JMS is ACTUALLY doin' it... Oh rapture!

I'd like to say I really admire JMS for his steadfastness in deciding NOT to recast the roles played by Andreas and Richard. That shows a tremendous amount of respect for the memory of the actors and their part/integrity in the Bablyon 5 universe. Bravo JMS.

He had had Galen recast for MoS, though, heretic that he is (I think Peter Woodward was a great Galen)... still, those 20 minute episodes should be very interesting - I´d love to see somethin about General Hague and his growing rebellion within Earthforce, for example.

Oh, btw - the guy who played Franklins father (can´t remeber his name right now) is also dead...
yes, he died a couple years back (2004). Paul Winfield. Also played Captain Terrel in Star Trek 2, and some other really good non-SF dramatic roles...

Locutus9956 said:
Heretic!! Han shot first cos hes a git. But lets not get into 'how Lucas screwed star wars' you can buy the original versions now anyway :P

I'm hoping JMS doesn't decide to do something similar with B5.
Exactly what can JMS do in 20 minutes? I am a little mad about how short they are. I mean, 3 20 minute epsiodes is about 1 episode of normal B5... And we are going to only have 6 of these episodes a year (if I understand correctly)?

I just hope he gets started on that movie soon. I understand his reluctance... but no offence... if he keeps waiting, there won't be many B5 charecters left to film... :oops: .
Abraxas said:
Exactly what can JMS do in 20 minutes? I am a little mad about how short they are. I mean, 3 20 minute epsiodes is about 1 episode of normal B5... And we are going to only have 6 of these episodes a year (if I understand correctly)?

I just hope he gets started on that movie soon. I understand his reluctance... but no offence... if he keeps waiting, there won't be many B5 charecters left to film... :oops: .

20 minutes with no commercials is about 2 minutes shy of a 30 minute program with commercials. These are, effectively, 30 minute TV shows without commercial interruption. A two-parter would be the same as a regular episode of Babylon 5.