Feedback Needed!


Staff member
Hi guys,

First off, thank you for your support of Signs & Portents. We know you chaps like it, as we are getting well over 30,000 downloads every month, and the number rises with each issue!

However, we are not entirely sure what it is about S&P that you do like, and what you would like to see less of. So, I am inviting you to make any and all comments, telling us what you want to see more of (or less of) in each edition. . .
Personally, I think the main advantage of S&P is the articles for games that would otherwise see no support. I'm sure a lot of the downloads also come from people looking for articles for the currently supported games as well.

I would personally like to see an article for each of a bunch of games each issue. For example, in wargamer, have one article for SST, GOMC1, MA, ACTA, and any others as they are released. I don't mind if it's a scenario or rules, though each issue should be a mix rather than a scenario themed issue... although that could work too.

On top of that, articles that we simply cannot get elsewhere... like the origins of Mongoose Publishing. I'm very interested to hear the next part of the tale with the steps that led to getting the Rebellion license for the Judge Dredd RPG.

I hope that helps.

At the moment with the lack of current releases for Lone Wolf, I see S&P as the only way to keep interest in the line alive, until more regular releases are planned. With sumbissions from fans I think S&P is a good tool to ally fans to contribute to this line and others where there have been no major releases for an extended period.

Scenarios, new classes and other game background information are all needed to keep the line alive and if the readers of S&P see people submitting stuff for 'their' game in the mag it will hopefully encourage others to do so.

It is also very helpful to get feedback from the Mongoose guys when submitting articles and it can be used as a stepping-stone to hopefully become more involved in your favourite product line and maybe make more significant contributions in the future.
Firstly, let me say the start of Mongoose article was great and I can't wait to read the rest of the tale. This isn't something that can continually be pulled out of the hat though (unfortunately).

I admittedly only read the S&P Mini version but find the preview games such as Victory at Sea are brilliant articles and serve the double purpose of gauging gamer support. These articles also show that MGP is tossing around lots of new ideas and that they are thinking outside the box.

Tactics articles are generally my favourite articles and as long as they don't follow the WD method of spruiking the latest model constantly. I think they are a good way of adding depth to the players gaming experience by illustrating tactics and unit combos that they may have never seen or thought of.

Scenarios, Hobby Sections and Special Release Units/Rules (ala MkII K9's) are tried and true. They're a fun read but are not something I continually come back to though.

Oh, almost forgot battlereports. A well done battle report is worth its weight in gold, botch it though and it's an article that you just wish would end and brings to mind images of the English Patient. It's at this point I should say that I have a short attention span and need to be engrossed and entertained in every paragraph, not just every page.

Overall, kudos on great efforts so far and OMG 30,000 downloads! :shock:
It's just such a great read.

Highlights for this month -

Mongoose Origins article - witty and enlightening.

B5 Open Day article - good to read about Claudia Christian's game as I was being slaughtered in Nick the Greek's game at the time.

Battle Report - these always rock... good for picking up new tactics, and learning what *not* to do :roll:
A well-written battle report always makes for a good read. With the expanding range of armies available, this sort of article will become more and more interesting. I'd like to see how the skinnies handle themselves - my own games have so far all been MI vs. bugs.

It's always going to be a big ask to keep everyone happy. With the pdf format, people can pick and choose the articles that are of interest to them, whilst disregarding the rest. The great thing is that if someone gets into a game later on, they can then come back to an issue and download the useful resources.

I like the way Mongoose has tried out a few new games based around existing rules. A good way to test the water and see if there's a demand for a new product of that kind. I also like new rules for games,new equipment, etc.

I realise that the quality of photos included in S&P is limited by the space images take up , but it would be nice to see more examples of armies and painting. I'm sure there must be some amazing work out there.

Basically, I really like S&P and have always found it covers some of the games I am interested in. More of the same please! :D
I like to see little snippets of stuff for games, good for players who can't afford all the supplements.

I also like the Mongoose articles, Tales, Origins, etc. that and Design and Conquer.

And the articles for the less popular games are good, a way to keep them in the eyes and minds of the players.

I will add my vote to the pile to see articles regarding each publishing gaming system in each article. It is a great way to keep the support going for those games that may be waning, or merely have a less vocal player base.

One thing I also would like to see more of, is in 'print' fan fiction. I know we have a forum for that, but there is something different between seeing things on the forum, and seeing it formatted, printed and with accompanying artwork.

Perhaps we could feature a cycling battle report each month, one for each game each month. This past month I really liked the matching scenario and battle report. That would work really well as a system to promote each game in turn.

Now, if you incorporate everybody's suggestions, you're likely to double the size of the magazine, and as much as most would say that's a good thing, I personally think it could very quickly become a rather unwieldy read. So as much as I would obviously like to see -everything- in the magazine, I don't think it should get too much bigger then it is now.
A while ago I did ask about the likelyhood of a Signs & Portents Compendiem.

Either of the whole thing or in separate books of all the combined articles on Judge Dredd, Slaine, Conan, Starship Troopers, Babelon Five, everthing else that has been covered.

Those articles such the interveiw with Gary Gygax would make great fillers.

Of course if this isn't possible.

Then would it be asking too much if all previous issues of Signs & Portents be made into a free downloads.
personally, i think an article for each system per edition, and perhaps the ability to buy/order or maybe even download a compendium, so that you have a one stop shop for everyhing related to your system.

Otherwise it works just fine as is and certainly is better than WD.
30,000 :shock: That's a lot of gamers.

I really miss having it in print.

Lone Wolf stuff is always good. I always enjoyed Tales from Mongoose Hall.

Oh and that Greg Smith guy writes good. :lol:
Greg Smith said:
Oh and that Greg Smith guy writes good. :lol:
Ignoring that blatant attempt at self-promotion (wish I'd thought of it though, fair play Greg :P ) I have to say that one of the things I like the most is the variety in S&P. The fact that 30,000 read it is great, and like Greg part of me misses it being in print. To be honest though, thinking of the trouble my local FLGS had getting it in, means that it'll probably be accessible to more people being downloadable than anything else.

The one thing is I've been wondering, and it kinds of falls outside the scope of S&P, is of the size of articles. I can think of some B5 things which may not justify a print run, but could be able to fall under the old S&P Presents banner.

I do like Anvil's idea of compilations of some old S&P articles put together into 'bumper packs', i.e. for Lone Wolf, B5 etc. In the case of the B5 one, it could even update the S&P articles to 2nd Ed to make them usable under the new rules.

Chobbly said:
I do like Anvil's idea of compilations of some old S&P articles put together into 'bumper packs', i.e. for Lone Wolf, B5 etc. In the case of the B5 one, it could even update the S&P articles to 2nd Ed to make them usable under the new rules.

We are going to be doing these compilations soon - in fact, many articles written for S&P Wargamer are being designed specifically so you chaps can try them out and, if you like them, they will be going into 'annuals' for each of our miniatures games.

One reason why feedback is important :)
I really like the OGL Horror articles; I can use those in virtually any game I run. For example, I used the Eel Witch (by Morgan Davie) from Issue 31 in a recent Conan game I ran.

I enjoyed W. Jason Peck's Xuthal article. I would like to see more of those "Dark Corners of the Hyborian World" articles. I would also like to see more field guides to the creatures of the Hyborian age (I thought Josh Kapfer's multi-part guide to man apes excelled).

The articles in S&P prompted me to get Judge Dredd, Cybernet, OGL Horror and Babylon 5 core rules, so keep promoting the games through the articles.

I use a lot of the articles in my Conan games, regardless of the system the article was written for, so I would love to see compendiums, since it takes me forever to find whatever article I am looking for.
VincentDarlage said:
I really like the OGL Horror articles; I can use those in virtually any game I run. For example, I used the Eel Witch (by Morgan Davie) from Issue 31 in a recent Conan game I ran.

I enjoyed W. Jason Peck's Xuthal article. I would like to see more of those "Dark Corners of the Hyborian World" articles. I would also like to see more field guides to the creatures of the Hyborian age (I thought Josh Kapfer's multi-part guide to man apes excelled).

It was the articles in S&P that prompted me to get Judge Dredd, Cybernet, OGL Horror and Babylon 5 core rules, so keep promoting the games through the articles.

I use a lot of the articles in my Conan games, regardless of the system the article was written for, so I would love to see compendiums, since it takes me forever to find whatever article I am looking for.
Dude, your drawings are excellent, get hired, now. Also, Dracula rocks. Almost as much as S&P.
msprange said:
We are going to be doing these compilations soon - in fact, many articles written for S&P Wargamer are being designed specifically so you chaps can try them out and, if you like them, they will be going into 'annuals' for each of our miniatures games.



I really appreciate having S&P in PDF format to download, if it wasn't I probably wouldn't be reading it. The reason isn't because I'm cheap, it's simply I have a limited budget to spend so having a free resource that's supports a game is a big plus in my opinion. I tend to read the wargamer version and even though I only have the STT game I am enjoying reading the other articles, especially the Victory At Sea ones.


First of all, I'm happy with the variety of content in S&P as it is. A free download of this quality is very much appreciated.

In recent months my favorite articles (save from my own!!) have been the Top Ten Games We Want But Can't Get and the recent article on how Mongoose was set up (moreso because it ventured to provide some hard facts about the publishing world, something I'm interested in as a wannabe that wants to become more heavily involved in the gaming industry). I liked these articles because they were interesting for a general reader and were not tied down to a particular game system or mechanic. These kinds of articles are only available in S&P.

So, with that in mind I'd be interested in reading...

Interviews with the staff and writers of Mongoose

Diary of a project

Articles about the gaming industry (origins of Mongoose developed into more specific articles that deal with publishing, advertising, sales)

Reports from gaming groups about their hobby

Photographs would also be welcome (what do you guys look like?)

A more regular feature about historical wargaming (possibly this belongs in the section below on non-Mongoose games...)

Encounters (for D&D or any Mongoose game system: an original encounter that can be slotted into an existing campaign, possibly introducing a new monster type, magical item, prestige class or somesuch).

The following suggestions move away from a Mongoose-only content, so may not be acceptable, but here goes...

Review of a PC / console strategy game or RPG possibly with strategy guide

Something about trading card games (though I seem to be the only one that plays them...or admits to playing them anyway...)

Review of literature (fantasy, sci-fi, historical novels, military history)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head at the moment. I guess any of these things would require more work so to make it clear: if nothing changes about S&P I won't be disappointed.


I like to see several things in articles:
The warrgames issues now.

People's armies
Minature showcases
Rules for different stuff
Articles for GOMC 1
Alternative Army list (like those raiders a while back)
Tournament reviews
Updates on new stuff, with shiny new pics.
Discussion on the more intellectual parts of gaming
Mini campaigns
Maybe a mini report from goings on in Mongoose tower every now and then.
The Origin article kicked ass!