and NO reviews of Conan RPG sourcebooks!


I was just over on and noticed that nobody has bothered to submit reviews of the Conan RPG sourcebooks (at least not after Scrolls of Skelos)... Somebody might wanna correct this deficiency and help spread the word on this great game... Somebody other than me, that is. :wink:
Iron_Chef said:
I was just over on and noticed that nobody has bothered to submit reviews of the Conan RPG sourcebooks (at least not after Scrolls of Skelos)... Somebody might wanna correct this deficiency and help spread the word on this great game... Somebody other than me, that is. :wink:
Hey, that's an excellent idea. I never even thought of it. :shock:

By the way, there's a couple of lists at Amazon you all might wanna check out:
*Conan d20 resources by conanmk, Gamer This collection has a lot of Mongoose products as well as TSR.
*Conan RPG: A list by jimonroe, Zingaran grandee Many of the same Mongoose & TSR recommendations.
*Conan roleplaying: A list by Wayne's World of Books, Long Time GamerThis list has mostly TSR and GURPS products.

These lists can give suggestions, mostly of Mongoose's great line but also some of these guys have listed old TSR material as well, which have been discussed in other forums. Hope these help.
By the way, I also just found this site on Amazon's list of sellers:
DriveThruRPG - a site where you can purchase Mongoose (and many other publishers) products in pdf format. The link here goes straight to the Conan rpg product line.

Please note: this is for purchasing pdfs of the Mongoose products! 8)
Bregales said:
Hey, that's an excellent idea. I never even thought of it. :shock:

That's because I'm a genius, LOL. 8) Just look at my GM's Guide To Creating Hyborian Age Adventures (link in my sig). :wink:
I've noticed too with Amazon sometimes the covers don't match the final product - and sometimes I like the art Mongoose didn't use! It's crazy!

oh yeah...gotta love how Chef delegates the work - you rule Chef! :lol:
Hey, I'm only delegating cuz I dropped out of the RPG scene shortly after Scrolls Of Skelos came out (life is so unfair, sob!). :cry: So, since I ain't read the rest of the sourcebooks, I'm not exactly the best qualified man here to write reviews of 'em... I did rate the Conan core rulebook and Skelos on Amazon, so at least that's something. Now gentlemen, I suggest the rest of you lazy curs set quill to parchment and pen reviews worthy of Robert E. Howard himself... :wink:
Iron_Chef said:
Hey, I'm only delegating cuz I dropped out of the RPG scene shortly after Scrolls Of Skelos came out (life is so unfair, sob!). :cry: So, since I ain't read the rest of the sourcebooks, I'm not exactly the best qualified man here to write reviews of 'em... I did rate the Conan core rulebook and Skelos on Amazon, so at least that's something. Now gentlemen, I suggest the rest of you lazy curs set quill to parchment and pen reviews worthy of Robert E. Howard himself... :wink:
Good to have you back. I'd say good to see you back, but your avatar picture doesn't show - I miss those pics :wink:
Bregales said:
Good to have you back. I'd say good to see you back, but your avatar picture doesn't show - I miss those pics :wink:

Yeah, I'm on a different computer and have been too lazy to get my nifty Gene "Match Game" Rayburn avatar back (I saved it on disk somewhere before I moved).

It's good to be back, even if I'm a bit out of touch with everything that's happened here (and with what's been published for the game) since early last year. Real life may be a pain, LOL, but without it, you got no need for fantasy. My best friend (and co-DM) flew down to visit me the other week, but we didn't game any. Just got so blind drunk on martinis we couldn't find our way out the mall... LOL! At least my buddy was so drunk he bought me George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones, which I'm just starting to read... It started off super-slow (after the prologue) and extremely confusing (too many characters, too many new details and words in the fantasy world), but it's starting to take off for me now around page 50+ (took me almost that long just to figure out Ned and Eddard were the same character, LOL, and that Catelyn was Ned's wife, not his daughter). Seems a bit padded for my taste, but I've been reading little but 1920s-30s hardboiled detective stories from Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler and fast-paced 50s noir like David Goodis and Jim Thompson, not to mention Wagner's Dark Crusade and a John Maddox Roberts Conan pastiche (Conan And The Manhunters) that moved like a freight train. I'm just not used to reading these billion page epics. Never read Wheel of Time, frex. Never had any desire to. Seemed like too big of a commitment, both in time and cash, LOL. And padded all to hell just to sell more books. Didn't like reading Lord of the Rings either, for the same reason (at least past Fellowship of the Ring). Is it just me or do I sense a disturbance in the force motivating all these bulky multi-book epics? Used to be, a writer could tell his story in 300 pages or less (sometimes as little as 150!). Nowadays, just like with movie times getting longer (and not usually for the better), a writer's got to drag his story out for 800 pages or it's not an instant "classic". :roll:
Trodax said:
Iron_Chef said:
Is it just me or do I sense a disturbance in the force motivating all these bulky multi-book epics?
It is not just you; I sense it also.

Welcome back! :)
Yeah, Darth PublishingCompanies smell the profit of multi-book epics, and charge for larger page collections. It generally is harder for a writer to sell a single topic book than a series, especially in the modern science fiction markets. Just remember this illustrious quote from Sturgeon's Law: Ninety percent of everything is crap. (Once told by Harlan Ellison to a group of science fiction writers & fans at a convention). :lol:
Bregales said:
Iron_Chef said:
I was just over on and noticed that nobody has bothered to submit reviews of the Conan RPG sourcebooks (at least not after Scrolls of Skelos)... Somebody might wanna correct this deficiency and help spread the word on this great game... Somebody other than me, that is. :wink:
Hey, that's an excellent idea. I never even thought of it. :shock:

By the way, there's a couple of lists at Amazon you all might wanna check out:
*Conan d20 resources by conanmk, Gamer This collection has a lot of Mongoose products as well as TSR.
*Conan RPG: A list by jimonroe, Zingaran grandee Many of the same Mongoose & TSR recommendations.
*Conan roleplaying: A list by Wayne's World of Books, Long Time GamerThis list has mostly TSR and GURPS products.

These lists can give suggestions, mostly of Mongoose's great line but also some of these guys have listed old TSR material as well, which have been discussed in other forums. Hope these help.
Hey there, I have posted a couple of reviews which will hopefully be of use, for Pirate Isles and the Pocket Edition rulebook. I will try to write about other products when it gets a little less humid in the city. :?

In addition, I got so hyped up about writing on Amazon that I created a list wish for the Conan rpg (and products by TSR as well), which can be seen by clicking the link here.

Hope this helps! :D