Pauly_D said:
Earth-most ships need slightly more damage as more people are using ships with beam weapons which totally ignore interceptors, this is why EA do so badly against Minbari because almost all minbari weapons are Beam or Mini-Beam
Earth ship in most need of change: Oracle, needs to brought down to Skirmish level
I agree with this, EA ships have always been big, tough armoured boxes with engines and guns attached.
Minbari-clearly overpowered, Stealth, lots of Double-Damage+Precise+Beam+Super AP Weapons, way too maneoverable, and there damage and crew levels are about the same as races without stealth, saturdays tourney really showed how powerful they are
Minbari ship in most need of change: Veshatan, how much damage does that ship have, AND its got stealth backing it up, easily the most powerful ship at Battle level
Absolutely over the top fleet at present. I'm not happy with this "variant PL for tourney" idea I've heard. Although I wasn't there to hear the specifics I feel that the fleet needs changes not a covering exercise to paper the cracks, though I can understand this soon after SFOS their reluctance to do so. However for a second edition the basic rule that needs to be understood is that ships with stealth should have less damage. The immense firepower of these things is bad enough, the Tigara for example is sick
Centauri-definately balanced, their attack is their defense and skirmish level ships are extremely manoeuverable
Centauri ship in most need of change: Demos, it has too little Damage/Crew for a Hull 5 raid level ship, it cant last long enough to get into range but weapons are powerful but it does need a little more survivability
I'm in agreement that the Narn and Centauri are the most balanced fleets. I'm not sure why there are those who rate the Centauri as cheese. I think if the EA had better damage scores on their ships it might solve things. Centauri are well armed but fragile. As for the Demos, I agree again. I kicked up a stink to get that ship into SFOS (Matt admitted back in Feb he'd forgotten about it!) but with the jump in PL of so many Centauri ships it's been left behind. At hull 5 and 18 damage it's just not viable for such a short range ship. It needs interceptors (which we saw used in season 5) and perhaps hull 6 or a few extra damage
Narns-Also balanced and i was really surprised that no-one took Narns in the tournament (too busy taking Minbo's i expect) but they have enough damage to get in close and give out a lot of damage back, their disadvatage is Boresights but thats the same for EA as well
I've been really impressed by these guys in SFOS. The G'Quan could use an extra AD on its beams and so on but a well rounded fleet. Any clash between them and the Centauri is a close call
ISA-obviously that dodge is too high, and apart from LBH's bad sportsmanship all other ISA players scored very well in the Tournament (even LBH could beat the reigning champions Minbari so they must be too powerful)
ISA ship in most need of change-White Star, more the dodge than the ship but it probably would be better to drop the dodge down to 4+ and give it an extra Beam dice, and do a similar change to the White Star 2
3+ dodge is too good. For a raid level ship it requires a disproportionate amount of fire to eliminate. I'd probably trade an extra AD on the laser for the reduced dodge of 4+
Shadows and Vorlons-well need i say more, too weak at low levels, i know they were designed that way but its too hard for them to do anything
Having fought the only Vorlon player at the torney and destroyed his fleet with an hour left to play I know that the d6 damage thing kills these guys. Whereas a 1 is usually a disappointment when firing at other ships it's good here. My weaponry tore his ships apart and I wasn't impressed by the firepower of vorlon destroyers at all.
Not one of his 9 flights of fighters got to fire on my ships either, shot down by twin arrays or jumped on by my sentris
League-mostly balanced, using mixed league can generally make up for individual league weaknesses
League Race in most need of change-Abbai, they need a good reason to use them
Maybe the Abbai could use shields capable of deflecting beams?