Are Centauri too'Ard

Are Centauri too'Ard

  • OMG....Hull 6 Ships, forward arc Beams, and nasty secondaries

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Well maybe the beam need to be weakened

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Well maybe the hulls need to be weakened

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less Secondary weapons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way, all round balanced

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man they suck, they so need more weapons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man they suck, they so need more turning arcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man they suck, they soo need the Stealth stat

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Voronesh said:
No my problem is only.

Some people want a stronger Vorchan and want to keep the Prefect, Sulust as it is.

And when i mention the Ka'Tan, Rothan part. All of the sudden it gets turned upside down.

Either the Vorchan gets a boost, but then the Rothan deserves one as well.


we keep both as they are and accept that Centauri are good at raid and Narn are good at skirmish.

indeed, If everyone had the same ships, whats the point ? Given that the Centauri have the largest fleet selection list in the game (assuming earth in 3 bits) and the narn are a probable second, these two fleets need the least doing to them.
well prefect i have already said needs to lose an AD off its beam so thats hardly keeping it the same. vorchan IMO just needs a few more damage points. the sullust is fine, it has 4AD beam, so what, as the ka'tan keeps getting mentioned so does that ship, and you get 2 per sullust. whilst the narn gets all round firepower the sullust keeps the typical weakness of having no rear arc weapons. the olympus gunship gets 6AD beam, i know boresighted but thats not a sbig a deal as people make out. tahts what you have init sink ships for. hyperion also 4AD beam, as well as plasma canon, pulse canons and a rear beam. again boresighted but this really isnt a problem. the only time you will have a problem with boresight is when 1v1, and even then only when you lose init. in fleet engagements i nevr see people having probs boresighting. but you say the forward arc weapons can CAF. not if its won init and you are moving your boresight ships right, it has to get out of the boresight therefore losing CAF as it manouvres.
comparing ships on paper, 1v1 never works, even the comparisons above or all through these posts. you have to field test them and see what works. i play 3 of the 4 main races (and am considering EA too) with centauri being my 1st race and yet i have listed downgrades for both the tertius and the prefect in here. seems no one ones them tho, just comlpete nerfs of one fleet they dont play, or perhaps for everyone to be the same.

I think most Centauri players tend to think the Vorchan should be increased AND the prefect should be lowered.

As the Vorchan is a beautiful ship and in the series I want to use it. The Prefect is one of the crappest looking models in the centauri fleet. I would have no problems at all if the Prefect were reduced in beam, or just plain done away with.

I could live with scrapping the Tertius if the Vorchan was given some proper oomph.

Is the Rothan and varients underpowered, yes, they need upgunning, agree totally

the terius i wouldnt want to lose, cos i will never take a primus, a battle point for effectively a sniper? no thanks give me 2 dargans/centurions over that any day. the primus's weakness has been felt by LDTD in our campaign already as its seocndaries really arnt very good when facing off against a g'quan.
Ok seems the downgrades you mentioned were lost among the rest. Sry for that. It is just that i remember discussion we had where i mentioned a fleet of Prefects i played and you mentioned that they were ok.

Yes i do play Centauri as well, and that is why im also discussing them. Otherwise i would keep well clear of the issue.

And yes i want to fleets that play vastly differently. And i also know that fleets play differently on the table and on paper. But judicious use of theorymachine rarely hurts.

And yes id love to see a boosted Vorchan.

Only i beg to differ on the Boresighted part. You need to have inititiave sinks. But also you will lose CAF and APTE and Come about and sometimes Close blast doors. The last one is rather unimportant as there are few ships that realy on the boresighted beam, but for example the Olympus G would gain something there.
well i have beaten the prefect fleet but for those who missed it my downgrades were:

prefect: lower beam by 1AD, same weapons as centurion as its supposed to be an armoured centurion.

tertius: lower beam to 4AD and keep same weaopns loadout for secondaries or: lower beam to 3AD, same plasma but make the twin arrays like the primus to make it a real brawler.

vorchan: up its damage to 18.

thats about all i think for the centauri ships. dunno what to do with the haven besides paperweight. theres a couple of skirmish ships never get used like the morgrath and kutai, dunno what to do with them either.
Well those changes sound pretty good.

And well yes it is not impossible or hard to beat a prefect fleet. Its just harder than beating a fleet of Centurions. Like a Sag fleet not impossible but harder (yes the Sag is indefinitely more borken than a Terius or Prefect :P)

The Skirmish ships and the Haven are a harder nut.
get behind the prefects they have problems turning, which is why i prefer dargans and centurions over prefects if they had my suggested weapon load, however a hull 3 3AD beam is too good to pass up. the raiders battlewagon is its only equal and that has its beam boresighted.
Correct. The 3 AD beam is too good to pass up.

And there is still the option of com about an fleet cover to make up for it. Like posting 2 PRefects on cover right at the back.
katadder said:
the terius i wouldnt want to lose, cos i will never take a primus, a battle point for effectively a sniper? no thanks give me 2 dargans/centurions over that any day. the primus's weakness has been felt by LDTD in our campaign already as its seocndaries really arnt very good when facing off against a g'quan.
I have never lost a Primus to G'Quan. The G'Quan doesn't have interceptors. You just crit it out of the game. The Primus is faster and get out of range of G'Quan secondaries so it get another pass with it's beams. G'Quans hardly every get to boresight you. It's more about who makes their come about rolls. The Secundas really rips them to shreds. Prefect should have the Centurions loadout. Tertius should lose some of it's beam, isn't meant replaced some of the beam with matter cannons according to the fluff ?
katadder said:
get behind the prefects they have problems turning, which is why i prefer dargans and centurions over prefects if they had my suggested weapon load, however a hull 3 3AD beam is too good to pass up. the raiders battlewagon is its only equal and that has its beam boresighted.

The thing you have to worry about is living long enough to get behind the prefect. Quite a few of the scenarios don't allow you to hold ships in hyperspace, and if you are an average speed ship - say speed 8, getting behind a prefect is not as easy as you would think.

katadder said:
the terius i wouldnt want to lose, cos i will never take a primus, a battle point for effectively a sniper? no thanks give me 2 dargans/centurions over that any day. the primus's weakness has been felt by LDTD in our campaign already as its seocndaries really arnt very good when facing off against a g'quan.

What in the world was the primus doing going toe to toe with the G'quan at short range? why wasn't the primus moving 1/2 speed and CAF'ng the Gquan for several turns? 6 AD Beam SAP DD CAF'd for 2-3 turns while the G'quan is closing on the Primus should have gutted the G'Quan.

Another change I suggest.

Switch the Primus and Secondus. They clearly call the pulse weapon ship a Primus in the TV series so obviously the beam varient should be a Secondus. :D
Celisasu said:
Another change I suggest.

Switch the Primus and Secondus. They clearly call the pulse weapon ship a Primus in the TV series so obviously the beam varient should be a Secondus. :D

They never call anything a "Primus" in the TV series......

very few ship classes ARE named (Omega, Explorer, Sunhawk, White Star, Victory, frazi and starfury are all i can recall)
Davesaint said:
What in the world was the primus doing going toe to toe with the G'quan at short range? why wasn't the primus moving 1/2 speed and CAF'ng the Gquan for several turns? 6 AD Beam SAP DD CAF'd for 2-3 turns while the G'quan is closing on the Primus should have gutted the G'Quan.


It needed to turn to evade attackers and bring its beams to bear. Interestingly enough, the Narn player didn't want to give me the ideal engagement for my ship. He rather fancied winning and made using the Primus a real head-ache. He even lowered himself to using ionic burst e-mines to make sure I couldn't use any SA.
A low-tech solution to the problems of running the ship, I imagine. The fluff text says it lacks many of the Primus' advanced systems, so perhaps it needs more bodies onboard.
Though the only lack of fancy equipment is the secon interceptor die.

Kinda args really. A fluff drawback to institue a full advantage really......