Conan said:I'm sure this has been pointed out before but WTF! How did this make it through spellc.heck?!
My guess is that a find/replace to put a . at the end of lb. (say, for the equipment section), changed "spellbook" as well.
Actually this kind of error turns up most often with the use of O.C.R. (optical character recognition) software.
Lion of Aquilonia said:My guess is that a find/replace to put a . at the end of lb. (say, for the equipment section), changed "spellbook" as well.
Actually this kind of error turns up most often with the use of O.C.R. (optical character recognition) software.
Jason Durall said:I think I can release that info without violating my NDA.
Conan said:but it is inexcusable for a professional publisher to allow something so obvious to slip by.
Geezer said:Errors seem to happen. I remember the Glorantha game, Hero Wars, which had some really bad editing.
Jason Durall said:I know some of the guys at Chaosium, and that was a funky case of the printers getting font substitution wrong, and thus messing up their entire typographical symbol system.
In all fairness to the proofreader in question, we don't see the front and back cover...rabindranath72 said:The fault then is in editing and proofreading (I think the woman reported in the credits perhaps not even read at the covers, since there is a punctuation error also in the backcover!)
rabindranath72 said:Hello all,
I also am in the playtest, and the only REALLY BAD thing we had the chance to see were the OCR'd sections of Howard's essay "the hyborian age". The other things we corrected all over (and we REALLY paid attention to what we read!)
It seems most of the errors have crept when "cutting and pasting" from the sections of the d20 Standard Reference Document (in many points you read reference to spell levels, when the concept of spell level does not even exist!), and in the assembly of the whole text (for example, the paragraph on the Apheki and the Tlazitlans are completely missing).
The fault then is in editing and proofreading (I think the woman reported in the credits perhaps not even read at the covers, since there is a punctuation error also in the backcover!)
All in all, it is a pity, since we playtesters put a lot of effort in correcting and proofreading all...but with all this, it shows that the book is a work of love, and I am quite proud to be in the playtest group, and having the chance to contribute with some text and some rules.
For example, double spacing at the ends of sentences which is both unnecessary and ugly.
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi said:For example, double spacing at the ends of sentences which is both unnecessary and ugly.
I don't do layouts for a living or anything, but I happen to like this. Not only is it proper typing, but it make sentences stand out my clearly.