What would the thinking behind four bug legs be do you think?
Can't 'ripple' move like a bug, you need at least six. Doesn't make for a very stable firing platform on the move as they are attached at the waist. Can't even run like a quadraped as you need legs at the corners for that.
'COmmander, the new designs for the goliath are here, frankly, they won't work, the legs are all wrong'.
'But how cool do they look! Order 50'
They are incredibly silly, and I love them.
They'd move like swans, serene above the waist and wee legs flapping madly underneath.
'We've come across another problem with the Goliaths sir, if they fall over they can't get up, we gave them tiny legs and welded guns on where their hands should be'.
'but they look really cool'