Thoth Aw C'mon
Egads. Check it out. Hope HPL is truly dead and not floating around somewhere looking down (or up) at this trainwreck in the making... I mean, Tori Spelling? :roll: Good gravy... Anyhoo, heres their site:
They have a trailor on the site, which didnt do anything to alay my fears of impending crappiness. I dont know. MAYBE it'll be good. Maybe... I'm gonna see it no matter what, probably. But I'm just not hopeful at this point...
On the lighter side, I recently bought the DVD of the Movie "The Call of Cthulhu" made by the HPL Historical Society. Its a black and white Silent Film, and its remarkably good. They also have some trailors available online to check out. I really enjoyed this flick. I have to say making a silent film, and that fact that its in black and white, really adds to the effect of the film. A lot of HPL flicks suck, lets face it. His stories are pretty introspective, with characters struggling with their sanity as they piece together clues about the Mythos, and perhaps this doesnt lend itself to a lot of dialogue, which is needed in a "talky" to provide the exposition to move the story along. Here the story is moved along with (fairly) terse written statements on the screen in between the acting scenes. And the musical score that plays is a lot of fun. The DVD comes with extras as well, such as deleted scenes (the ones with ol' tentacle face himself moving around are a lot of fun to see. The big "C" is onscreen quite a bit in this movie, and he looks great! Good to see him getting work. ) And the extras showing how they did their really innovative and creative special effects are cool, too. All in all it really is worth the asking price. Another cool aspect to it is its like a soundtrack and movie in one, as you can just listen to the movie and not even watch the tv and all you hear is the music, as again its a silent flick. Humorously enough they do offer a soundtrack for sale on their site. Oh by the way their site is:
They have a lot of other things for sale, which I imagine would be real treasures to a Cthulhu LARP group. Anyhoo, check it out.
On another Mythos related point, my brother and I just had a great Week O' Gaming where we both took a week off work and (as the moniker for the week implies) played a helluva lot of games including an effing GREAT Conan the RPG adventure I'll be posting about here shortly. But we also played a boardgame called "The Arkham Horror," by Fantasy Flight Games, which we enjoyed a lot. They're also the company behind Runebound, which we also played during our awesome Week O' Gaming, and we really loved Runebound as well. Both games are a helluva lot of fun. We played Arkham Horror four times, and had a great time being sent to the nut house, the hospital or being lost in time and space innumerable times. Its a hard game, and we were able to defeat the Ancient Ones only once. Although in another game we just needed to make one roll to close the last gate and we would have won. After two turns (and therefore two missed rolls) to close the gate, we still could not do so. And soon more gates opened up spewing out all manner of foul monstrosities, and we eventually lost the game. But we found it to be a really fun and challenging game, and although at first the rules can be a bit confusing at times, the game is great, IMHO. Also it really has a high production value, with beautiful tokens, cards, markers, and the board itself, depicting Arkham itself, is really big and beautifully done. They are soon coming out with a Dark Pharoah expansion, and huge Dunwich Horror supplement, which comes with a whole new board, so the game is only going to get bigger, literally, and I hope even better. But we found it to be really fun. 8) Here's its main page:
They have a trailor on the site, which didnt do anything to alay my fears of impending crappiness. I dont know. MAYBE it'll be good. Maybe... I'm gonna see it no matter what, probably. But I'm just not hopeful at this point...
On the lighter side, I recently bought the DVD of the Movie "The Call of Cthulhu" made by the HPL Historical Society. Its a black and white Silent Film, and its remarkably good. They also have some trailors available online to check out. I really enjoyed this flick. I have to say making a silent film, and that fact that its in black and white, really adds to the effect of the film. A lot of HPL flicks suck, lets face it. His stories are pretty introspective, with characters struggling with their sanity as they piece together clues about the Mythos, and perhaps this doesnt lend itself to a lot of dialogue, which is needed in a "talky" to provide the exposition to move the story along. Here the story is moved along with (fairly) terse written statements on the screen in between the acting scenes. And the musical score that plays is a lot of fun. The DVD comes with extras as well, such as deleted scenes (the ones with ol' tentacle face himself moving around are a lot of fun to see. The big "C" is onscreen quite a bit in this movie, and he looks great! Good to see him getting work. ) And the extras showing how they did their really innovative and creative special effects are cool, too. All in all it really is worth the asking price. Another cool aspect to it is its like a soundtrack and movie in one, as you can just listen to the movie and not even watch the tv and all you hear is the music, as again its a silent flick. Humorously enough they do offer a soundtrack for sale on their site. Oh by the way their site is:
They have a lot of other things for sale, which I imagine would be real treasures to a Cthulhu LARP group. Anyhoo, check it out.
On another Mythos related point, my brother and I just had a great Week O' Gaming where we both took a week off work and (as the moniker for the week implies) played a helluva lot of games including an effing GREAT Conan the RPG adventure I'll be posting about here shortly. But we also played a boardgame called "The Arkham Horror," by Fantasy Flight Games, which we enjoyed a lot. They're also the company behind Runebound, which we also played during our awesome Week O' Gaming, and we really loved Runebound as well. Both games are a helluva lot of fun. We played Arkham Horror four times, and had a great time being sent to the nut house, the hospital or being lost in time and space innumerable times. Its a hard game, and we were able to defeat the Ancient Ones only once. Although in another game we just needed to make one roll to close the last gate and we would have won. After two turns (and therefore two missed rolls) to close the gate, we still could not do so. And soon more gates opened up spewing out all manner of foul monstrosities, and we eventually lost the game. But we found it to be a really fun and challenging game, and although at first the rules can be a bit confusing at times, the game is great, IMHO. Also it really has a high production value, with beautiful tokens, cards, markers, and the board itself, depicting Arkham itself, is really big and beautifully done. They are soon coming out with a Dark Pharoah expansion, and huge Dunwich Horror supplement, which comes with a whole new board, so the game is only going to get bigger, literally, and I hope even better. But we found it to be really fun. 8) Here's its main page: