So yesterday, I was looking over the Inbetween and noticed that its stats were completely botched up.
For example....
Size: Large
End Dice: 16d12
AC: Does not include the -1 penalty for its size.
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5ft is a space/reach for a Medium creature, not a Large one.
Skills: Figured into a creature with 16 ED, obviously.
Challenge Rating: 10 and obviously figured into the amount of ED it has.
Advancement: 6-10 ED (Medium) is not an "advancement" for a 16 ED LARGE creature!
What is up with these horribly contradictory stats? Vordak's mistakenly given d8s despite being Undead I can deal with, but the Inbetween is a completely botched up job!
For example....
Size: Large
End Dice: 16d12
AC: Does not include the -1 penalty for its size.
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5ft is a space/reach for a Medium creature, not a Large one.
Skills: Figured into a creature with 16 ED, obviously.
Challenge Rating: 10 and obviously figured into the amount of ED it has.
Advancement: 6-10 ED (Medium) is not an "advancement" for a 16 ED LARGE creature!
What is up with these horribly contradictory stats? Vordak's mistakenly given d8s despite being Undead I can deal with, but the Inbetween is a completely botched up job!