Dilgar and Cantauri in 2e

Well... if we're posting Centauri fleets... who am I to shy away?
I am thinking the Vorchan/Demos combo will be GREAT in a 3:2 ratio... or something like that.

Demos add that last punch that finally gives these wolf packs some teeth.


1 FAP: Balvarin
1 FAP: 2 Vorchans
1 FAP: 1 Vorchan + 1 Demos
1 FAP: 1 Demos + 1 Maximus
1 FAP: 1 Maximus + 2 Haven

TOTAL: 1 Balvarin, 3 Vorchans, 2 Demos, 2 Maximus, 2 Havens

How's it look?
For Tournement only 8 ships max. with 5 points Raid.


Well that's new...

... isn't it?

Alright, how 'bout this:

2 Vorchan
1 Vorchan + 1 Demos
1 Demos + 1 Covran

TOTAL: Balvarin, Centaurian, Covran, 3 Vorchans, 2 Demos

Also, I meant to note my dismay over the Alterian losing it's rear Matter Cannon (aptly named the "pooper shooter"). I thought it was a nice surprise for people that don't pay attention...

Oh well.
Lord David the Denied said:
Greg, the Liati is nice, but it's battle level and can't be everywhere. In a 5 raid game you'll only have one, or two if you want to be init sinked to death, so the Vorchans and Centurions you're likely to field are going to see shots sailing off into the void while the White Stars caper and dance around you...

Played 5 pt raid against ISA - took my usual Liati, Balvarian, Demos, corvan, maximus, Havens and Kutai and worked very nicely. These days probably just sub the Demos for the Corvan cos its soo nasty :)
The Demos - as very good - lovely ship - sorry should have been more clear. The corvan is nice but if its a choice.................. :)
I'll certainly be using at least two FAPs of Vorchans or Demos in five raid games. In fact I'm tempted to run six Vorchans and a Primus for that iconic ship style. Might try that at my club next week...
Dilgar vs EA:

Well in all honesty looking over the fleets Id hardly say theye going to have any harder a time hurting EA than they did before, EA has lots of interceptors sure but this is different from 1st Ed...... how?

Ok so Dilgar have lost a FEW AD on a couple of the slightly over the top ships like the Tagrath and they lost the frankly pathetic beams a few of them had but Dilgar dont NEED beams to beat interceptors. Sure they may look nasty on paper but pound a ship with 40AD of bolter fire and see how long those interceptors keep stopping shots..... And youve got loads of missiles too now so you can start firing at even greater range! Basically Dilgar can beat EA the way they always have, by simply overwhelming one ship at a time!

As for Centauri, frankly 1st Ed Centauri were a bit overpowered in my oppnion (not broken mind you, they were certainly beatable) they were just a bit too much of a fleet that could win games by just picking the right selection of ships and doing nothing but advancing slowly firing! The decrease in range is just about right to balance out their sheer firepower imho. As for the Primus... weak? WEAK?!?!?! Look at it carefully and remember thats a BATTLE level ship, not War. It may not be able to sit back at long range and blast away like it used to but seriously, look at how much sheer firepower it actually has in the forward arc, it can core out most ships of similar level in one or two volleys without two much trouble. Again, not saying its OVERpowered, it is in my eyes just about right, indeed I think by and large the redone Centauri list is excellent and easily one of the best parts of 2nd Ed. :)
Agreed, 100% This man speaks wisely. I love the new Centauri. Range on the main killer guns has gone up, but the beams have come down to compensate. They've gone from the infamous and inaccurate beam team to the pulse-happy, close-range fleet we see on screen. The iconic ships are viscious, nothing is really a turkey option any more and there are different ways to play instead of the magic formula of Primus, Sulust, Darkner.

I realise I keep repeating myself, but I'm really happy with the fleet as it is. I can't think of much I'd have changed if I'd designed it myself. Only the patrol units and the Secundus bug me a bit, and those are minor issues.
Gotta say on the DIlgar, they changed alot too, same like Centauri.

No more magic ships which you have to take, but a better spread of seriously good ships, not too strong but extremely useful.

You lose a few dice here and there, but you gain lots and lots of missles.

What i love the most about Dilgar is the absolute absence of beams. Theyre very different in that way to practically every other fleet out there. PLUS theyre the ones with huge batteries of effective weapons fire.

I just love the new Tikrit 18 Heavy bolter dice WOOHOO.
Voronesh said:
What i love the most about Dilgar is the absolute absence of beams. Theyre very different in that way to practically every other fleet out there. PLUS theyre the ones with huge batteries of effective weapons fire.

Different from everyone but Vree anyway, no beams there either and again lots and lots of dice :D
Ahh dammit true, but then Vree are SM and thinner on armor (at least on skirmish lvl).

Yeah well at least they have a high tech feel as opposed to the Dilgar low tech feel. Kinda like Early era EA vs Crusade era.........
+ Dilgar have the 'I drop an asteroid on your homeworld' feel

That counts as 999999 bonus points ;)

I love the Mishakur... you could argue it is double the ship it was in Armageddon :shock: Almost twice the firepower (minus the massdriver), plenty more damage and crew, increased command, 4 flights,...
This guy is HUGE.
But Vree have the I steal your cows and draw pictures in your cornfields just to mess with your puny human minds thing going for them ;)
I don't see Dilgar as low-tech. Maybe a more straight-forward approach to their military technology, and a willingness to make up for deficiencies in tech base with raw firepower, but they're hardly low-tech. After all, nearly half the EA and League's military tech is based on captured Dilgar equipment.

Both fleets have a lot to reccomend them. I just can't choose.
Well when you get right down to it which fleet do you like the LOOK of more? Personally I like both but I think Vree edge it slightly. Also their ships are more fun to play, the paper hulls, big guns and SM thing makes them really quite a finnesse fleet that can be very nasty in the hands of skilled opponent.

The Dilgar fleet is more of a 'battering ram' using pentacons of nasty ships to obliterate targets in a huge swathe of bolter fire.
I always try to go for the fleet /models I like the look of - Centauri, EA, Shadows............The Narn look good but they are well......... Narn. minbrai look good as do Vorlons

Don't like the Dilgar or Drakh look, like some Abai and Brakiri ships but not all (not the high level ones)

The Drazi look good and fun (almost orky) - must resist buying..failed............the new war globe is very cool.

Ah well looks like a new league fleet for me then! :roll: :)