ACTA / SF Errors - pease read start of thread before posting

Da Boss

Ok guys once again the thread on actual eratta has gone south - please ONLY post actual errors on this thread and I will try and keep the first page up to date.

Please DO not post thoughts on why X Y Z is not "as it is in SFB " _ I'll start another thread for that.............

F5 Frigate
Should it have the same traits as the Romulan version (excpting cloak)
ie: Labs 2 and Tractor Beam 1,

The Large, Free and Heavy Freighters have range 18 phaser-2s (rest of the weapon data for the phaser-2 matches that on the weapons chart). Might be intended to give them a chance, rather than an error.

Klingon C8 Dreadnought
Should Phaser'2 be 12" range or actually Phaser 1's
C8 phaser 2s also have Killzone 2"

The following traits should be listed in italics in the rulebook:
Immobile, Lumbering, Slow. They cannot be lost. Probes 0 also cannot be lost.

The critical example text is wrong on page 8. The extra damage does not reflect the critical chart. The chart is correct.

The movement example on page 6 is wrong. It should show 6" move between turns for the Connie.

The drones on the Orion salvage cruiser have the 'Guided' trait. This should be 'Seeking'.

Plasma Carronades (p17) the blurb states that carronades may be fired every turn, but the weapon has the 'Reload' trait.

Dust Clouds: A ship fired on by a ship inside a dust cloud which already has Stealth would gain a +2 bonus rather than a revised Stealth 5+ trait?

Do bases simply ignore 'Impulse Drive' criticals?

Page 49, Operation Nutcracker, Y177 Paragraph 4 third word from the end. "Cpnquered"

Page 77 the Kearsage Class New Light Cruiser should be the Kearsarge Class (i.e. a 'r' is missing).
Page 111 - Orion Pirate Raider - Header list this ship as a Tholian Matrix-class Destroyer.

Callahan should be on the list of police ship names.
Ok, to summarise rules & typo issues found on other threads:

Da Boss said:
Klingon C8 Dreadnought
Should Phaser'2 be 12" range or actually Phaser 1's
C8 phaser 2s also have Killzone 2"

The following traits should be listed in italics in the rulebook:
Immobile, Lumbering, Slow. They cannot be lost. Probes 0 also cannot be lost.

The critical example text is wrong on page 8. The extra damage does not reflect the critical chart. The chart is correct.

The movement example on page 6 is wrong. It should show 6" move between turns for the Connie.

The drones on the Orion salvage cruiser have the 'Guided' trait. This should be 'Seeking'.

Plasma Carronades (p17) the blurb states that carronades may be fired every turn, but the weapon has the 'Reload' trait.

Dust Clouds: A ship fired on by a ship inside a dust cloud which already has Stealth would gain a +2 bonus rather than a revised Stealth 5+ trait?

Do bases simply ignore 'Impulse Drive' criticals?

The Orion Raider has the wrong heading (Matrix).
Page 49, Operation Nutcracker, Y177 Paragraph 4 third word from the end. "Cpnquered"
Page 111 - Orion Pirate Raider - Header list this ship as a Tholian Matrix-class Destroyer.
Da Boss said:
Ok guys once again the thread on actual eratta has gone south - please ONLY post actual arrors on this thread and I will try and keep the firt page up to date.


I believe "arrors" should actually read "ERRORS" and "firt" I am assuming was meant to be "FIRST".

That's what I got so far.

Page 77 I believe the Kearsage Class New Light Cruiser should be the Kearsarge Class (i.e. a 'r' is misisng). That would be the ship that sank the CSS Alabama in the US Civil War.
Kearsarge is verified in the Starship Name Registry, a source document from ADB.

[Please note this is a verification, not an attempt to hijack.]
Been making my own ship sheets, and noticed one more thing on the Kearsarge: It is not listed as a 'ship of the class'.

Actually, there is no Callahan listed under Callahan class either, but all of the other ship classes have the class ship listed.
Just to add to the discussion, you can only delete a post if it is the last in the sequence.
(The X button on the bottom right)

Da Boss:
The book has the incorrect spelling 'Kearsage'. The correct spelling is 'Kearsarge', listed in the ADB ship roster, named presumably for the USS Kearsarge, a civil war ship and a 20's war ship, as well as Mount Kearsarge and a couple of towns with the same name.
Better idea.
Have the mod remove this post (andall other posts by me) and then you'll never have to worry about me stepping foot on the Mongoose board again.

Good luck, Y'all and happy new year.
At present there is no Unique Trait in ACTA:SF

Shame really as I agree it would have been appropriate for ships like this but for whatever reason it was taken out of ACTA.
From ACTA: B5

Unique: This ship is a one of a kind. You may only take one of these ships in your fleet.

Its mostly used to represent one of a kind or famous ships - I used it quite a lot in my supplements - other examples would be:

Millenium Falcon, the Enterprise, Battlestar Galatica, Liberator etc.

SOmetimes they have special rules to show how cool they are.

Going by the fluff in the ACTA:SF rulebook the Romulan Behemoth (KC9R) would be a perfect example.