In defense of AP 1 claws, let me point a few things out-
1) The steel of the Hyborian Age is much lower quality than the what we think of as steel. The cultures of Hyboria had a sort of Dark/Bronze Age hybrid level of technology. Barring Sorcery or certain Kothic volcanos, there is no way to get fire of that age hot enough to eliminate the level of impurities that a modern facility could. For the most part, that metal of that Age would fail the average quality assurance testing of our Age. 8) In additon, the skill level of that age is far less than the smiths who work to produce armor for entertainment purpsoes now. So thus the armor characters are using in the game would afford less protection that a modern replica.
In addition, as stated before, the only type of armor that is mostly steel is Full Plate, which isn't going to available to most people outside of the landed gentry who have large retinues of servants and bodyguards to keep said animals away. Others type mix leather and chain and steel plate postioned at vital areas. A lot of people use scavenged, jury rigged or second hand bits of armor- armor after all isn't cheap and most people couldn't afford it even if it was available. Not to mention the amount of maitainence said armor requires- one good rain and chainmail rusts....
Being said, the average suit of armor isn't going to afford as much protection as one would like. Armor isn't an impentrible forcefield- a bear couldn't claw through a breastplate, but it's claws could slide down it, hook onto a chainmail/leather part of it and start to tear at the seams and rifts. It isn't making a finesse atack here- it didn't aim for the weak points, but since armor doesn't present the same level of coverage to all areas, there is only so much protection it can give.
2) When AP exceeds a target's DR, the DR doesn't suddenly vanish- it is merely halved. As author and Celtic scholar Katherine Kerr once wrote despite all the stories and ballads about foes being dispatched in a single blow, usually you just beat the guy to death inside his armor. If steel chain and plate are driven into flesh it hurts. A lot. That's why the leather and padded underportions of the armor are there- to reduce the bruising. Realistic armor of any sort isn't designed to prevent injury, merely reduce it to manageable levels. Outside of high magic fantasy or high sci-fi setting no type of armor could prevant 100% of the damage a peson receives. Stell, leather and chain armor merely are designed to stop low powered attacks and spread the impact of a greater tramua across a wider area and absorb part of it. Bulletproof vests aren't for the most part- they won't stop a direct hit at short range, where most firefights occur, just bullets that have already lost a good amount of their kinetic force already or don't hit directly. They are also useless for stabbing and a lot of bruise damage.
3) Predators are more dangerous than you think they are. We of the Western European based countries have the benefit of our ancestors wiping clean the indigenous predators of our habitats. Those few that remain are more of a danger to our domestic pets than ourselves. In areas of the second and third world, this is not true- great cats, hyneas and other predators take human prey in Asia and Africa, crocodiles stalk washer women in the Nile and wolves have been reported devouring humans in Afganistan. In South America, a full sized panther is capable of shearing off a human head in a single swipe. In America, cougars have started to even the score for their near extinxtion. They had been following the reemrging deer population and some started studying human populations and learning their patterns- stalking jogging paths and bike trails. A small number of people have been killed and many more attacked. One rather well documented near fatal attack showed a cougar using a few familiar tactics- after failing to establish a Grapple in the Sneak Attack from behind, the cougar Bull's Rushed the man after the man failed his Demoralize Opponent attempt. [the man was knocked back 30 ft from the impact] The cougar Grappled him the man by latching its jaws onto the man's forehead and trying to bite through his skull. The man survived only because he got a critical with a Swiss Army knife- he stabbed it in the eye. In true Hyborian fashion, he swore vengeance- he has offered a cash reward to to anyone who finds the one eyed cougar- he intends to shoot it. 8)
4) Realism aside, think of game balance. If a animal can't hurt the party it is no threat. Since Conan has less prevelant supernatural threats than D&D natural encounters are going to be far more common. No wandering terrasques or bulletes here. 8) So in order to maintain a level of tension, the has to be a credible threat to the party. Predators can and will stalk the party and would prefer to attack lone sentries and scouts- but with a little work even a lone Warior or Barbarian of low-to-mid level should be worried about encoutering 'just an animal'. If the animals have access to AP 1 claws and AP 2 bites, use of simple abilities Feats such as Power Attack, Sneak Attack, Improved Feint and Demoralize Opponent, their threat rating increases significantly. By using these options, on two occasions a panther represented a threat to seperate 4th level barbarians. In fact one occasion, a barbarian let a panther steal his kill than fight it. If you argue that 'dumb animals' should have access to such abilites, think about this. Humans are amatuers at killing- we aren't born to it and we have to train to become effective fighters and killers. Predators are born with one purpose the the world- to kill. Every instinct they possess is designed to elimnate any threat to its existence and stalk prey. They are certainly capable of learning through experience and to improvise simple tactics. In the Hyborian Age, nature is far more primal as well- perhaps the predators of that Age retain a intellect and vitality lost to the animals of our current Age.
Raven, musing.