Technetium 98
Banded Mongoose
Uashhki-Class Second-Class Battleship
- Page 10
- Systems, Brig (60 Prisoners) should be MCr2.5.
- Weapons, Triple Turret (pulse lasers, long range) x400 should be MCr1900.
- Weapons, Point Defence Batteries (type III) x12 should be Point Defence Laser Batteries (type III) x12
- Total Cost should be MCr145477.675.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr145477.675.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr12.12064/month.
- Power, Jump Drive should be 80,000.
- Power, Systems should be 432.
- (Side question - the fuel tank is about 8,000 tons too big; I'm assuming that was deliberate, based on the fluff text?)
- Page 12, left side, fourth paragraph - around 105 officers and1,050 ratings > around 105 officers and 1,050 ratings (Space added.)
- Page 19
- Weapons, Triple Turrets (pulse lasers, long-range) x200 should be MCr950.
- Weapons, Point Defence Batteries (type III) x4 should be Point Defence Laser Batteries (type III) x4.
- Screens, Small Repulsor Bays x24 should be MCr720.
- Power, Manoeuvre Drive should be 180,000.
- Power, Jump Drive should be 360,000.
- Pages 20 to 25 - Umgiku > Umkigu (The K and I are swapped.)
- Page 26
- Computer, Core/70 x2 should be Core/70, MCr80 and Core/60, MCr75
- Weapons, Spinal Particle Accelerator (TL12) should be MCr2200
- Weapons, Large Missile Bays x8 should be Large Missile Bays x6.
- Software, Virtual Crew/0 should be MCr1.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr3.9199/month.
- Page 34
- Cargo should be 792t.
- Total Cost should be MCr3184.4.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr2865.96.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr238820/month.
- Page 35, left side, second paragraph - ... permitting a squadron of eight light fighters to be deployed... > ... permitting four light fighters to be deployed...
- Page 35, left side, second paragraph - ... land four fighters each at once. > ... land four fighters at once.
- Page 39
- Software, Advanced Fire Control/1 should be MCr12.
- Total Cost should be MCr343584.1.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr343584.1.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr28.632008/month.
- Page 40, left side, third paragraph - ... enable the vessel to make a parsec jump... > ... enable the vessel to make a four-parsec jump...
- Page 45
- (The Vault takes up internal tonnage in addition to the Bridge, and the hangar's not big enough for two 50 ton craft nor one jump-capable one - all of which goes against the fluff text. Fortunately, it's an easy fix.)
- Power Plant, Emergency Power System should be 8.2t.
- Craft, Full Hangar (80 tons) should be Full Hangar (100 tons), 200t, MCr40.
- Systems, Vault should be Vault (40 tons), 0t.
- Total Cost should be MCr3496.085.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr3146.4765.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr262206/month.
- Power, Sensors should be 33.
- Page 47, right side, third paragraph - ... can carry up to 80 tons of small craft... > ... can carry up to 100 tons of small craft...
- Bridge should be 40t.
- Cargo should be 55t.
- Total Cost should be MCr413.8.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr372.42.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr31035/month.
- Page 53, left side, second paragraph - Armament is based around a smal missile bay... > Armament is based around a small missile bay...
- Page 53, left side, second paragraph - ... with five beam turrets... > ... with five laser turrets...
- Page 53, left side, second paragraph - ... accommodate a craft of up to 50 tons. > ... accommodate craft of up to 50 tons.
- Page 56
- Total Cost should be MCr1025.3
- Purchase Cost should be MCr922.77.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr76898/month.
- Page 59, left side, first paragraph - ... how best to spend the budget Credits. > ... how best to spend the budget.
- Page 60, title - PBC-10-Class Heavy SDB > PBC-10 Heavy SDB (None of the others with this naming convention have 'class' appended.)
- Page 61
- Power, Systems should be 3.
- Page 63
- Total Cost should be MCr272.73.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr245.457.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr20455/month.
- Power, Systems should be 2.
- Page 66
- Total Cost should be MCr148.2.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr133.38.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr11115/month.
- Power, Systems should be 3.
- Page 71
- Weapons, Firmpoint (turret, pulse laser) should be Single Turret (pulse laser).
- Weapons, Firmpoint (fixed, missile rack) should be Fixed Mount (missile rack).
- Page 73, left side, second paragraph - The basic is intended to be cheap... > The base model is intended to be cheap...
- Page 73
- Weapons, Firmpoint (turret, pulse laser) should be Single Turret (pulse laser).
- Weapons, Firmpoint (fixed, missile rack) should be Fixed Mount (missile rack).
- Software, Intellect should be removed.
- Cargo/Upgrade Space should be 10.045t.
- Power, Manoeuvre Drive should be 11.
- Page 75, left side, third paragraph - ... may be an inexperienced officer... > ... may be a less experienced officer...
- Page 77, right side, first paragraph - ... set up an advanced base... > ... set up an advance base...
- Page 77, right side, second paragraph - ... assets – and budget Credits – tied down... > ... assets – and budget – tied down...
- Page 85
- Hull, Radiation Shielding should be MCr10000.
- Systems, Multi Environment Space (1,000 tons) should be MCr25.
- Systems, Workshop (120 personnel) should be MCr54.
- Total Cost should be MCr274185.275.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr274185.275.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr22.848773/month.
- Hull Points should be 266,667.
- Power, Weapons should be 40,180.
- Page 95
- Bridge, x2, Holographic Controls should be 200t.
- Armoured Bulkheads, Command Spaces should be 24t, MCr4.8.
- Armoured Bulkheads, Power Plant should be 1,600t, MCr320.
- Software, Battle System should be removed. (Battle System/2 is below.)
- Software, Virtual Gunner/1 should be MCr5.
- Cargo should be 7,396t.
- Total Cost should be MCr150806.225.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr135725.6025.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr11.310467/month.
- Page 103
- Power Plant, Fusion (TL12, size reduction x2), Power 122,055 should be 6,509.6t.
- Power Plant, Emergency Power System should be 650.96t.
- Systems, Medical Bay x20 should be Medical Bay x10.
- Software, Battle System should be removed.
- Total Cost should be MCr71392.65.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr64253.385.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr5.354449/month.
- Page 105, left side, second paragraph - ... subdivided into three reactors, each of which is encased in armoured bulkheads. > subdivided into three reactors. (They're not; only the bridge has Armoured Bulkheads.)
- Page 108
- Power Plant, Fusion (TL12, increased power), Power 49,500 should be MCr3750.
- Power Plant, Emergency Power System should be MCr375.
- Computer, Core/90 x3 should be Core/90, MCr120, and Core/80, MCr95.
- Systems, Medical Bay 10 should be Medical Bays x10.
- Software, Battle System should be removed.
- Software, Virtual Gunner/1 should be MCr5.
- Total Cost should be MCr68072.55.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr61265.295.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr5.105441.
- Power, Weapons should be 3,935.
- Page 117
- Total Cost should be MCr12575.5.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr11317.95.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr943163/month.
- Page 130
- Systems, Workshop should be MCr90.
- Cargo should be 4,201t.
- Total Cost should be MCr13396.025.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr12056.4225.
- Maintenance Cost should be MCr1.004702/month.
- Page 133, left side, second paragraph - ... jammed into docking bays rather than full hangers... > ... jammed into docking bays rather than full hangars...
- Page 142 (Okay, this technicallyworks, if you allow 5,362.5 power rounded up. But I hate it beyond words, so.)
- Power Plant, Fusion (TL12, increased power), Power 5,363 should be Fusion (TL12, increased power), Power 5,379, 326t, MCr407.5.
- Cargo should be 75.1t.
- Total Cost should be MCr6,702.6.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr6032.34.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr502695/month.
- Page 147
- Hull, 5,800 tons, Streamlined should be MCr348.
- Armour, Bonded Superdense, Armour: 8 should be 445.44t.
- M-Drive, Thrust 6 should be Thrust 6 (6,000 tons).
- J-Drive, Jump 3 should be Jump 3 (6,000 tons).
- Bridge, Holographic Controls should be MCr36.25.
- Screens, Nuclear Dampers x5 should be 50t, MCr50.
- Software, Virtual Gunner/1 should be MCr5.
- Total Cost should be MCr3050.87.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr2745.783.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr228815/month.
- Page 151, left side, third paragraph - ... although in the case of the Tsetlpak Jdaji group these are small. > ... though the Tsetlpak Jdaji group's wings are smaller than most.
- Page 152
- Cargo should be 1,511.4t.
- Total Cost should be MCr959.65.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr863.685.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr71974/month.
- Page 155
- Total Cost should be MCr1217.45.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr1095.705.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr91309/month.
- Page 159
- Total Cost should be MCr1287.95.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr1287.95.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr96596/month.
- Power, Systems should be 41.
- Page 163
- Hull, 100 tons, Streamlined should be MCr6.
- Armour, Bonded Superdense, Armour: 4 should be 3.84t, MCr1.92.
- Cargo should be 2.66t.
- Total Cost should be MCr74.47.
- Purchase Cost should be MCr67.023.
- Maintenance Cost should be Cr5585/month.
- Page 165
- Weapons, Fixed Firmpoint should be Fixed Mount (empty).
- Weapons, Single Turret on Firmpoint should be Single Turret (empty).
- Page 168
- Weapons, Fixed Firmpoint should be Fixed Mount (empty).
- Power, Basic Ship Systems should be 2.
- Power, Manoeuvre Drive should be 7.
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