Cthulhu the Movie starring Tori Spelling...The Horror...

Raven Blackwell said:
I saw "She-Creature" as recommended by Thoth and I second his review. Despite the awful name it has a very Lovecraftian feel. An ancient evil with no trace of human compassion and unknowable by human minds, protagnoists that lose SAN and lives, very good period costumes and sets including a crumbling manor and old time sailing vessel, good performances by all the actors, a crumbling tome that possesses knowledge that drives the reader closer to madnes, disturbing dreams and visions, an uncharted isle of horrors and a throughly Lovecraftian series of endings. The movie's versions of 'mermaids' would make an ideal alternate to Deep Ones for a Keeper who wants to surprise those already familiar to the Mythos. Although set in 1905 it'd make a lovely 1890's campaign for those who put a little work into it.

In addition Chaosium's new adventure Tatters of the King is highly recommended too. Now if I can only get ahold of the Call of Cthulhu DVD....

I also might have recommended "She Creature". I saw it a week or two previously on the SciFi channel. Very creepy and atmospheric! 8)
oh god, if theres a friggin love story in "cthulhu" im sacrificing the entire cast to summon a great old one to blow us all to hell, whos with me?

in any case, do any of the lovecraftian films have spoken parts? i dont care if theyre black and white or not (hate to sound like a noob, but i was completley unaware of lovecraft films until recently)
The best Lovecraftian films I have seen- and I haven't seen many mind you- are "The Hound" and "Nyarlathotep". Both are silent black and white with the story narated by the central character. They are both found as side features on recently released Volume One of the Lovecraft DVD collection called "Cool Air" among other places.

Lovecraft doesn't translate into dialogue very well- in fact if you read his material he almost never uses it in his stories instead explaining the content of what a person says or a monologue. This lack of communication helps create the air of isolation and alien atmosphere of his stories- we are used to used to a more interactive form of communication. Being deprived of it sets you off balance. If you watch the DVD compare the stories to the disc's main feature "Cool Air" and "An Imperfect Solution" which use traditional dialogue and plot development. They are simply not as scary or engaging.
I'm heartened by all the positive reviews from everyone on certain HP movies - I'm going to definitely check them out. I had given up hope after seeing so many awful T & A crapfests with HP's name that I soon stopped wasting my money and renting them. To date I don't own one HP film in my collection but I can't wait to see some of these recommendations.


Oh for the record, there's nothing wrong with a little T & A but I never read a HP story that had any with sorority girls. Maddened cultists in swamps not withstanding. :lol:
They've found a 1933 WPA newsreel of H.P. himself giving an interview!! Okay, not really; its a promo for the Tori Spelling contaminated Cthulhu movie. Check it out:


Speaking of contamination, I gotta get me a can or two of this wonderful new product, Eldritch Off!... We are, after all, entering the heavy Mi-Go season...


And as for this Cthulhu movie itself, remember, safety first: be sure to quickly avert your eyes when the Horrific beast known as Tori Spelling comes on screen... Exposure to her non-euclidean face, with its bizarre angles and disproportionate dimensions, can lead to at least a 10 week stint at Miskatonic University's Psych ward... Haw haw!!! :lol:
Thoth Aw C'mon said:
They've found a 1933 WPA newsreel of H.P. himself giving an interview!! Okay, not really; its a promo for the Tori Spelling contaminated Cthulhu movie. Check it out:


Blasphemy! They should have just collected the essential salts and done the little ritual Mr. Ward was so fond of. Remember kids, with strange aeons even death may die. Just play safe and never summon something you can't send back as well.

And as for this Cthulhu movie itself, remember, safety first: be sure to quickly avert your eyes when the Horrific beast known as Tori Spelling comes on screen... Exposure to her non-euclidean face, with its bizarre angles and disproportionate dimensions, can lead to at least a 10 week stint at Miskatonic University's Psych ward... Haw haw!!! :lol:

Hmm, perhaps the whole movie is another cunning plot by the King in Yellow? How devious, using story of his...its...rival to spread corruption and mental decay among the unsuspecting victims.
THe movie review is pretty harsh, but I'm probably guessing pretty accurate in its criticism.

see: http://www.ectomo.com/?p=262
Spectator wrote:
The movie review is pretty harsh, but I'm probably guessing pretty accurate in its criticism.

I guess nobody around expected it to be good. A mainstream Cthulhu movie starring Tori Spelling: what could we expect?