... I would also realy like to see some battle rules for the miniatures that are being released. This would be a great addition to the line in my opinion.
I think it would be one of the best or even the best setting for a fantasy miniature game. It's not just another generic world with all of the usual suspect although there are a few. There is a great variety of distinctive races and cultures that could provide an endless supply of new aggressors. There are already famous wars and campaigns that have been detailed in the books that would provide background and scenarios. You could provide campaign rules to allow players to recreate Gnaags lightning war through Northern Magnamund in books 8 and 9, Sieges, skirmishes, naval battles the list goes on and on I can't think of an area of fantasy warfare that Magnamund doesn't touch upon.
The Sommelending Army list would be powerful the list of potential troop types alone is hefty.
Kai, Sommelending Knight, Brothers Of the Crystal Star, Toranese Archers, Kirlundin Marines, Royal Guard, Border Rangers, levies.....
The Darklords could be even better.
I guess that the best way to approach it would be to have a major power and allies form a War level list but at lower levels you could take skirmish level forces from any of the powers. So you could include Durenese troops in the Sommerlund army for war level engagements but use either Durenese or Sommelending troops for smaller games. First step would be to put together the rules and the lists for Sommerlund and the Darklands. One big plus with this is that a number of the miniatures needed for these armies are already scheduled...
Later on there could be Vassagonia and Dessi or the Stornlands which could introduce mercenaries for use in other armies. Lencia V Nyras the list goes on and on and on...... you don't have to put in the effort creating the background or many new troops for these armies Joe Dever did it already!
Am I the only one who thinks this is a great idea. Some of my favourite books are the ones where Lone Wolf got involved in major campaigns Chasm of Doom, Dugeons of Torgar and the Darke Crusade.
Come on guys what do you think surely I'm not the only one who thinks that this is a great idea.