well prefect i have already said needs to lose an AD off its beam so thats hardly keeping it the same. vorchan IMO just needs a few more damage points. the sullust is fine, it has 4AD beam, so what, as the ka'tan keeps getting mentioned so does that ship, and you get 2 per sullust. whilst the narn gets all round firepower the sullust keeps the typical weakness of having no rear arc weapons. the olympus gunship gets 6AD beam, i know boresighted but thats not a sbig a deal as people make out. tahts what you have init sink ships for. hyperion also 4AD beam, as well as plasma canon, pulse canons and a rear beam. again boresighted but this really isnt a problem. the only time you will have a problem with boresight is when 1v1, and even then only when you lose init. in fleet engagements i nevr see people having probs boresighting. but you say the forward arc weapons can CAF. not if its won init and you are moving your boresight ships right, it has to get out of the boresight therefore losing CAF as it manouvres.
comparing ships on paper, 1v1 never works, even the comparisons above or all through these posts. you have to field test them and see what works. i play 3 of the 4 main races (and am considering EA too) with centauri being my 1st race and yet i have listed downgrades for both the tertius and the prefect in here. seems no one ones them tho, just comlpete nerfs of one fleet they dont play, or perhaps for everyone to be the same.