The joys of Conan d20!


1 - At $50 its highly unlikely my players will be running out to get thier own copy so they can quote rules at me :roll:

2 - Magic is MAGIC! No more damn spell slingers raining death on my poor monsters and villians!

3 - No more "Ahhh thats an Ogre, with a average of 26hp he should be easy to Kill!"

4 - With new parry/dodge rules plus the terror for monster encounters I WILL teach my players to FEAR ME!!!!


Sorry...all better now :oops:
5. Even if they do buy a copy, there are so many holes in the text that you can make up an 'official' errata document to uphold your interpretation ;)
7: meele combat is vicious, bloody, and supported by a full featured rule set that allows steely-thewed warriors to cleave their enemies left and right!

Real Men unite!
argo said:
7: meele combat is vicious, bloody, and supported by a full featured rule set that allows steely-thewed warriors to cleave their enemies left and right!

Real Men unite!

Damn right!