two points, as they are *exactly* what the system focuses on! I read sections from the Iliad over and over again while writing Ancients... :)

Players can use Divine Points to influence rolls (the fate system you mention) and pull off incredible stunts. Deities are very important, as they award you Divine Points when you please them. Any person can spend Divine Points to influence any check, but the deity you worship influences the efficiency with which you spend Divine Points on specific tasks, depending on the deity's own spheres of influence - for example, worshippers of Hecate can spend Divine Points for a larger-than-usual bonus to their Witchcraft checks, while worshippers of Horus can spend them for additional combat bonuses.

Combat is a lot messier than standard d20, with damage being received as wounds and especially large amounts of damage possibly being taken as grievous wounds. (All creatures have a 'grievous wound threshold' and damage over this amount is grievous.) It is much harder to recover from grievous wounds than ordinary ones. Only such radical methods as Egyptian surgical techniques or cautery (use of hot irons - ouch!) can help.

Armour is handled very differently. Without bogging down combat too much, armour reduces damage, but ONLY if the blow actually hits the armour rather than your exposed flesh. For example, an Assyrian leather cloak (such as the archers wore) covers a lot but offers thin armour, whereas a metal breastplate only covers the torso but offers strong armour. As for shields, you actively roll to ward off a blow with your shield, instead of just having the shield sit there.

The biggest difference is in the magic system. There are no spells as such, only 'magical effects'. There are three magic skills, being Prayer, Hekau (Egyptian magic) and Witchcraft. Greek priests use Prayer to petition for miracles, Egyptian priests use Hekau to influence the spirit world and witches use Witchcraft to make charms, enchant creatures and make potions. The system is flexible in that some magical effects can be produced by any of the skills (with witchcraft being better for bewitchment effects, for example) while some can only be produced with one of the skills.
Mongoose_Ade said:
Funny you should mention those two points, as they are *exactly* what the system focuses on! I read sections from the Iliad over and over again while writing Ancients... :)


The biggest difference is in the magic system.

Fate, wounds (and by the sound of it as I would have loved them), armor reducing damage

and the magic system too :D :D :D

I am going to love this product ^_________________^

know it will be based on egypt and greece but what about other cultures like aztec,red indian,chinese,japanese etc will they be covered in other supplements I hope so 8)
msprange said:
Oh, we have been discussing OGL Rome. . .

ok, now with Augustus Calm I must gently invite you to STOP DISCUSSING AND START WORKING ON IT!!!!

that's before I send the Imperial Agents to _make_ you do it :)

pleasepleaseplease do it, I would buy just now, ogl ancients is already in order but for ogl rome I would just go crazy :)

thanks :)
hehe, you know what thi is starting to sound like.

it's starting to sound like gurps meets d20. :)

but if you do rome, make sure oyu have lots of different ways to poison a cup of wine. :)
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi said:
Wow, if you added Rome then maybe Persia I could play a cool "Oath of Empire" campaign. :twisted:

now that would be great hope anicents is a great start to a series of books far better than gurps 8)
toothill man said:
now that would be great hope anicents is a great start to a series of books far better than gurps 8)
How can you say they are "far better" than the excellent GURPS sourcebooks, since you haven't seen OGL Ancients & OGL Rome yet :?: You may not like GURPS ruleset, but you have to admit SJG produces great flavor sourcebooks (from Vikings to Cabal, etc.)
I don't think you are reading that the way it was meant Red. There should be a "." or at least a "," between the words "great" and "hope." I think he is saying he hopes it's going to be better than GURPS.
Oh! You're probably right Rikki, especially given Toothill posting history (him never be a flamer and all).

OK then:

I'm sorry Toothill, I thought it was a statement about the bad quality of GURPS supplements... :shock:
I'll try to better read between the lines, but some punctuation would help...
After all, wars have been started because of misplaced commas in old treaties... :P
its fine red, gurps has been a favourite of mine for some years but mongoose put so much into there books I and my players have got use too that level of detail which some of the gurps books but not all dont have.but it is a fine company just at the moment at this time mongoose can do no wrong but who knows in the future.everyone has a choice were they spend there money and would never whant ever too slag off another independant company if I gave that empression I am sorry.
(ps about the bad wording and english I suffer from slight word blindness more with numbers in fact but if something dont look right please flag it up)