Anonymous said:I pondered sorting the weapons by race. In fact, I think I still have the excel file with the race variable - let me see if I can find it. If I can, I'll post the sorted list.
skalvar said:Frankly I am a bit suprised no one has anything to say about the shopping games. Oh well. Must have written them in a lucid moment.
mthomason said:I have to admit to my copy of the book sitting on the shelf since I got it (along with most of what I've got in the last two months)...
mthomason said:However, at a glance, the shopping rules look cool
Certainly not something to introduce every single time someone wants to visit a store, but I can see myself trying to come up with a "treasure hunt" type scenario where characters have limited time and resources to get everything on a shopping list... now I just need to come up with a story so that have a reason to do that....