Thanks Mongoose!


Banded Mongoose
Traveller is my third RPG, after dnd 5e and Shadowrun 6e. I enjoyed both those other games, but reading 5e setting books always leave me with the impression that it was superficial content and placeholders, not providing any meat about the setting, and Shadowrun books, while very enjoyable to read, dilute most of the information in the narration.

And then, I read the "History of the Third Imperium" chapter in the Third Imperium book (MgT2). Wow! It was just perfect. Dense, but straight to the point ; after reading it, I feel like I understand perfectly what the Third Imperium is, how we got there, why everything "behind the claw" is so often the focus, what's the place of the Solomanis in the imperium, etc. I'm now excited to jump into the subsectors chapters and the other sector books.

Awesome job, thanks a lot.
Traveller is my third RPG, after dnd 5e and Shadowrun 6e. I enjoyed both those other games, but reading 5e setting books always leave me with the impression that it was superficial content and placeholders, not providing any meat about the setting, and Shadowrun books, while very enjoyable to read, dilute most of the information in the narration.

And then, I read the "History of the Third Imperium" chapter in the Third Imperium book (MgT2). Wow! It was just perfect. Dense, but straight to the point ; after reading it, I feel like I understand perfectly what the Third Imperium is, how we got there, why everything "behind the claw" is so often the focus, what's the place of the Solomanis in the imperium, etc. I'm now excited to jump into the subsectors chapters and the other sector books.

Awesome job, thanks a lot.
Welcome to Wally World, Otranatis. Happy to have you aboard.
If you have any questions, those of us here at Team Geezer will be happy to give you entirely too much information :LOL:
Traveller is my third RPG, after dnd 5e and Shadowrun 6e. I enjoyed both those other games, but reading 5e setting books always leave me with the impression that it was superficial content and placeholders, not providing any meat about the setting, and Shadowrun books, while very enjoyable to read, dilute most of the information in the narration.

And then, I read the "History of the Third Imperium" chapter in the Third Imperium book (MgT2). Wow! It was just perfect. Dense, but straight to the point ; after reading it, I feel like I understand perfectly what the Third Imperium is, how we got there, why everything "behind the claw" is so often the focus, what's the place of the Solomanis in the imperium, etc. I'm now excited to jump into the subsectors chapters and the other sector books.

Awesome job, thanks a lot.
I first came across Traveller back in the 'little black books' days but never really did much with it.

Coming to MGT2 it feels like a bit of a hidden gem. Glad you found it, happy gaming :)