Technomage and Narn books

Hello and many thanks to the people at mongoose for their great work on these books. When last I read i found out that the Technomage book might leap-frog the Narn book. Is it still looking that way? Are both books looking at an early April release?

Thank you
Hi there,

Techno-mages will indeed leapfrog Narn. At the moment, it is looking like Techno-Mages at the beginning of the month, and Narn at the end. Normal service will be resumed thereafter (in fact, Shannon is alreading writing a tome with a title of The Zocalo. . .).
Very much so looking forward to the two books :)

Also, the aphrodisiacs comment aside. I'm realy wanting to learn more about this new book :D
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:50 am Post subject:


Hi there,

Techno-mages will indeed leapfrog Narn. At the moment, it is looking like Techno-Mages at the beginning of the month, and Narn at the end. Normal service will be resumed thereafter (in fact, Shannon is alreading writing a tome with a title of The Zocalo. . .).
Matthew Sprange
Mongoose Publishing

Yeah I hope the two B5 books come sooner than what I was given by Walmart which is where I order from they gave a release date of May for both books.
I like

Smaller company, 25% off pre-orders (only 20% off current stock stuff) and free shipping IF you order $50 or more. I just wait till I got $50 worth ordering :)

slingbld said:
frobisher said:
Section on floor wax/aphrodisiacs I hope :)

:shock: :?: :!: :?: :!: :shock:


Yer sick :lol:

It's a reference to one of Garibaldi's shopping trips on the Zocolo (first season I think). He couldn't decide whether the thing the vendor was selling him was an aphrodisiac or floor polish, but if it left a waxy build up on anything he was coming back for a refund...
It's a reference to one of Garibaldi's shopping trips on the Zocolo (first season I think). He couldn't decide whether the thing the vendor was selling him was an aphrodisiac or floor polish, but if it left a waxy build up on anything he was coming back for a refund...

Actually, to be completely accurate, this wasn't in the Zocalo, it was in a corridor in Blue Sector (the Zocalo is located in Red Sector) 8)
LoneStranger said:

I'd personally recommend going here to get your gaming stuff instead of Wally World.

Sorry, gives 37% off and a return policy that can't be beat if there's a problem. I stopped worrying about FLGS/Online-FLGS when I realized MONEY matters most. :twisted:
LoneStranger wrote:

I'd personally recommend going here to get your gaming stuff instead of Wally World.

Sorry, gives 37% off and a return policy that can't be beat if there's a problem. I stopped worrying about FLGS/Online-FLGS when I realized MONEY matters most.

Yeah that is one of the only reasons I shop at Walmart is because of the price the books are cheaper there than anywhere esle .I just get them maybe a few days later than some .
Satai Delenn said:
Yeah that is one of the only reasons I shop at Walmart is because of the price the books are cheaper there than anywhere esle .I just get them maybe a few days later than some .

I've gotten some books from Walmart before the release date! :D may have some good prices but I've always gone through

It's a 20% discount & free shipping on anything over $50.00. Also, you deal with the same guy every time! The guy works out of his house. The place doesn't advertise & isn't to up to date for the listed catalogues but you ask him if such & such is in & he gets back to you pretty quick.

Then again, I know this guy in real life :)

He's honest & quick!

Gotta love them traits.

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is wal-mart return policy? Just wondering.

For the record, I get my books mostly through Barnes & Noble, but that's only because I work for them (30% off is the discount for me). Later.

Walmart's return policy is pretty much that if you bring them something that they stock, they'll take it back, even if you bought the TV a week ago, watched it, then brought it back because you were just sent to a different duty station and didn't have your TV with you.

At least, that's what I hear from other people. I would never do such a thing, honest. :wink: