AT-43 minis pictures.

he doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. At worst, he could insist you not hot link to his server space, but just download the pics to your PC, upload to photobucket, and then you don't need to send any more hits towards the egomaniac.

**** happens, and I suppose me posting the stuff on the forums in a thread titled AT-43 pictures... and this really being the only place I posted them (Mr Evil posted the links elsewhere) was probably stepping on his toes.
I was only aware of tabletop gaming website because of the photos you put up.

So, now I have purged that knowledge from my mind as I shouldn't have seen them in the first place.

What tabletopgaming website?
See, I am completely unaware of it.
I think I'll pass this on to Rackham actually, I am actually less interested in the game because of him. His supercilious attitude also discouraged me from bothering with the AT-43 website.

the french website rarly if ever replies to the english speakers, they speak german and french though

basicly rakam hates the english, the english threads have the least amount of rakam support than any others !!!!!

its one thing putting me of the game at the mo, lack of support in english.

my gf doese speak french so i may get her to do them a letter, and make them aware of that guys actions and his powermongering, im sure they wont be to pleased with the negative press and feelings hes given off.
Hiromoon said:

**** happens, and I suppose me posting the stuff on the forums in a thread titled AT-43 pictures... and this really being the only place I posted them (Mr Evil posted the links elsewhere) was probably stepping on his toes.

Unless he had orders from Rackham not to distribute the pictures then he wouldn't have a leg to stand on. I've had to deal with people like that in the past.
Well, those photos went poof all the same....

And here's the latest batch (Direct from Rackham)

Bane Goliath

Assault Goliath
I'd like to see what happens when those "machines" take a step away from the reinforced steel flors they're walking on, gonna sink like a rock :lol:
excelent, 2 units that can shoot move and shoot :D

i love units with 2 weapons in AT-43.

more i see of AT-43 the more i fancy doing BF-evo as well allong side it.
I like the top heavy look.... picturing them moving serenely above the waist while their little legs flail away like buggery.

I can see Goliath Tipping being a common practice though :)