Where is SST?

Economic considerations forced Mongoose to cease miniture production. Which sasdly meant plans for the relaunch of SST were scrapped.

They have however promised to release SST rules available for download, however these will require one of the new BF:Evo rulebooks (either World at War or Modern, I can't recall which).
If you need a rule book, I would propose that the SST download henceforth cease to be refered to as 'rules', and instead be known as: 'the unfininshed playtest army lists from war of the species'.
If you want to see something approaching the old SST forum, I heartily recomend the link in my signiature, we were trying to get the word out through here, but temper got frayed at some point, and our thread on these forums was deleted...
I was wondering the same thing. I haven't been on for months. Mongoose's glacially slow product line put me right off. I thought I'd found a replacement for 40K and then...nothing. Since then 5th ed has come out and I'm looking to sell all my STT minis.
Man... you wouldn't even know it existed by going to the original company website...

You wonder why nobody has seen me... or much of anybody else?

Blow up a person's house... they find a new one.

Simple equation. :(
katadder said:
if you want a replacement for 40k try At-43. just wish had more people in my area play it.

I like the backstory and figures for AT-43, just not impressed with the system over time. It's just a twist on the average. I'd rather use the BE one, it's not bad as far as they go.