Brakiri/Abbai Brivoki Advanced Warship makeover

friendlyfire said:
3rd Mate (Abraxas) said:
... and can someone tell me why the side pods on the Brivoki has acne? What is with those little bumps?

Yeah... I really detest that Brivoki, not cause it fell out of an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down... but also (like several have said) lacks the hybrid look that it was supposed to accomplish.

Without the fiction I would deduce that it is entirely Brakiri... it needs work.
They are little fins! When the Brivoki is startled it reveals these and begins to ruffle them.

... like the quills of a porky pine?

friendlyfire said:
Did you also notice those enormous windows across the side of the ship?

I can see the fin of the Brovoki located on the bottom towards the front coming from an Abbai Tiraca's top fin and then continued the design on the top fin but thats it...

Yeah, I noticed the top and bottom fins. It was like they were building a Brakiri Dreadnaught and then went, "Oh crap. It's supposed to be Abbai too... alright, we'll just stick this here and turn this around and add sub woofers cause the Abbai love there space toons. There. Done. Ta Da"

Oh well.

Can anyone get a better prespective of the Coraumi Dreadnaught? The side profile limits the rest of the ship. attempts at artistic doodles following my comments earlier.....

This is essentially a Corumai dreadnought with various abbai hull features added (I'm sure I don't need to point them out).

Here's my version of the Brivoki Dreadnought:

With Brakiri heraldry


and in Abbai colours

Wow! Great Job. And fast...

It still needs some more Abbai stuff, without getting too crazy. Maybe fins along the length of the hull and the port/stb sides? Just a suggestion...
3rd Mate (Abraxas) said:
Well, the pic is a little small (of the other Brakiri ships) but I know that the top left one is the Corami Dreadnaught. I think it is sleek and cool... and of course VERY big, so if you were thinking of modding a ship, I would base it along that design.

Am I jumping the gun? What are your intentions?

To make poeple talk and see if Mongoose are lisend what people like. :roll:
Alien - Have I met you before. And by met i mean, are you the same one that was on the Dreamforge forums?

Anyway, what is it with those subwoofers anyway?
3rd Mate (Abraxas) said:
locarno24 said:
Use the coroumi hull shape (it's cool), if you want to make it look more abbai, give it the rounded hull plates common to the abbai (whereas brakiri tend to be squared and flat with slightly rounded corners) and a slightly re-entrant prow as on the tiraca (don't overdo it and create another miniature with a daft grin....)

Lastly, make the lower main fin the same as the wings off the bimith (which is the moste barkiri looking abbi ship)

And then give it to me... :D

Is the Brivoki even any good? Obviously without giving away too much... but is it? Just curious.

No Quarter Nomad said:
The Coroumai (sp?) was from B5W, where one played a brief but important role in defending Brokados from the Dilgar. There was also a carrier variant.

The same dreadnaught (or did they build more than one?) was supposed to fight at the Battle of Couriana 6 but it was plagued with mechanical issues. It never made it... obviously.

Rbax has stats for the Corumai Dreadnaught - Dilgar Era
Speed 5
Turn 1/45
Hull 5
Damage - 93/16
Crew - 99/16
Troops 5
Craft - none
Special - Command +1, Jump Point
In Service - 2230+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Graviton Beam 18 F 12 Beam, DD, SL
Graviton Beam 18 F 6 Beam, DD, SL
Graviton Bolter 12 F 4 DD
Graviton Bolter 12 A 4 DD
Graviton Bolter 12 P 4 DD
Graviton Bolter 12 S 4 DD
Gravitic Bolt 3 T 6 Anti-Fighter, Weak

To update it to current design, Change Bolters to Graviton Pulsars. Increase to 6AD and change from DD to AP

Dave suggested; second version of the Brivoki Thunderbird
(clearly the Drazi decided to get involved in the conglomerate...)

Attempted to make the gun-wings reminiscent of the shyarie and the avioki.


chaos0xomega said:
Alien - Have I met you before. And by met i mean, are you the same one that was on the Dreamforge forums?

Anyway, what is it with those subwoofers anyway?

Yes I'm! :P how you doing? What happend with DF? Is still alive? Well, you know me, I like people tell what they want. :P

Btw; I really like this model modification.


But because this supost to be an Armagedon ship ,should have a montrous weapon, maybe in the top of the ship. :wink:
Hmm...not so sure. Maybe the Brakiri, but certainly the Abbai aren't ones for superguns.
Advanced defences, maybe.

(look folks! we've come up with interceptors that can disrupt beam fire....)
alien027 said:
chaos0xomega said:
Alien - Have I met you before. And by met i mean, are you the same one that was on the Dreamforge forums?

Anyway, what is it with those subwoofers anyway?

Yes I'm! :P how you doing? What happend with DF? Is still alive? Well, you know me, I like people tell what they want. :P

Btw; I really like this model modification.

But because this supost to be an Armagedon ship ,should have a montrous weapon, maybe in the top of the ship. :wink:

Actually, the Courami was a War Level ship

Well, we are turning the Courami into an Armageddon level ship, say goodbye to war(IE, we took the courami hull, and are basically upsizing it to create a completely new vessel, at least that is the way I interpret it). A++++ on that mod btw, but here are my thoughts on it:

Make it narrower. IT looks to FAT
Make it longer. IT looks to STUBBY
^ Those two go hand-in-hand ^
The downward angled in fin in the back(very back of the ship), should not go straight down. Instead angle it quite a bit, so that they jut out at 45 degree angles(assuming straight down is 90).
For the front of it, I'm thinking something similar to the Arioki, or perhaps(my personal choice) more of a Hammerhead design with Madibles similar to the Miliani, except they go back into the hull.

Since most of my idea's don't exactly translate easily, I will try my hand at photoshop and modify your pics to get my view across.
chaos0xomega said:
Well, we are turning the Courami into an Armageddon level ship, say goodbye to war(IE, we took the courami hull, and are basically upsizing it to create a completely new vessel, at least that is the way I interpret it). A++++ on that mod btw, but here are my thoughts on it:

Make it narrower. IT looks to FAT
Make it longer. IT looks to STUBBY
^ Those two go hand-in-hand ^
The downward angled in fin in the back(very back of the ship), should not go straight down. Instead angle it quite a bit, so that they jut out at 45 degree angles(assuming straight down is 90).
For the front of it, I'm thinking something similar to the Arioki, or perhaps(my personal choice) more of a Hammerhead design with Madibles similar to the Miliani, except they go back into the hull.

Since most of my idea's don't exactly translate easily, I will try my hand at photoshop and modify your pics to get my view across.

Oooooh I can't wait. I understand what you want... basically a leaner/slimmer Courami with a "hammer head front". The former will be "easy", but changing the front could get hairy...

Looking forward to this.
Don't look forward to it too much. I haven't used photoshop or paint in ages, and as such have no clue as to what I am doing anymore, so I am basically going to make one half of it, and attempt teh side view, and leave it up to your imagination. Don't expect it too look anywhere near as good as the other ones posted.

EDIT: DONE! READY FOR THE COOLEST THING EVER!? Well, you'll ahve to wait, cuz this piece oo' crap is all I got!

The doodles look good.

And actually you could turn the Corumai into a Armageddon ship. It is OLD. So it gets a refit, by Abbai. Plus if you consider the time, Anti-Drakh crusade by Abbai, they would actually stick some serious guns on that one.

You might even go with the unlocked bolter arrays from Abbai. Lovely AP, DD, T-L stuff.

Yes i am speaking from the grave ^^.
Well, if you want to make it an Abbai/Brakiri Armageddon mix, I would suggest this

Speed: 5 Damage: 93/16 Craft: None
Turn: 1/45 Crew: 99/16 Special: Int. 4, Command +1, JP
Hull: 6 Troops: 5 In Service 2264+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grav. Beam 18 F 12 Beam, DD, SL
Combat Laser 18 F 6 SAP, Precise
Grav. Pulsar 12 F 10 AP, TL
Grav. Pulsar 12 P 8 AP, TL
Grav. Pulsar 12 S 8 AP, TL
Grav. Pulsar 12 A 8 AP, TL
Grav. Bolt 3 T 8 Anti-Figher, Weak

That's your armageddon level ship.
If you really want the cheese, add AP to the Grav. Beam

Davesaint said:
Well, if you want to make it an Abbai/Brakiri Armageddon mix, I would suggest this

Speed: 5 Damage: 93/16 Craft: None
Turn: 1/45 Crew: 99/16 Special: Int. 4, Command +1, JP
Hull: 6 Troops: 5 In Service 2264+

Weapon Range Arc AD Special
Grav. Beam 18 F 12 Beam, DD, SL
Combat Laser 18 F 6 SAP, Precise
Grav. Pulsar 12 F 10 AP, TL
Grav. Pulsar 12 P 8 AP, TL
Grav. Pulsar 12 S 8 AP, TL
Grav. Pulsar 12 A 8 AP, TL
Grav. Bolt 3 T 8 Anti-Figher, Weak

That's your armageddon level ship.
If you really want the cheese, add AP to the Grav. Beam


I like those stads, But where is the drawing? I need the drawing!
BTW: Chaos, you ship final looks like this? :P

I would use this one:


and in Abbai colours
