dear iron chef
yeah its a disgusting + insane crime by cpi!
back in 1995 cpi loved Hocking's [JH] 1st book - emerald lotus
+ asked him to do a 2nd for them.
he wrote it for 2 years + sent it in + has written about half of a 3rd conan book since.
cpi have tortured him since 97 + wont even admit to having read it yet!?!
only recently did cpi say that they had no plans to publish any more cps!
[ meanwhile the poor venarium teen book was released + failed ! ]
thats why i'm so DISGUSTED with cpi cause JH was my big hope for good future cps!
i've politely complained a lot [emails] to cpi + they will not even reply!
JH has thanked me + other fans for our support but he has left the conan forums to write his own stuff. [understandably]
i thought u all would find this very interesting.
may Crom spit on the current cpi !
best wishes to all u Hocking fans!

yeah its a disgusting + insane crime by cpi!
back in 1995 cpi loved Hocking's [JH] 1st book - emerald lotus
+ asked him to do a 2nd for them.
he wrote it for 2 years + sent it in + has written about half of a 3rd conan book since.
cpi have tortured him since 97 + wont even admit to having read it yet!?!
only recently did cpi say that they had no plans to publish any more cps!
[ meanwhile the poor venarium teen book was released + failed ! ]
thats why i'm so DISGUSTED with cpi cause JH was my big hope for good future cps!
i've politely complained a lot [emails] to cpi + they will not even reply!
JH has thanked me + other fans for our support but he has left the conan forums to write his own stuff. [understandably]
i thought u all would find this very interesting.
may Crom spit on the current cpi !
best wishes to all u Hocking fans!