Ancients campaign fleets?

A question I´ve come up with while looking at the new stats for Shadows and Vorlons - how would you people out there put together campaign fleets for them? Seems to be really hard now wih all the high PLs (which are appropiate, of course). Especially with the Shadows... any ideas?
Not yet....

But as the Vorlons were my other choice with the League I am trying to think of a way. With nothing available below raid I do not see how you can even play it. Any two to three patrol fight you automatically lose. I did not see a new random level generator so no Arm. level fights. Just do not see it right now.

But will see, maybe I just do not appreciate their strengths yet.

MustEatBrains said:
A question I´ve come up with while looking at the new stats for Shadows and Vorlons - how would you people out there put together campaign fleets for them? Seems to be really hard now wih all the high PLs (which are appropiate, of course). Especially with the Shadows... any ideas?
AndyG has a Vorlon fleet in our campaign (we have 3 fleets each). He has a LOT of fighter flights, plenty of Transports and Destroyers (well, two fewer Destroyers now after the Dilgar got at them...) and, as far as I'm aware, a single example each of Cruiser & Heavy Cruiser (and quite a few fewer Dilgar after those got at the Dilgar!)

He seems to have a viable fleet, although in very small scenarios he's going to be stuck with all-fighter fleets (we'll have to reroll any scenarios that can't be won with fighters - but what the hell, we reroll when we don't fancy any specific scenario anyway).

To play these fleets, you have to accept the limitations. They just did not work at lower PL, so they HAVE to be high. Meaning not playable as a standard fleet.


You would always try to play high lvl games. ANd when you cant win there is always the option of withdrawal...

But then i guess it might fit Vorlon and Shadow stragety, they dont fight with crumbs, they only pack heavy.
Well in the series the Shadows seem to take Armageddon level ships against everything...

Even when they aren't allowed...

Seems we all complained that they weren't powerful enough to seem like the show, now that they ae more powerful we discover that they can't actually be used much because they;re too powerful...

We really should learn to make up our minds...
Don´t forgett.
In the series there was no judge who can say
"Sorry your ship is too powerfull. Please use another ship."
Goldritter said:
Don´t forgett.
In the series there was no judge who can say
"Sorry your ship is too powerfull. Please use another ship."

or even "Hey, you have 10 cheesy bar steward" :twisted:
"Hey, you have 10 cheesy bar steward"
Why do you think the Minbari surrendered at the line?
That rubbish about Sinclair was just to save face, you know....

An all transport/scout fleet is far from ineffectual. Provided you've got a 4 point patrol you can get one, or a 2-point skirmish. For that matter a shadow scout will be ****ing hideous when turned against the large number of dodge-dependant patrol cutters and stealth dependant scouts.....

OK, you'll only be able to bring a Vorlon Heavy Cruiser in a few times in a campaign (but it's worth it!), as noted, make sure you bring a lot of transports..
Are vorlon ships actually crewed by Vorlons? I did wonder this aloud the other day at Mongoose hall ... Vorlons are all incredibly powerful telepaths, and yet when we see them face off against shadow vessels, they don't disrupt them with telepathy (although when the destroyer blows the shadow ship apart with no reaction in Interludes and examinations, it's a bit dubious).

Does the vorlon ship personality table allow you to give them telepathy at all?
There are Ships which are crewed by one(1) vorlon.
And there are Ships which are crewed by servants.
All fighters are crewed by servants.

If I go with the old AOG (again I new) stuff, then are the Ships which are crewed by Vorlons were better then the ships you use now.
(Or was this with Shadow Ships ?? Or both ????)
locarno24 said:
OK, you'll only be able to bring a Vorlon Heavy Cruiser in a few times in a campaign (but it's worth it!), as noted, make sure you bring a lot of transports..
The very first scenario we rolled in our campaign was 7 point War PL Vorlon vs Dilgar A Call To Arms... The one opponent that Dilgar Masters of Destruction doesn't work against!

Next up will be 5 point War PL Minbari vs Abbai...

Well if the Dilgar hed precise weaponry itd work......

And yes about the Sags they were all concentrated there ^^.

7 Pojnt war should be munchy for Vorlons :D
Lord David the Denied said:
That's going to be ugly. Poor fish-men... :P
Well, if I can only get within range, I have loads of AD to split between Minbari to attempt loads of Stealth Checks. The poor little Shyarie Scouts don't even have Stealth though, so I imagine they'll disappear pretty quick, and the Kotha won't last long enough to attempt Scanners to Full!...

Should be bloody & quick anyway...

At that level the Minbari are going to have all their best toys. That's a lot of nuetron lasers to blow up slow Abbai ships, a lot of Nials to wipe out crap Abbai fighters, and generally a whole lot of pain for the peace-niks of the Baylon 5 universe.

Fun times. :P
Lord David the Denied said:
At that level the Minbari are going to have all their best toys.
Yes, but he only took one Sharlin in the campaign fleet (so he's have enough ships for lower PL), so I should only have to face the smaller stuff - and more of it.

It's the Dilgar/Vorlon match that must have been messy - look, our bolters achive....err.....well, sod all, frankly. And you can't immobilise these things no matter what you hit them with, so that's mass drivers out.

At least our heavy capital ships are good in a straight slugging match...discharge cannon you say?