Mystery of the ancients


Emperor Mongoose
So I’m thinking about getting mystery of the ancients to run but I’d like some information before I purchase it.
1) my first question is where is it set? I thought it was set in the Spinward marches but there are three Caledonia systems which is it?
2) I got a good solid set of T2 books (CRB, HG, CSC, ROBOTS, WBH, and a bunch of others) other than “Behind the Claw”(if it’s in Spinward), “Mystery of the Ancients” and “Aliens of Charted Space 3”(I’ve got 1&2) are there any other books that would be helpful?
3) if it is set in the Marches would “High and Dry” be a good jump off adventure before jumping in to the core?
4) finally any general advice on running Mysteries?

I little background I’ve been running RPGs for decades but it’s been over two decades since I last ran Traveller. I’ve been gearing up to run Pirates of Drinax but decided that I wanted something more traditional for my first new Traveller campaign (I’ve done a few one shots lately) instead of a sandbox and looking things over i found mysteries interesting (way back I ran the original secrets of the ancients)
1. It is indeed set in the Spinward Marches.

2. I think you have everything you need!

3. High and Dry is always a good starter adventure :) It would work here.

4. I think it is fairly simple, overall. Complications can happen if you move into Secrets and Wrath, as some weird things happen to the Travellers, but Mysteries works as a standalone campaign so you do not need to progress into the others. Overall, it should give you the confidence to dive into Pirates of Drinax :)
I'm in the final chapter of Mystery and it's been good overall. I found the collected Spinward Marches adventure really useful and ran the first three of them + a few homegrown ones just to get the players au fait with the system and Charted Space. This also gives you a chance to subtly weave in some lore, have pcs make connection that appear later and get the party to do some adventuring with Sorrel. If there was one thing I would redo it's to have her spend more time with the party so that they are properly invested to come to her rescue.

The scenario book has a few more errors than most but nothing you can't work around and the story is a good one. Again, I've run my own side-quests here and there to give the campaign space to breathe.