AT-43 minis pictures.


Okay, I can't read german. Some of these pics are pre-painted and some are studio jobs... don't know which...

What about the quality? SST Evo still better? (I hope so)

Here's the forum topic.

Here are the pics:








The german posts state that they don't know which are the pre-painted and which are the studio jobs.
when ae they being released, because these are just what i was looking for, especially the men and robots, althought those evil things ar too sweet to not get also!
I'm happy to see the good quality of the AT-43 minis, as MSPRANGE said that SST minis will be better or of equal quality in their paintjobs.

And yeah, after "analysis" I believe only the top 3 (the big pics) are prepaints also.
I like the look of the human minis and the small mecha. The aliens are a bit silly looking, and they could do with either less black or some highlighting to break up the flat surfaces a bit.
i'v said it and i'll say it again-a game with steam boilers on legs will not sell :lol: (seriously, painting/prepainting aside, while the normal infantry is ok, the mechas look absymaly bad. if only they kept to the style presented in the very first mock-up that was shown some time ago, the one "FMP" looking :( )
It does, but I like Rackham, and I also like the miniatures of the Firetoad (I think thaqt is the name of the mecha), but am deeply disappointed with the Therians. Theart was way better.
I have a Cynwall Elf Force and an Ophidian Force for Confrontation (don't like Ragnarok), but the quality of the pre-painteds is very poor.

The undeady things look Kak too.
Industrial Lurker said:
The.... "undeady things" look fairly decent IMO: very stylish and lethal looking if nothing else.

Though they be boned if they ever get an itch :lol:

Very weak in execution IMHO. Compare them to and of the Confrontation Undead of Acheron or the Alchemists of Dirz.

Poor sculpts, and the pre-paint job is nasty.