Excel Traveller Trade


Emperor Mongoose
Here's an early (mostly) working concept version of a Trade generator for Traveller.
I'm hoping to get other sectors added, and allow custom sectors, but right now it only does the Spinward Marches.
One big problem is that every time you enter anything into a field, it rerolls everything. For now, screen shots and pasting into a word processor will be your friend if you wanted to keep the generated list.

Hopefully someone finds this useful.

2022.09.01 - Fixed issues with some planets. Added Freight lots for transport.
2022.09.02 - Added Passengers, Added Mail
2022.12.02 - Corrected Common Raw Materials base price.

Get it here Get it from the newest editions. Discord ate mine and others have improved upon it.

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Well, I make them for me. If someone else can use them, that's just gravy.
I started on this when my characters first rolled up a merchant ship in CharGen...
I put it aside when they decides they were NOT hauling cargo.
I slapped it together the rest of the way when they wanted to do escort duty and ran into that 800 ton patrol vessel in the custom ship section... and decided maybe they need some secure shipment contracts for extra cash.
Used this in game last night. The players found a few bugs.
Those are fixed.
Added Freight

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Thanks for the tool ! Trying it...

I see that Aramis (the planet) is "Ni" in your Xls file. In Spinward Marches book it is "He Ni"
"He" is for HellWorld and doesn't seem to exist in the Trade codes in the Mgt2 Core rules on page 260, so it should probably be replaced by "De" for a final "De Ni"


Edited for clarity...
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I used the MgT2 Core U2022 trade codes to calculate the trade codes. none of the trade codes are manually entered.
So it only shows the ones listed in that book, and only if they meet the listed criteria.
Thanks for trying it. Let me know if it helps or if you find any errors.
I understand. What I mean is that Aramis is a desert planet and misses the "De" trade code which is in MgT2 Core U2022.

That said, it definitely helps !
Desert is ATM 2-9.
Aramis is A(10), Exotic. It just also does not have water.
I'm chalking the De in the book up to the same sort of error that fits a TL 12 Power Plant on a TL 10 Shuttle for two iterations of HG. ;)

Glad you are finding it useful!
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Added Passengers. RAW indicates passengers are for one jump, so no passengers are calculated if your listed jump drive is lower than the destination distance. If you WANT multi-week passengers, calculated at the listed rate, just change your J-Drive to match distance in the form, and it will enable passengers.
Unless you find errors, this will be the last update until I add additional sectors.


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Excel Tip: You can stop the automatic random calculator each time you enter a number.
In the Ribbon, click Review and unprotect the Trade Goods sheet.
Next go to Formula on the Ribbon and look right until you see Calculation Options. Set it to Manual.
Now the numbers will not calculate until you want them to.
To roll the dice, Either go to the Formula/Calculation/ and click Calculate Sheet
Press [Shift]-F9
Amazing work, thanks for sharing!

Now to diminish what I just said by pointing out a potential typo: I think the base price for Common Manufactured Goods is set 200k cr instead of the 20k cr listed in the Core Rules.

Nice sheet!

Want to set my campaign in The Beyond. So I did a bit remodeling of your sheet (made dynamic sheet references, used names for cells and moved some data).

Now my question is, how did you fill in all hex data and world data? Must be an easier way, then plain typeover from the source book.



Nice sheet!

Want to set my campaign in The Beyond. So I did a bit remodeling of your sheet (made dynamic sheet references, used names for cells and moved some data).

Now my question is, how did you fill in all hex data and world data? Must be an easier way, then plain typeover from the source book.
The easiest (only?) way to get raw sector data is from Travellermap
Go to https://travellermap.com
Click on the sector you want and the pop-up on the left will let you get raw (text data) or a tab separated data file of the sector. Then pop it into a spreadsheet and grab the columns you want.

Nice sheet!

Want to set my campaign in The Beyond. So I did a bit remodeling of your sheet (made dynamic sheet references, used names for cells and moved some data).

Now my question is, how did you fill in all hex data and world data? Must be an easier way, then plain typeover from the source book.
I tried to make the sheet compatible with old and free versions.
I typed in the data from the Spinward Marches book.
Haven't revisited it to add multi-sector functionality yet.
The easiest (only?) way to get raw sector data is from Travellermap
Go to https://travellermap.com
Click on the sector you want and the pop-up on the left will let you get raw (text data) or a tab separated data file of the sector. Then pop it into a spreadsheet and grab the columns you want.
I went whole hog and cloned the git repository; that way I can interrogate the data with everything from grep to graph theory libraries.
I went whole hog and cloned the git repository; that way I can interrogate the data with everything from grep to graph theory libraries.
Git repository is a skill I don't have (yet). But creative with the raw data from travellermap as guessed by Geir, does work.