Fair point. Serves me right for not thinking outside the box.Annatar Giftbringer said:Fair point!
Some thoughts:
A VM-11 with APDS rounds has an AP value of 15, with average damage 14 plus aiming bonus. That’s gonna hurt!
The weapons we see here aren’t everything they have access to, just a selection of unique gear.
Laser weapons strike hard, both rifles and heavies, and are within their technological reach.
They do have some access to TL12 stuff, so stuff like disposable plasma launchers and even PGMP aren’t impossible. We know they use plasma cannons on vehicles.
Battledress is supposed to be awesome, especially against lower TL opponents. Personally I’m fine with someone at 3-5 TLs disadvantage struggling in a one-on-one encounter against imperial marines. Toss in some vehicles to even the odds. The light autocannon on the APCs will help alot, not to mention plasma and gauss cannons. The extremely agile grav gunship would make an excellent battledress killer, for instance.
I don't mind that they struggle against Imperial Marines but against the Imperium's lower tech forces (but generally with Combat Armour IIRC) they need a weapon that's got some chance of of putting an enemy down otherwise there's no point in sending your army in (Swordie liking for desperate last stands , maybe?)
Though on the vehicle point they have to avoid the Imperium's vehicles! (to be fair I thought the point about being overmatched was better addressed with their tank/tank destroyer and general comments on units expecting to see command and control break down)