Sword Worlds - ebook & Pre-Order

Annatar Giftbringer said:
Fair point!

Some thoughts:

A VM-11 with APDS rounds has an AP value of 15, with average damage 14 plus aiming bonus. That’s gonna hurt!

The weapons we see here aren’t everything they have access to, just a selection of unique gear.

Laser weapons strike hard, both rifles and heavies, and are within their technological reach.

They do have some access to TL12 stuff, so stuff like disposable plasma launchers and even PGMP aren’t impossible. We know they use plasma cannons on vehicles.

Battledress is supposed to be awesome, especially against lower TL opponents. Personally I’m fine with someone at 3-5 TLs disadvantage struggling in a one-on-one encounter against imperial marines. Toss in some vehicles to even the odds. The light autocannon on the APCs will help alot, not to mention plasma and gauss cannons. The extremely agile grav gunship would make an excellent battledress killer, for instance.
Fair point. Serves me right for not thinking outside the box.
I don't mind that they struggle against Imperial Marines but against the Imperium's lower tech forces (but generally with Combat Armour IIRC) they need a weapon that's got some chance of of putting an enemy down otherwise there's no point in sending your army in (Swordie liking for desperate last stands , maybe?)
Though on the vehicle point they have to avoid the Imperium's vehicles! (to be fair I thought the point about being overmatched was better addressed with their tank/tank destroyer and general comments on units expecting to see command and control break down)
Annatar Giftbringer said:
What’s up with the HEAP ammo for the Palvelupistooli? I’m sorry but I can’t think of any situation where anytime works ever want to use it, ever? Why trade a respectable amount of damage for a mediocre amount of AP?

Both 1st and 2nd edition CSC has HEAP increasing damage as well as adding some AP...

In 2E CSC, HEAP ammunition is limited to heavy weapons. The only other slug pistol with the AP trait is the TL13 Gauss Pistol. I like it...also keeps with the "using practical lower TL" theme.

To be fair...my first reading was also like, "huh....that kinda sucks"

True regarding HEAP, but those are just the basic rules/guidelines :)

1st ed was +x AP and +1D iirc (x=base damage dice of the weapon). Not quite as powerful as in 2nd, but available for just about any weapon. Would have been way more impressive than the current lackluster option, and it would be a step in the right direction for Steelbrok when hunting battledress :)

Hey, that actually gave me an idea... how about giving sword worlds their own unique special ammo, useable for all their weapons, helping them against higher-TL opponents? Perhaps a HEAP variant following 1st Ed rules? Just a thought...
steelbrok said:
I'd have lied to see some infantry weapon or option that gives the Swordies troops a reasonable chance against at least Combat Armour equipped Imperial troops and maybe that VM11 heavy sniping rifle have a chance against Battle Dress.

The time-honoured way is a LAG aka Crunch gun.

Take something like a Carl Gustav m/42 20 mm pansarvärngevär (anti-tank rifle):
Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHQfQPSlSHg
Fired: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUoBb3h9HWA

Use the characteristics of 20 mm APDS ammo for a Light Autocannon (6D) for a total of about AP 18 av. base damage 21.

Even Imperial BD troops will take notice...
AnotherDilbert said:
steelbrok said:
I'd have lied to see some infantry weapon or option that gives the Swordies troops a reasonable chance against at least Combat Armour equipped Imperial troops and maybe that VM11 heavy sniping rifle have a chance against Battle Dress.

The time-honoured way is a LAG aka Crunch gun.

Take something like a Carl Gustav m/42 20 mm pansarvärngevär (anti-tank rifle):
Description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHQfQPSlSHg
Fired: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUoBb3h9HWA

Use the characteristics of 20 mm APDS ammo for a Light Autocannon (6D) for a total of about AP 18 av. base damage 21.

Even Imperial BD troops will take notice...

Interesting bit of history. I remember running around with a Carl Gustav 84 back in the 80s. Last year I picked one up at a display. Couldn't believe how heavy it was!

Getting back to Traveller something like that would work but it needs to be quite widely issued to SW infantry. I could see these being used as both an anti-Combat Armour/Battle dress weapon and as a sniper weapon. Troops probably also issued with a carbine or SMG for more mundane work.
(Reminds me a little of some TNE product that had the Spacing Guild selling anti-armour weapons to worlds threatened by Reformation Coalition (Star Viking ironically) raids.
steelbrok said:
Getting back to Traveller something like that would work but it needs to be quite widely issued to SW infantry. I could see these being used as both an anti-Combat Armour/Battle dress weapon and as a sniper weapon. Troops probably also issued with a carbine or SMG for more mundane work.

I believe Swedish infantry is currently issued one machine gun and one granatgevär m/86 (Carl Gustav 84) per fire team.

SW troops deployed against the Impies should have a lot of armour piercing weapons, they'll need it... Fighting high-tech Impie troops should be a high priority in SW doctrine, they have done it before and will presumably do it again.
Depends on the default technological level and difference.

The Confederation can bridge the gap by concentrating numbers, with the Sword Worlders, they may need highly mobile anti armour teams, where the frontline infantry tries to pin down Impy units, while heavy support manoeuvres to get a clear shot against battle dressed troops.
Heavy weapons, special ammo and vehicles seems to be the way to do it, along with a liberal sprinkling of stealth, mobility and deception!

The Sword Worlds seem to be reliant on vehicles to fight against battledress and such, while at the same time their vehicles don’t stand much is a chance if said enemy deploy vehicles of their own, so warfare should be an exciting game to play...

Speaking of vehicles, I’m surprised they didn’t get their own chapter, was that intentional?

Anyways, Sword Worlds have a bunch of “defensive bundle packs” that combine some of the more common forms of countermeasures along with some toys of their own, helping to somewhat even the odds against the imperium or other high-tech opponents.

They also have a unique weapon in the form of the penetrator cannon. It is an interesting concept, an enlarged gauss cannon with special ammo.

Just a thought, but should it perhaps be lowered to TL11? It doesn’t have the range of a mass driver, nor the small size and autofire of a gauss cannon..?

It does have extremely expensive ammo, and the canister round should probably get the blast trait.

Moving on to the vehicles themselves, we get an assortment of military troop transports and fighting vehicles, of the wheeled and grav variety.

It feels thematic and in line with Sword World philosophy that the same chassis can be found as the basis for several vehicle types.

The design for several grav vehicles reminds me of boats, a small detail that I appreciated a lot!

Oh, for those looking for ATVs, there’s one in the book Marches adventure 2: mission to Mithril!
A starship question:

“The majority of starship systems used in the Sword Worlds Confederation are standard designs”

Just to clarify, does this mean that they use standard beam lasers, briefing rooms and m-drives, or that they even use the standard ships such as Free Traders, Type M sub liners and such from High Guard?

Or in other words, are all/most ships within the Sword Worlds the ones from this book (like Aslan) our do they also use standard High Guard designs? (Perhaps not warships and IISS stuff, but others)
You will see plenty of ships like Free Traders in the Sword Worlds, as the sheer industrial output of the Imperium will overwhelm anything the Confederation can produce - these standard ships are cheaper than those of the Sword Worlds and, frankly, better - though plenty of Sword Worlders will only be interested in a 'real' Sword Worlds vessel, of course.
Cool, thanks!

... hang on... what do you mean “better”? Sure, a Type A free trader might have a better ratio of cargo-to-total-tonnage, but how long can that fragile little thing go without a full pit stop at a starport? What can a flimsy little Imp trader hope to accomplish if a Corsair even looks at them funny? Will that thin hull and large open cargo bay even hold together when making aggressive turns during high winds? “Better”. Pft!
Hey everyone,

Just to let you all know, a new PDF has been uploaded (both to our web site and Drivethru) with a few pre-printing tweaks. Nothing major, but it refines a few things here and there.

Simply re-download to get the very latest version!
So, time for ship comments.

The Sword Worlds have a very different ship design philosophy than the Imperium, and the book does a great job showing this in the provided ships.

Ordnance pods and heavy ordnance are creative and welcome additions to the High Guard weapons roster, just a shame that none of the example ships use them...

P.109 Ordnance pods. Text says torpedoes take two spaces, should probably be three. Example loadouts mentions up to two torpedoes, not three. P.111 says three spaces per torpedo, which would agree with two per pod.

I love the standardized docking system!

Surprised to see that the various small craft have standard hulls rather than streamlined, but standard can handle atmospheric flight too, of course.

I’d say the small craft cargo holds needs some form of access hatches, can’t drag all cargo through the cockpit...

The gunboats are packing some serious firepower - in surprisingly long-ranged hulls thanks to the use of standardized docking systems!

P.128 is missing numbers on the deckplan.

The Saukko quickly become something of a personal favorite! It could benefit from some form of small craft or vehicle, but there’s not really anything I’d wanna replace for it... A vehicle could be held in the cargo bay, but the airlock looks a bit tight for deployment... Perhaps a larger cargo hatch to them side? Or a rear-facing hatch from the lower common area, enabling it to be used as a makeshift garage?

The Saukko along with the description for how the Confederation patrol operate kinda got me thinking about the TV show Agents of SHIELD, in a good way!

The Havmanden shows that long range doesn’t have to mean high-jump. A generous amount of living space, repair drones and workshop are ways to increase mission duration.

There seems to be a room or space with a workstation above the airlock, is this an unmarked cargo office? Also, the Havmanden really ought to have cargo hatches, it’s gonna take forever to load that cavernous bay through a small airlock - not to mention severely limit the size of cargo containers!

P.144 The Glenten looks like a very useful design, but recommended crew seems off, plus the tonnage for standardized docking system is way off! Looks more like regular docking space..?

P.146 “its armament - and indeed whole design – is built around a pair of fusion gun bays.”
Stat block on the next page only has one bay.

P.147 standardized docking systems one again way off.

Other than that, the Ornen looks like a wonderfully aggressive ship, kinda like a bigger, meaner version of the imperial Midu Agasham!

I immediately fell madly, deeply in love with the Byrding! If this is the main ship in the Skandersvik campaign you can consider one copy of that book already sold :)

If possible, it’d be great with some artwork showing it with all standardized docking system ports filled with shuttles, like Ahvens... :)

Ah, finally the Denisov, showing that even a primitive and small empire can have muscles on a sector fleet scale! Impressive beast!
MongooseMatt said:
Hey everyone,

Just to let you all know, a new PDF has been uploaded (both to our web site and Drivethru) with a few pre-printing tweaks. Nothing major, but it refines a few things here and there.

Simply re-download to get the very latest version!

Matthew, can you point out one tweak? I redownloaded, cleared my cache and redownloaded again, and can't see any obvious tweaks ( or you ignored my grumblings and fixed other things that I missed...)
That explains why I couldn’t find any changes, I must have been too fast and gotten the first version again... I’ll check again later tonight - apologies if any comments from above have already been taken care of that I’ve missed:)
MongooseMatt said:
Can you check the file name? It should have 2e right at the end, the original did not.

It's not grabbing that off the 'My Downloadable Products' link. no 2e
The last time I read about the Sword Worlds, one thing that did make an impression on me was their preference for idiot proof retrotech, especially on their warships.