Tournament - November 11th

What Game Would You Like to See on Nov 11th?

  • Starship Troopers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A Call to Arms

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gangs of Mega-City One

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mighty Armies

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Hi guys,

We have another tournament scheduled here at the Mongoose offices in Swindon, on November 11th.

We were wondering what event to hold and then had the thought - why not let you guys decide?

The plan is to run one or more tournaments, depending on the interest in each game. So, vote away, for the game you would most like to play a tournament in - if we have good numbers for each, we may well be running SST, CTA, Mighty Armies and GoMC-1 all side by side!

You can only vote once, of course, but go for your favourite - once we have decided which games to run, you can always change your mind! It is just the level of interest we are gauging at the moment.

We also have the possibility of running campaigns rather than straight tournaments, but we'll see how this goes first!
A Call to Arms - I don't play any of the others with regularity enough to warrant a tourney with them...also time to test out a new fleet concept I have if it does go ahead :)
I say this Poll is one sided. More people play ACTA, then SST then finally GoMC1, I dont think anyone plays MA. I chose GoMC1 as it isnt played enough. Im guessing you could use any suitable minis, not just MGP? This could raise interest. If not, MA or SST for me :)
I just see it as posts on the forum, I heard that ACTA sals suddenly boomed on its release, but I don't know.

I'll take it back (halfway) if im right :D, If Im not, meh :(
Rob_alderman said:
I just see it as posts on the forum, I heard that ACTA sals suddenly boomed on its release, but I don't know.

I'll take it back (halfway) if im right :D, If Im not, meh :(

SST has about a third as many more posts and topics on the forums as ACTA does. ANd since each person can only vote once it's only as one sided as the opinion of those who vote.

Although I must say I think the ACTA post rate has increased over the SST post count in recent months. The difference is smaller than it was when I joined.
Irish Game assossiation. Never would have thought, surprised your in England, Scotland and Ireland. Theres one place missing :P :evil: :lol:

Im guessing your coming down on the 30th reaverman? (To swindon)

I should be there, so I'll give you a game if you want.
i voted SST because we have only just had an ACTA tourney so it is only fair to give people who only play SST a chance at a tournament