Which is the WORST B5 film. . . .

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Which is the Worts B5 Film?

  • Pilot - Oh my, could we have found any more wooden actors.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • In The Beggining - wow edited clips from the show tastic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • River of Souls - Ian Mcshane plays Lovejoy once more. . . (only the brits might know what i mean!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thirdspace - B5 defeats the aliens, other Vorlons couldn't

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Call to arms - Combat tastic, or crusty crumbyness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Legend of the Rangers - ow ow, my head, this is so bad... (guess my vote)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Cosmic Mongoose
well, I think the majority of people might agree to some extent that while the show was mostly clever, clightly dark, with some excelent storylines, and so on, the TV movies have been somewhat off the mark. Which is the worst one of them all..... we can look for the best one in the next poll :-)
Legend. Oh dear god it was HORRIBLE. Yes, G'Kar was in it for about 10 minutes, which was good. But i spent the rest of the film growing steadily more pissed off that the mighty ISA were using a crappy busted up ship instead of some form of uber cool new White Star variant.

well "the gathering" was bad
"river of souls" at least had Martin Sheen and Ian McShane!
"call to arms" was dull
"thirdspace" was nonsense

but oh boy was "legend of the rangers" the pick of the bunch, terrible movie AND it has the same acronym as "lord of the rings" the cheek!
Legend of the Rangers or River of Souls...

I can't decide...

In fact my mind is melting just thinking about them... :cry:

River of Souls. Rangers at least had some interesting background expansion. though I hated the total winkeyness of G'Kar telling the Liandra's crew that nobody on B5 was what they appeared to be...
Not to be too nit-picky...

Poll said:
Pilot - Oh my, could we have found any more wooden actors.

You should have sub divide this into the original and revised version. Very different kettles of fish...

Poll said:
In The Beggining - wow edited clips from the show tastic

Less than 5% of the movie...

Poll said:
River of Souls - Ian Mcshane plays Lovejoy once more. . . (only the brits might know what i mean!)

I'd disagree - Lovejoy was a decent character :(

THis got my vote...

Poll said:
Thirdspace - B5 defeats the aliens, other Vorlons couldn't

Actually, the Vorlons did defeat them hence why there was still ife in our universe...

Poll said:
A Call to arms - Combat tastic, or crusty crumbyness

Pilot-tastic is probably the best way to state it...

Poll said:
Legend of the Rangers - ow ow, my head, this is so bad... (guess my vote)

Actually, it's not that bad - it suffered mainly from being a pilot movie and "Rangers 101"
frobisher said:
Not to be too nit-picky...
Poll said:
In The Beggining - wow edited clips from the show tastic
Less than 5% of the movie...
Seemed like a lot more at the time!

frobisher said:
Poll said:
River of Souls - Ian Mcshane plays Lovejoy once more. . . (only the brits might know what i mean!)
I'd disagree - Lovejoy was a decent character :(
Thats very subjective...!

frobisher said:
Poll said:
Thirdspace - B5 defeats the aliens, other Vorlons couldn't
Actually, the Vorlons did defeat them hence why there was still ife in our universe...
They didn't defeat them, they closed the gateway. Only to be re-opened later (cue dramatic music, DUH DUH DUHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!111!)
frobisher said:
Not to be too nit-picky...

Poll said:
Pilot - Oh my, could we have found any more wooden actors.

You should have sub divide this into the original and revised version. Very different kettles of fish...

Poll said:
In The Beggining - wow edited clips from the show tastic

Less than 5% of the movie...

Poll said:
River of Souls - Ian Mcshane plays Lovejoy once more. . . (only the brits might know what i mean!)

I'd disagree - Lovejoy was a decent character :(

THis got my vote...

Poll said:
Thirdspace - B5 defeats the aliens, other Vorlons couldn't

Actually, the Vorlons did defeat them hence why there was still ife in our universe...

Poll said:
A Call to arms - Combat tastic, or crusty crumbyness

Pilot-tastic is probably the best way to state it...

Poll said:
Legend of the Rangers - ow ow, my head, this is so bad... (guess my vote)

Actually, it's not that bad - it suffered mainly from being a pilot movie and "Rangers 101"

there was a revised pilot?! did it suck any less?

only 5%? I'd have said only 5% of origional footage!!

I liked Lovejoy, and paddy was funny, but the film was terrible

Clsoing the only portal, that you incidentally made, isn't really defeating them, but I suppose yes, Sheridan did the same really.

LOTR isn't that bad? has your medication run out :P
emperorpenguin said:
well "the gathering" was bad
"river of souls" at least had Martin Sheen and Ian McShane!
"call to arms" was dull
"thirdspace" was nonsense

but oh boy was "legend of the rangers" the pick of the bunch, terrible movie AND it has the same acronym as "lord of the rings" the cheek!
The gathering introduced us to B5 and the awesome graphics and some great characters. The wooden acting (esp Dr.Kyle) and the Minbari prosthetics spoils it but still enjoyable, even now.

Call to arms introduced the Victory class ships and a couple of characters for Crusade- could have done with more linkage between B5 & Crusade but still good.

Thirdspace was interesting and got to see Lt Ivanova in a nightie....

Legend of the rangers had potential but just sucked. I hated the graphics they used for Sarah Cantrell operating the weapons on Liandra- looked more in fitting with Tron than B5. Dulann was a potentially interesting character and Martel was ok. But overall still sucked!

hiffano said:
frobisher said:
Poll said:
In The Beggining - wow edited clips from the show tastic

Less than 5% of the movie...

only 5%? I'd have said only 5% of origional footage!!

I'd love to see how you worked that one out. the Delenn/dukhat scenes are meant to mirror the ones in the Series 4 episode Atonement - mainly because they were filmed side-by side IIRC. Other than that, the only recyled footage was Michael York's Cameo, Sheridan and Delenn's "reunion" in Londo's dungeon and a small chunk of the Battle of the line- even the footage of Sinclair was almost entirely new footage with the old dialogue dubbed over.
I voted for River of Souls:

Pilot- Yes the acting was, ahem questionable but it does set the scene for the rest a bit, and its got Vorlon ships in it so it can't be that bad ;)

In the Beginning- :shock: In the Beginning is frickin GREAT. And Ill Neutron Laser in half anyone who says otherwise :P (the montage in the middle where Londo is talking about how hard the humans fought makes you proud of the whole species :))

Third Space - Wasnt THAT bad, ok it was a little far fetched but not really any more so than the main shadow war plot. And the Third Space ships were quite cool. (And Zack asking Lyta out is just cringingly painful, you gotta feel sorry for the guy ;))

A Call to Arms - The story and supporting cast were a bit lame, BUT its got VCDs blowing things up in it (and Galen is cool) Not to mention a huge fleet battle at the end. The music hurts my ears though.... its not really that its bad, it just gets on my nerves...

River of Souls - W..... T..... F...... :shock: Even Martin Sheen couldnt save it. Most ludicrous plot I've seen in B5 (ever) and not even any of the regular cast (except Lochley and Corwin, and they dont count imho (not having a go at your avatar LBH ;))

Legend of the Rangers - Is the one B5 related movie/episode I have never seen. So I can't comment. I hear it was truly awful though.

EDIT: One minor point though about the comment about Thirdspace, the Vorlons DID defeat them, thats why the gate was closed again in the first place...
Legend of the Rangers is baaaad, but slightly better than the pilot, even the revised one..

So my vote is the pilot..
Locutus9956 said:
River of Souls - W..... T..... F...... :shock: Even Martin Sheen couldnt save it. Most ludicrous plot I've seen in B5 (ever)
I only have one thing to say to that.
Grey 17.