Feedback Needed!

S&P's a great little resource! very little to improve really.
Thats said:
===> It'd be nice if it went back to its old portrait format. Now it's
in landscape it looks like it's been put together in powerpoint.

===> I would like to see a few less articles about other peoples
products. Once or twice is all well and good, but when the article
amounts to "Buy this of this company, stick it onto something."
it is basically advertising for your competitors (Urban Mammoth
GW respectivly this month).

===> Battle reports with maps please!!!!!!!! It might just be me, but I
find when reading battle reports a simple map with a couple of
arrows really does help slot everything into place
MaxSteiner said:
===> It'd be nice if it went back to its old portrait format. Now it's
in landscape it looks like it's been put together in powerpoint.

I prefer it in landscape. It makes it easier to read on the screen for me.
Well it does fit on a moniter better for one off pages I'll admit.
Its just if they were in portrait then you would be able to select two pages on a screen on adobe, allowing the magazine to feature double page spreads for things like large photo's and diagrams.
VincentDarlage said:
I enjoyed W. Jason Peck's Xuthal article. I would like to see more of those "Dark Corners of the Hyborian World" articles. I would also like to see more field guides to the creatures of the Hyborian age (I thought Josh Kapfer's multi-part guide to man apes excelled).

Vincent, thanks. That's quite nice of you. Again. :D

I'm curious, as I noticed that your Ruins book just came out, how is this similar/different than my Dark Corners of the World articles. I noticed from what was listed in the thread about it that several of the specific ruins I delved into were also covered in that book -- though at least one seems to not be. Since the book has been released, I was just hoping you might reveal a bit. Last I had heard, several more of my articles were slated to see publication in S&Ps -- I'm hoping the book does not totally invalidate them.

It does sound real cool, though. I'm definitely gonna have to seek that one out...
I think S & P is fantastic, it means i can download it straight to my pc and pick out the bits i want to read unlike other companies who charge £4 and you get nothing for your money!

Regards Oldbury
I'd like to see more on the smaller miniature games front. Possibly GoMC1 and if not moreso MA. I think maybe a small rules revision for it would be good, possibly some new army lists (snakemen and knights etc).
I agree with the Majority, as most people seem to think there is very little wrong with S&P.

I would like to see past Issues as PDF Downloads (I wouldn't mind paying either, personally speaking) as I would like to have the Articles I am missing AND I have limited space to store 'print' magazines.

Just a thought.

Keep Up The Good Work.
msprange said:
Chobbly said:
I do like Anvil's idea of compilations of some old S&P articles put together into 'bumper packs', i.e. for Lone Wolf, B5 etc. In the case of the B5 one, it could even update the S&P articles to 2nd Ed to make them usable under the new rules.

We are going to be doing these compilations soon - in fact, many articles written for S&P Wargamer are being designed specifically so you chaps can try them out and, if you like them, they will be going into 'annuals' for each of our miniatures games.

One reason why feedback is important :)
That would be very good. I would like to see all the old Conan material in one big PDF.
I like the S&P's because of the additional material. There are often good articles within, many optional things you can use if you want to, or new ideas for existing games.
Maybe a FAQ for the roleplaying games again, like in the older issues?
Here is an article I'd like to see. Now I'm not kissin' anyones butt here but how about an article on a trypical day in the life of a games designer. I'm sure their is plenty: writing Signs and portents articles, playtesting, the every day running of business stuff, checking out moulds, seeing painted miniatures coming along, admining the site, and whatever else I cannot think of.

Well, thats my good idea of the month
For me, S&P is all about the Babylon 5 articles. I skim some of the other stuff and would use more of it if I were running any of those games. (I own the Judge Dredd RPG--but have never been able to get a game together.)
It's B5 content all the way for me!
Some articles can be more or less universal:

The "children" article for Jeremiah is very useful for playing kids in D20, not just for Jeremiah RPG.

This kind of article, I like a lot.
Mage said:
Now I'm not kissin' anyones butt here but how about an article on a trypical day in the life of a games designer. I'm sure their is plenty: writing Signs and portents articles, playtesting, the every day running of business stuff, checking out moulds, seeing painted miniatures coming along, admining the site, and whatever else I cannot think of.

Research, arguing with people who were supposed to provide artwork three months ago, research, spending an hour on the phone with print-on-demand asking them to explain exactly how they got *that* figure in their heads, research, finding you got some facts completely and utterly wrong and running through changing them and everything that refers back to them, research, checking through and editing all references to that silly rule that really didnt work when you tried it out for real, research, trying to work out whether the manuscript on the PC or the one on the laptop is the latest version and finding theres some new updates on each you havent got on the other and then having to spend two days cut+pasting back and forth, research, re-proofreading to make sure the proofreaders didn't miss anything, research.... :)
cornichon said:
Some articles can be more or less universal:

The "children" article for Jeremiah is very useful for playing kids in D20, not just for Jeremiah RPG.

This kind of article, I like a lot.

I'm glad you liked it.
I would like a more standardized S@P, one where you would get an article for the game you play every month or two. I realise that with the BIG lisences like SST that you are proably obligated to churn out as much support as is humanly possible, but it leaves less room for the rest of your titles, and support obviously dwindles after looking for an article that isn't coming. More Scenarios for other games (Other than SST) would be great. I love the terrain buliding articles, but more than one an issue seems like space filler. All in all, S@P is a great read and at the right price! Thanx for all those free rules and ideas. :D

Also, a previews section would be nice. So you could check out the OFFICIAL news, instead of wading thru endless posts on your site.

These are my thoughts not yours so don't get sad. :P :? :wink: