World Builders Handbook - Gas Giants

Demon Samurai

Banded Mongoose
I'm a big fan of the World Builders Handbook, kudos to @Geir for producing such an awesome resource. One of things I would love to see is an expansion for the rules generating Gas Giants. I understand that there are 5 different types of Gas Giant, and an expanded generation system could assign different atmospheric / radiation / magnetic conditions to them, which could make Gas Giant ops quite unique in each system. How about a JTAS article to the effect? Cheers, Mike.
I would be so totally be into that... the WBH really is a piece of work, had it a week or two and already become probably my 3rd favorite Traveller book, and sort of has stimulated the cranial juices. Done a lot of reading on Gas Giants. Probably read more about them, the real life science of them, in the last week than I have since I last took an astronomy class in college lol. They are such an important feature of the traveller (game) universe it would be nice to see an expansion of the WBH rules on them.