Are Centauri too'Ard

Are Centauri too'Ard

  • OMG....Hull 6 Ships, forward arc Beams, and nasty secondaries

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Well maybe the beam need to be weakened

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Well maybe the hulls need to be weakened

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less Secondary weapons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way, all round balanced

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man they suck, they so need more weapons

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man they suck, they so need more turning arcs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Man they suck, they soo need the Stealth stat

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I must admit, i find the Centauri beams a wee bit OTT. Not by much, but slightly. But then as a Drakh player, beam weapons are the bane of my existence :lol:

I think the Centauri are just about right. The Primus and varients could do with having the beam scaled back by an AD, and the aforementioned crap ships NEED to be upgraded to make them viable options.
Apart from that, they're pretty much the template for how other fleets should turn out.
yep rongoth has more damage and far more crew. i am not sayign a prefect should go up in damage, i am just pointing out that it shouldnt go down either. its an armoured centurion so its weaopns fit should be the same. all that needed to change was the hull 6, lower speed and turns. so this means losing 1AD of beam to get it back to centurion weapons. then it would be the choice of hull 6 veruss speed/turning.
The annoying thing about Centauri is some of their ships (Prefect) are far too good, whilst some of the ships we should be using (Vorchan) are too weak.

They are one of the more extremes fleets.

I would love to see the vorchan boosted, don't care if they just scrap the Prefect.

true but start comparing across fleets and you get all sorts - ka'tan versus vorchans anybody? both hull 5 but the ka'tan has more firepower and more damage/crew unlike th prefect that just has the better firepower going for it. hell with my abbai i even run patrol ships that can take more hits than a vorchan. i have suggested my 2 fixs to the centauri fleet on the only ships i think need downgrading a little, the upgrades to certain ships (vorchan, demos, haven) i leave to others.
Yes but im no fan of this whole strong vs weak prioirty lvl.

Having a slew of strong ships and weak ships doesnt make a good fleet.

I would have nothign against a little weaker Ka'Tan. Or strnger Vorchans. Give back the Vorchans SAP. And theyd be about euqal.
thePirv said:
I must admit, i find the Centauri beams a wee bit OTT. Not by much, but slightly. But then as a Drakh player, beam weapons are the bane of my existence :lol:

I think the Centauri are just about right. The Primus and varients could do with having the beam scaled back by an AD, and the aforementioned crap ships NEED to be upgraded to make them viable options.
Apart from that, they're pretty much the template for how other fleets should turn out.

You are kidding, right? Remove an AD from the Primus and it becomes unusuable. The 6AD beam is the only thing making it worthwhile. Otherwise it becomes a sad, sick joke with less firepower than raid level ships.
If you scale the Primus beam to 5AD, the Centurion would have similar firepower. To the front, Centurion has 2AD beam, 6AD matter cannon and 10AD twin array. The Primus would then have 5AD beam and 10AD twin array to the front. I don't call a 5AD beam equal to a 2AD beam and a 6AD matter cannon.

It would also be only slightly better than a Sulust. For battle level, it's already relying too heavily on a beam that fails too often for the ship to be really reliable.
Voronesh said:
Rothan has 37/48 damage crew
Prefect goes in at 35/38.

Weapons assortement is vastly superior on the Prefect.

A Rothan has sod all weapon range, and no beams. Thats what balances it out, it has to brave an onlsaught before getting into range.
Thats my point.

Rothan actually has better damage output than a Rongoth, well no side firepower, but that is what a fleet is for.

A Prefect and a Rothan have similar suvivability with a little boost on Rothan side, due to crew overhang, but again Close blastdoors isnt always a great idea, cause you need to APTE to get into range first.

Prefect has 25" beams and a secondary armarment equaling the Rothan.

If you call that equal and balanced i dont know.

And yes i know that the Vorchan is too weak.
within the relams of a fleet probably is equal and balanced, or as someone else said lets make all ships the same and just have differant models for the hell of it. rothans usually get there cos people are more worried about the swarm of ka'tans (which also outgun a rothan) that are beaming all their ships.
Ahh yes ofc.

But people are clamoring for better Vorchans. And still want their Prefects to be equal.

You cant have everything. Heck i have no poblem with the Rothan having no beams. I prefer it that way.

Its just that at most places you see epople saying that Rothan and Prefect is eqal. That is not the case. They arent. Fleets total are ok, but those 2 ships are not comparable.

Thats my point. I just dont like people claiming the Prefect being perfectly ok. And still wanting a better Vorchan.

sry for the rant. But sometimes it boils over.
What does the issues of the Prefect have to do with the issues of the Vorchan?

Not a god-damn thing. If the Prefect isn't fair, alter the stats. The Vorchan obviously isn't competetive for its level, which has no bearing on whether or not the Prefect is fair. None whatsoever.

I tell you what. Since the Saggitarius is broken, lets rant at any EA player that says his Omega is undergunned, shall we? Sounds fair to me...
Lord David the Denied said:
What does the issues of the Prefect have to do with the issues of the Vorchan?

Not a god-damn thing. If the Prefect isn't fair, alter the stats. The Vorchan obviously isn't competetive for its level, which has no bearing on whether or not the Prefect is fair. None whatsoever.

I tell you what. Since the Saggitarius is broken, lets rant at any EA player that says his Omega is undergunned, shall we? Sounds fair to me...

oh good god no, not another rant about the "weak" centauri.
the Ka'Toc is deemed overpowereed by many, but on it's own it does little damage, and dies hideously. The Vorchan has the same effect. It's probably not as capeable, but is still an excelent pack hunter with great speed and good maneuvreability.
Played against them only the once and from what I can remember they seemed to be a well balanced fleet, I've read what they can do on paper... but I'd rather base my opinions on how they work together in a game.
No my problem is only.

Some people want a stronger Vorchan and want to keep the Prefect, Sulust as it is.

And when i mention the Ka'Tan, Rothan part. All of the sudden it gets turned upside down.

Either the Vorchan gets a boost, but then the Rothan deserves one as well.


we keep both as they are and accept that Centauri are good at raid and Narn are good at skirmish.