Ok, ok, one more... final entry for today, I’m gonna shut up soon I promise
So, feels like I’m familiar enough with the book now to be ready to write some form of review of the whole thing and stop poking at minor details...
And there’s really only one word fit to describe it... It’s a masterpiece, simple as that!
The Sword Worlds - both the people and the place - have been brought to life and in line with the rest is the setting in a most wonderful way!
I absolutely love the way that small quirks and details have been picked up and built upon from both ancient Norse and modern Scandinavian society! It’s the little things that sets them apart from others, shows that they are Swordies and not just a bunch of generic humans, and helps to “get” their mindset and life philosophy. On the surface they might even remind in some ways a bit about the Aslan, but reasoning and motivation differs greatly between them, as the book clearly shows.
Another highlight is the amazing artwork! Beautiful images sprinkled all over the book, showing us people, (occasionally Viking-inspired) architecture, vehicles and ships and bringing the setting to life in a glorious way!
Finally, a shoutout is warranted for the name-Finder/translator! Stellar job with the naming conventions, translations and general “feel” of everything name-related!
Final score can only be 5 tunnor mjöd (barrels of mead) out of 5 possible, amazing product!