The World Builder's Handbook - It Is Here!

Mine on Monday. Out in transit somewhere Knoxville and Seattle are Rim Expeditions and Mysteries of the Ancients.
I imagine you'd get a sensation somewhere between pride and surreal, getting you hands on something you created for the first time. :cool:
I imagine you'd get a sensation somewhere between pride and surreal, getting you hands on something you created for the first time. :cool:
They did send me an early copy of WBH by airmail a month or two ago - first time for that so I wasn't expect it - but I've always ordered a hard copy of the books I've written, if nothing else to offset the earnings with a 'legitimate expense' (An excuse I also use for just about every Kickstarter I sign up for). And to feed my hoarder collector habit. But for some reason for WBH I had this irrational urge to autograph it for my self. Fought the urge, but I suspect my last neuron might be getting a little flaky.
I found it very moving holding a physical book which I wrote. I was surprised at the emotions I felt

I’m just about to complete my 3rd book, all on Snowfake Data Warehouse which may be my last - until I decide to write another, writing books is strangely addictive…
I once received a copy of a book that named me in the acknowledgments, and that was a bit of an egoboo.

(The book has probably been out of print for over thirty years, which is around as long as it's been obsolete.)
Not yet, as far as I know. There's been (vague) talk about a sourcebook, but nothing substantial from any official source. Mostly people airing their wishlist items, really.
The long, long, long-awaited World Builder's Handbook is now here, giving all the tools Referees need to construct their own star systems and the worlds around them.

You can grab your own copy right here:

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The World Builder’s Handbook provides a complete toolset for expanding a world or star system into a fully realised place to know and explore. It includes procedures for determining the type and location of a system’s significant stars and worlds, an expansion of mainworld generation, and rules for determining the physical and social characteristics of the star system’s other worlds.

This handbook is both comprehensive and modular, with procedures designed to allow the Referee to focus on the important aspects of a world or system’s characteristics. The World Builder’s Handbook includes knowledge gained from the thousands of exoplanetary systems discovered, and covers habitable and hostile worlds, moons, gas giants, twilight worlds and guidelines for the Referee to describe what Travellers can see in the skies above these worlds. It allows a Referee to create star systems from scratch or expand existing profiles to refine a world’s character.

Also included are checklists, forms, examples, and the procedures and equipment used by the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service to survey and record information in the Charted Space universe, with a glossary of astronomical terms.

DriveThruRPG has the last update as last May.
Will this be forwarded to them so I can download it?

Marc Grossman