Books with different races

I answered 3 in a quiz (assuming those 3) and got it wrong, there's a 4th British Sign Language!
The quiz-masters are pedants :)

So correction - spoken languages.

I was in a pub quiz - the round was identify the national flags.

One was the flag of the Netherlands so that's what I put. They said I was wrong and it was Holland. No amount of appeals got me the point. Good job I didn't say it was the Dutch flag...
I have always seen the Vilani more like prefering economical warfare;
"So your world do not like to join the great Vilani Empire" no worries, we will supply you with high tech until you are dependent on us, then we will strangle the import to your worlds, so that you must beg us to join in order to get it back."

A little like the merchants in Asimov's Foundation (book) did. I think it was in the war with Askone, where the traders made the planet dependent on the Foundation tech, and as Askone declared war against the Foundation, the war dragged on and then the Askone government had to sue for peace as people no longer could live as Foundation strangled the tech.

It seems a very Vilani solution. Vilani would expect the world they were dealing with to be somewhat like them, as in slow innovators. They wouldn't expect them to take the tech, reverse engineer it, and make their own. I suppose that's when the ortillery comes out.
It seems a very Vilani solution. Vilani would expect the world they were dealing with to be somewhat like them, as in slow innovators. They wouldn't expect them to take the tech, reverse engineer it, and make their own. I suppose that's when the ortillery comes out.
The Vilani explorers encountered worlds that had higher TLs than the Vilani in all areas but one - jump drive.

Where are those higher TL alien races now...
The quiz-masters are pedants :)

So correction - spoken languages.

I was in a pub quiz - the round was identify the national flags.

One was the flag of the Netherlands so that's what I put. They said I was wrong and it was Holland. No amount of appeals got me the point. Good job I didn't say it was the Dutch flag...
Q. List the most five most common crops in the bible. Wheat and corn were listed separately. I pointed out that they were the same crop as what Americans renamed corn (i.e. maize) obviously wasn't mentioned in the bible.

Not having it.

The quiz with the question about languages was done by my niece so ...
The original Darrians were reputedly Ancient-adjusted for their world, while the modern Darrians are a mix with Solomani and some geneering.
I hope that when, please not if, Mongoose do a book about the Vilani they tune down the Vilanian conservatism a bit and make the Vilani more passionate, emotional, expressive?
GT Interstellar Wars had a few vignettes that strongly implied the Vilani conservatism was mostly top-down, and adopted for some specific reasons. I've typically run Vilani who are nowhere near Vland as being... nowhere near as conservative. Once you're within the Vilani cultural zone those attitudes are internally reinforced. Everywhere else not as much.
As I mentioned earlier, the Vilani aren't conservative. The Ziru Sirka became conservative. That's like saying the Chinese people are conservative because the Imperial Chinese governments pretended they could keep things the same forever.

The Vilani believe in consensus and teamwork. But, at least according to Vilani & Vargr, they also have a well-established tradition of heroism and admiring the person who gets the job done when there isn't time to develop the consensus.

The Vilani grew up on a world where they didn't fit the local biome, were the first to develop jump drive, expanded over a very large area and THEN decided that they had gone far enough and the GOVERNMENT set about trying to stabilize everything and suppress dissent/innovation/expansion. Which they were moderately successful at doing until corruption and the rise of new powers (Vargr/Solomani) made it untenable.

AND that describes the Vilani as they were 3000 years ago. Before the Long Night and the Third Imperium. Some of that specific culture will be influential the Vland sector, but everywhere else? The local planetary cultures will be substantially different with differences in local conditions, influences from other cultures, and just the passage of time. That is twice as long as the time lapse between modern Americans and the Norman Conquest of England.

A general tendency of fantasy worlds is over generalization. No one can write the level of details that the real world has, so sparse details that do get created get stretched and distorted to cover too much bread, as it were. And it is too easy to apply stereotypes and generalities to everyone instead of making them individual.
Sinister secrets of the Ziru Sirks - I post this every now and then just for fun.

1. The Annic Nova secret
tier 1 a Vilani merchant/explorer misjumped and was rescued by a very advanced culture, that lacked jump technology. They reverse engineered the Vilani jump 1 drive, and improved it to jump 2 and jump 3. They also installed a Hieronymus nexus. The crew returned to Vilani space, they revealed the jump 2 drive but kept jump3 and the HR to themselves.
tier 2 the crew were killed but their rescuers scanned their brains and constructed new bodies for them, the returning crew brought with them personality/memory recording and uploading tech. They used their tech advantage to rise to rule their Bureaux.
tier 3 the resurrected crew also brought a secret, an alien personality was hidden within them. This personality established the shadow emperor by constructing a personality gestalt of the elected shadow emperors
2. Secret Knowledge Repositories
The Vilani encountered several races more advanced then themselves. They usually spent decades nudging comets out of the Oort cloud to wipe out the society, finishing the job with nuclear fire.
tier 1 Vilani scouts catalogued the technologies of these cultures and they were hidden away in secret repositories
tier 2 Vilani were especially concerned with TL12 requiring much more sophisticated machine intelligence, not sentient but certainly very advanced, and organic interfaces
tier 3 the shadow emperor decreed the stagnation of technology so their alien take over would not be discovered
I made a list of the ones in the books I have - here they are:

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You don't have Trojan Reach? Good book. Downthread someone mentioned Florians - they are a holdover from an earlier publisher (Leviathan module? DGP?), but are quite interesting. I would add that the Aslan from the sector are different enough from the rest of the race to give them a line on your chart.