(Traveller) BOUNTY HUNTER is available right now!


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When law enforcement cannot resolve a crisis, and others need plausible deniability, who do they call?

Expendable, yet whispered about in hushed voices, bounty hunters are not paragons of virtue or honour. Taking contracts issued by guilds, corporations, law enforcement, criminal syndicates and others, there are few things more important than the reward. Rivalling far trader captains in the light years spent travelling, bounty hunters chase down their marks across Charted Space and bring them in, dead or alive.

Take on the dangerous underworld with this 'new-style' campaign for Traveller.

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Brand-new Career:
Take on the dangerous underworld with the new bounty hunter career choice. Live in the grey area between legal and illegal, moral and immoral. track down skip-tracers, criminals and even rival bounty hunters.

Reputation: REP is a new characteristic, which stands alongside your existing stats and represents your Travellers' effectiveness and notoriety. For a bounty hunter, earning and maintaining a high reputation is paramount.

Working with Agencies: Take jobs from a large selection of Agencies, gaining benefits and improved REP from guilds and corporates, including:
  • Horizon Bounties: One of the more reputable bounty hunting agencies, The usual contracts handed out are low-paid and unglamorous, but there are plenty of them.
  • Shadowsun: One of several independent organisations who, in the absence of a firmer showing from the Imperial Navy, have stepped up to ensure that the region is not completely lawless.
  • Outward March: Have you ever dreamed of pushing the drives on your ultralight fighter to the max in pursuit of a pirate lord? Or shooting up a dive bar full of low-life frontier hoodlums? Outward March is not merely a bounty-hunting agency, but a genuine bounty-hunting experience!
  • Plus many more…



Dead or Alive:
Take on unique targets, across four priority levels, with these ready-to-go adventure seeds for your Traveller games. Locate missing persons, hunt bail jumpers and bring in the worst of the worst… dead or alive.

Contract Creation: This section will help referees roll up custom bounties, keeping your Travellers busy hunting targets for a long time.

WANTED Posters: Add an extra layer of immersion to your table, with these free-to-download WANTED posters, available right now!

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Deck out your bounty hunters with these brand-new tools of the trade!

New Equipment: Disguise detectors, neural pulverisers, rocket packs, DNA detectors and so much more…

New Weapons: Arm your bounty hunters with the single-shot pistol (a miniature laser pistol good for concealment), the smart gun (firing tracker rounds to keep on the trail of your targets) and the stun grapple (electrical net launcher).

Vehicles and High Guard: Chase down marks with the stealth G/bike and cryo-truck, or take to the stars with a variety of new ships including the budget bounty and retrofit pinnace.



Also included are new stat blocks for lowlife contacts and underworld adversaries, including con artists, drug dealers and informants. Additionally, drop in famed bounty hunters and have them compete against your Travellers for those lucrative contracts, including:

Konstantin Lyan: A vicious bounty hunter, previously hired by the Imperium’s elite. He has since ‘retired’ in the hopes of finding a quiet life, but there are still a few things that can pull Konstantin back into the world of bounty hunting…

Kiera Quinn: Although still new to the world of bounty hunting, Quinn's muscular physique and no-nonsense attitude have made quite the splash. She aims to make a lasting name for herself as one of the best in the business.

Calfron Heady: After being stranded on a strange world in the Spinward Marches, with only a basic kit and a will to survive. Heady adapted to the harsh Saurian world, mastered the primitive weapons and began his new life as a hired gun... not even his old crew can recognise him now.

(Traveller) BOUNTY HUNTER is available right now, pre-order the physical book today, and get the free PDF immediately!

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Love the cover. I'm sure the similarity to a certain bounty hunter in a galaxy far, far away, is purely accidental. Even down to the bandoleer across his torso and the rifle on his back. These things happen, you know. Just a coincidence. Now, move along. ;)
love THIS book. Will jump any feedback thread and curious to see if anyone thinks as I do on the one thing I... will change for how I'll play them... and probably could have (should have?) been done differently. The Career itself and the assignments/branches. A fixer? Tech Ops? Then the whole rest of the book is pretty much all dedicated the 3rd.. the actual bounty hunter. As it should have been largely. Would have been nice to see more variety in the types of hunters/ types of bounties they chase. With the different 'skills' needed.

Combining those fixer and tech ops into 'support' if keeping at all... and likely doing different shades of actual 'hunter' the slimy ones...going after criminal perhaps... that would tend to be more violent to get the desperate on the run for their lives.. then the clean ones .. corporate/civil they are running from... where bringing them back dead ain't really the job...or something along those lines.
I was half expecting the wanted posters to have "Fred, wanted by Joe / Joe, wanted by Fred".

(Is there a reason why half the pages in that .pdf are upside down relative to the other half? Makes it a little jarring when you're just scrolling through them.)
I've had time to skim it and then read some sections in detail. I like it a lot. Would have been nice to have a blank wanted template, but I'll make one up that has all the elements. Good work. Now my players can get rolling on their first bounty.
and just finished a home revision of the 3 branches. One combining Ops and fixer.. the support personel... and two different types of Bounty Hunter each with differing skill sets/skill lists for .. call them dirty and clean bounty hunters. The dirty, those after the real bad guys, ie the dead or alive variety of 'Mark'.. who generally aren't very savory characters themselves, and the clean ones. The ones chasing down the dead beats and thieves .. like those bailing on the ship payments. More interested in recovering property than blowing holes through the offender and bringing them back to for a payment

Now that that's done... on to creating some characters and getting on to playing!! Been working the printer overtime and printed out most of the book. Would post the variant Career for anyone interested but suspect it is bad form or against forum rules as I was working off, and is the form of a Mongoose page (a altered copy of the original PDF book page)
Hello, so I got the book, and I have some notes, but I would like to preface, this is perhaps one of the stronger new books mongoose has released in a while, I haven’t been able to read the whole thing so if I missed something ignore it.

First, the career is great, but, I think it’s a mistake to not include melee in the service skills or as make it easier to get, I personally imagine bounty hunters will be using hand to hand rather alot to subdue targets, I would look into making that easier to gain for such an active profession.

Second I feel it’s a missed opportunity to add in repossession of property as bounty targets, “man-hunting” is the romance but ship trackers and cargo chasers have been fairly left out in this book and they have their own challenges that encourage people to fufill the chase part of this premise

Next, we have the small issue of said chase, there have been, several instances where I have been part of discussions in a certain place, where the subject of bounty hunting has come up, traveller isn’t set up for the romance of Boba or Djinn. While you have accommodated the chase, there is still little incentive to actually do it in universe, I think addressing the “just sit in the starport bar till the target shows up” strategy is probably a good idea. Since it is actually the best way to catch a lot of these criminals once they show up, cause all you need is a big list of bounty’s and a starport, or traffic controller to message you that it’s go time and there you go, you wait at the docking bay and grab them when they disembark.

Lastly bounty race, where they are all chasing the same target, winner is the one that hands the target over alive, rewards are rep and nothing else.
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It didnt leave out leave skip tracking. In the example bounties, are ships and materiel goods.
And the only means to remediate the impracitcalities of tracking a mark from system to system is a multimillion credit bounty that is exclusive.
Otherwise, your jump bounty hunter, will always be acting on at least 2 week old information, and in system bounty hunters that sit there in the bar will have 2 weeks to get the bounty.
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^ nice post. I really thought the career page... one page out of the book... but an important one could have been done differently. 2 of the 3 were pretty much useless and could have easily been combined into a 'support' position or even eliminated as the other 180 something pages pretty much dealt with that 3rd career path. You know... the bounty hunter himself

but agree with you man. This is was a strong and fabulously well done book. I'm still digesting the book but it really delivered what I hoped it would as I had really really looked forward to this book.
^ nice post. I really thought the career page... one page out of the book... but an important one could have been done differently. 2 of the 3 were pretty much useless and could have easily been combined into a 'support' position or even eliminated as the other 180 something pages pretty much dealt with that 3rd career path. You know... the bounty hunter himself

but agree with you man. This is was a strong and fabulously well done book. I'm still digesting the book but it really delivered what I hoped it would as I had really really looked forward to this book.
Except those "support" positions are like 90% of real bounty hunting. Just like the vast majority spies are office workers, not James Bond. If you just rolled on the Hunter skill table, your bounty hunter would never find anyone. :D Skip tracing & repo work is mostly going to be Investigate, electronics, and the like, not punching and kicking.

There's definitely a place for all three of those skill trees in play, imho.
very true and probably why I kept it.. though consolidated into one career path. One that one can easily see and being an intro position for those entering the Bounty Hunter career in their first term. Get the basics in, how to find and write contracts, surveillance and yadda ya. However more than that I consolidated them mainly to be able to create the two very different kinds of actual hunter one could play. As Travellers once they got out of the career.

The types of characters I know I'd want to play. Not logistics or support but the actual field guy the Hunter. The more sterotypical 'dead or alive' going after dangerous criminals... or the more white collar 'civil' Marks.. like those skipping out on ship payments. Combat skills would be at a min for them. Those could, probably should have two completely different skillsets. IMO the career as presented in the book didn't do that as it could have.
Being able to find the guy is the more important skill set. And harder to get in Traveller. Beating people up is what you have ex-Marines for :D
Being able to find the guy is the more important skill set. And harder to get in Traveller. Beating people up is what you have ex-Marines for :D
Yeah, but all those skill are covered, finding is all well and good, the meat of the matter is, a lot of the time you won’t have a gun, you won’t be able shoot, and even then you still have to subdue them, that requires, without specific tools, to get in close and actually grapple em. And no matter what way to slice it, that is more important than shooting, besides I think every bounty hunter no matter their role should be able to apprehend.
Well, you should rewrite the Service skills table if you want that to happen, because Basic training is the only way to guarantee you get any melee skill in the bounty hunter career.

As written, Bounty hunter is clearly designed to be a second career. It has a +1 DRM to join for each previous career you've had, offsetting the default -1 per previous career that is standard. It would be a lot more reliable to get your combat skills from a military career then become a bounty hunter.
Well, you should rewrite the Service skills table if you want that to happen, because Basic training is the only way to guarantee you get any melee skill in the bounty hunter career.

As written, Bounty hunter is clearly designed to be a second career. It has a +1 DRM to join for each previous career you've had, offsetting the default -1 per previous career that is standard. It would be a lot more reliable to get your combat skills from a military career then become a bounty hunter.
While you are correct, there is the small factor that most of the supporting skills are easier to get, combat skills are difficult to get, not saying they should be easy either, just a balance made for what is clearly intended to be a combat oriented career, since it is, in fact medic is oddly one of the hardest skill to get, of the support skills.

Anyway, I don’t think we should detract any longer on this. We’ve both stated what needs to be I think.