Brakiri/Abbai Brivoki Advanced Warship makeover


This is what I speant like 5 hours on this afternoon. It took me forever to find a good shape and stuff that I liked, and to get everything symetrical and to color it all in.

This is the current version. I still have more(YIKES :shock: !) things to add to the top view, and have to modify the side view. I decided to submit this one though, to start getting feedback and make changes(where possible) in advance.
WOW! Look great! This will be very dificult to deside which is the best model. again, if the original modd is broken, now they have 2 very cool desing to choose. :P

BTW: Did any of the moderators said something about this? soorry I loose track of who post in this topic. :P

Again, Hi Omega!
Really like that one.

Maybe shorten the tail up just a bit as it is starting to look a bit stretched.

The side wings maybe should be just a tad closer to the widened hull and just slightly wider to put the antenae/weapon barrels outside the body.

Ripple said:
Really like that one.

Maybe shorten the tail up just a bit as it is starting to look a bit stretched.

The side wings maybe should be just a tad closer to the widened hull and just slightly wider to put the antenae/weapon barrels outside the body.


I agree 100%. After that, I would buy it. Now that we have the top view, anyone wanna work on a side view... just for "shits and giggles"?

Great job guys. I wish MP did this with every model. Then, they add aspects of each one comiling it into a ship with aspects that everyone loved, cause we all know you will never make all the people happy all the time, so you might as well settle for the happy medium.

Of course, MP is allowed to add TASTEFUL additions... as long as they don't resemble boomboxes or spinning rims. Then we will ALL be happy.

Great job to everyone that contributed, especially those that MADE the pictures.
To be fair, they haven't designed that many new models from scratch for ACTA; most are inherited canon designs either from AoG or the series...

But yeah, I think spinning concept designs out to the forums is a nice idea; you don't have to give us the rules (beyond enough to know "it's got a humungous gun on a big turret)....thing is of cours that you have issues of who owns IPR for the designs posted up on a forum - they've been posted in the public domain, and were not drawn by mongoose employees...

Provided you get people to sign up to an agreement I imagine it should be workable around, but I'm no lawyer and do not know such things...
I really really like your last deisgn locarrrrno24, I dobn't normally by models but if this was available I would get one.

chaos0xomega: more good work also.

It seems that people here on the forum have more imagination that of th current designers - shame they didn't speak to people before they went ahead and released the lump thats for sale.

I am looking forward to seeing the results of the poll too.

Any other new ships people think are somewhat lacking in imagination and creativity? I think they could of done more with the Narn Ka'Bin'Tak and the Vree Cylon Base star effort just for starters
I see what you mean about cylon base ship.
And so much flat metal - is it just me or does that seem to be more and more common with the bigger ships?

What's it armed with? We could try one ourselves...
locarrrrno24 said:
I see what you mean about cylon base ship.
And so much flat metal - is it just me or does that seem to be more and more common with the bigger ships?

What's it armed with? We could try one ourselves...

I get the distinct impression that the sculptor has a personal vendetta against any kind of Hull markings, plates, gun barrel detail, and clearly has size issues.

So then Grant, can you sculpt me a ship, a bit bigger than this Bimith by ooh, 20%? Sure mate, want a boombox on it, what about some whirling wheel trims, and I can getcha a good deal on metal mate, know what I mean. Now then, wheres my chaved up fiesta, that will give me inspiration. . .
locarrrrno24 said:
I see what you mean about cylon base ship.
And so much flat metal - is it just me or does that seem to be more and more common with the bigger ships?

What's it armed with? We could try one ourselves...

I suspect that it will have a decent fighter compliment of Tzymm's. Then standard heavy Anti-matter torps, antimatter cannons, shredders and antiproton guns - just more AD on each than the Xaak presumably.
Yellow Beard hiffano said:
I get the distinct impression that the sculptor has a personal vendetta against any kind of Hull markings, plates, gun barrel detail, and clearly has size issues.

So then Grant, can you sculpt me a ship, a bit bigger than this Bimith by ooh, 20%? Sure mate, want a boombox on it, what about some whirling wheel trims, and I can getcha a good deal on metal mate, know what I mean. Now then, wheres my chaved up fiesta, that will give me inspiration. . .

This definetly appears to be the case, a lot of the new ships seem a bit lacking unless they are EA ( no surprises there....grumble grumble)
Actually i consider Narn ships to be better, but only because they get a little hull detail......well the scratched out lines, so its not really by much.

But why are they so big, its a miniature game after all. And its spaceships on top, so it isnt something we can reliably relate to.

Starship troopers and tankers, hell yeah, we know how big a human is and how he must feel. But a spaceship. How long are 1.7 klicks again?
OK, the pencils and stuff version. Non of that fangled computer paint for me. The scanned image is a littel fuzzy in places but should hopefully give a better idea of what I was aiming for.


Top picture - Top down view of the port side of the ship.
Middle picture - Side view, the brakiri 'scalloping' is the thin double line along the centre of the main hull. I added an additional weapon into the dorsal fin.
Bottom left - view of the abbai fins at the rear of the ship
Bottom right - view at the front of the ship, half shown.

I also quadded up the lance type things in the side pods. If its good enough for an array, its good enough for a lance...

I can e-mail a higher quality scan of the images if people want.
Silvereye- not bad, but I think you took the hammerhead thing a bit TOO literally. To me it looks a lot like a space version of the Nautilus if you know what I mean, although it does have some sort of a charm to it that I am strangely attracted to.
Ripple - Were you talking to me? I thought you were, but I ain't sure, some of what you said makes me think no(widened hull?)
Morgoth said:
I really really like your last deisgn locarrrrno24, I dobn't normally by models but if this was available I would get one.

chaos0xomega: more good work also.

It seems that people here on the forum have more imagination that of th current designers - shame they didn't speak to people before they went ahead and released the lump thats for sale.

I am looking forward to seeing the results of the poll too.

Any other new ships people think are somewhat lacking in imagination and creativity? I think they could of done more with the Narn Ka'Bin'Tak and the Vree Cylon Base star effort just for starters

I will like to congratulate the poeple who made those beutifull desing, Is good to see people agree about something with this ship. Also if I'm correct, some people who write in this post work at Mogoose, will be nice to know their opinion about this drawing concept about this race ship. And not talking than they need to agree 100% but is good to know what they think. We all just want than Armagedon project to be 100% suscefull with all races and the best product it can be. Remember here are poeple than know more than B5 than the original series writer. :P
chaos0xomega said:
Silvereye- not bad, but I think you took the hammerhead thing a bit TOO literally. To me it looks a lot like a space version of the Nautilus if you know what I mean, although it does have some sort of a charm to it that I am strangely attracted to.

Overall I know what you mean, it looks 'right'.

But which Nautilus? There have been a lot of them over the years. But I suppose that might fit nicely into the Abbai aquaticness. As to the hammerhead, at first I thought it too big. But when I reduced it, it didn't look quite right. As it is there seems to be a satisfying chunkiness to it, but it still retains the delicate looking, flowing struts.
Cap'n Silvereye said:
OK, the pencils and stuff version. Non of that fangled computer paint for me. The scanned image is a littel fuzzy in places but should hopefully give a better idea of what I was aiming for.

Given your talent, I reccomend "pencils and stuff" version ALL the time. Great Job Cap'n.

Cap'n Silvereye said:

Top picture - Top down view of the port side of the ship.
Middle picture - Side view, the brakiri 'scalloping' is the thin double line along the centre of the main hull. I added an additional weapon into the dorsal fin.
Bottom left - view of the abbai fins at the rear of the ship
Bottom right - view at the front of the ship, half shown.

Well... that changed my mind... I like this better. If we could just include the aspect of the Milani Carrier into this (the "wings" I mean)... it would be solid.

Excellent Job Cap'n. I love where this thread is going. It has shown a lot of creativity among members... and most especially, possible molds for the next Brivoki... maybe... possibly?