Brakiri/Abbai Brivoki Advanced Warship makeover

The more I look at it, the less I want to finish my own design. The only thing i don't like is that I still think it is a bit to wide around the middle, if you get my drift(width). But then again, I am a big fan of thin ships.
chaos0xomega said:
The more I look at it, the less I want to finish my own design. The only thing i don't like is that I still think it is a bit to wide around the middle, if you get my drift(width). But then again, I am a big fan of thin ships.

Hey! Don't say something like that! Remember at the end we will are going to make a poll to see the finnal desion from the people of the forum.
chaos0xomega said:
The more I look at it, the less I want to finish my own design. The only thing i don't like is that I still think it is a bit to wide around the middle, if you get my drift(width). But then again, I am a big fan of thin ships.

Seriously, finish it. You never know when you'll get the. 'Thats a great idea! And what about....' moment from someone.
A merging of the two (chaos's and Cap'n's) I think would create the kind of ship we (or atleast I) want.

Slim down Cap'n's and use the Milani prow (on chaos's) and add it to the new design. It would be the perfect combination of Abbais and Brakiri design, taking obvious aspects from each race and combining them into a single ship.

Both of you are WAY more dedicated then me who would sooner criticize the design then go out and draw it myself.
go to see another take on the ship, good work Capn' Silvereye. I got to say that the designs put forward have in my opinion been some of the most attractive looking designs I have seen for b5. I normally go for Narn lines, but these rock!! Keep up the fruitful grey matter!!
This an update of all the ideas for concept up to sept. 15 2006.



Ireally like your new desing. But just to be sure than everyone saw all the desing.





I will need to the people who made those beatifull drawing given a name to all their creatoin to make a poll vote. And also if you want to set stads will be beter. :P
Yes, but some of the designs may not fit with the rules of the Brivoki or whatever, so chances are this would become a new ship, that everyone would use instead of the Brivoki. Or not.

I refuse to give a name until my ship is done!

That way you can't post it incomplete on the forums :lol:
chaos0xomega said:
Yes, but some of the designs may not fit with the rules of the Brivoki or whatever, so chances are this would become a new ship, that everyone would use instead of the Brivoki. Or not.

I refuse to give a name until my ship is done!

That way you can't post it incomplete on the forums :lol:

Your such an obstrutionist... :lol:
chaos0xomega said:
Yes, but some of the designs may not fit with the rules of the Brivoki or whatever, so chances are this would become a new ship, that everyone would use instead of the Brivoki. Or not.

I refuse to give a name until my ship is done!

That way you can't post it incomplete on the forums :lol:

That sound logic to me! :wink:
After Chaos Oxomega finish is drawing ( I'm waiting for you Chaos! ) I will open another post. Maybe with the name" Neo Brivoki poll. "
Which can be neatly arranged into the ONE Brivoki Poll.....

God you have got to love Matrix sometimes. Just the first one ^^.