Traveller Merchant's Edition Errata


Emperor Mongoose
1) The Trade chapter leaves out all the passenger and freight (and mail) rules that provide the basis of most merchants' revenue. It spends 3 x the page count on world creation as on Trade. (Not that world creation is a bad thing, and it's needed for the speculative trade to follow, but still... what's the focus here?)

2) Clicking on the Trade chapter from the ToC on page 2 takes you to page 69, the second page of the abbreviated Trade chapter, not page 68.

3) The Hiver walks funny and looks like he (it?) has been working out at the gym, and the Droyne looks like Danny DeVito's ugly brother. No, actually I really like the cover art, I just thought I'd say that. I'm sure the Hiver manipulated me into completing her (its?) physic.
Mistake, page 4 (PDF page 5), Skills And Training, last sentence of first paragraph:

"You may only roll on the Advanced Education table if you have the listed requirement (EDU 8 in the Scouts and EDU 10 in the Scholar career).

Sadly, this is the Merchants edition, not the Explorers edition.

Could we get the correct requirements, please?
1) The Trade chapter leaves out all the passenger and freight (and mail) rules that provide the basis of most merchants' revenue. It spends 3 x the page count on world creation as on Trade. (Not that world creation is a bad thing, and it's needed for the speculative trade to follow, but still... what's the focus here?)
I really have to agree with this. World creation makes sense in the Explorers ed.

Trade rules make a ton more sense in the Merchant ed.