I was just curious about the pocket PHB/DMG. do these include the parts of the d2o system missing from mongoose's liscenced RPG books. (such as Judge Dredd or Babylon 5) and along that same line does the pocket B5 have all the basics. I am asking because While I own the B5 full rulebook, I am considering getting the pocket books to carry with (rather than carry a hard cover PHB for a few rules) however I am also considering the b5 pocket as a player ref (should I get a chance to run a B5 RPG campaign) however if it includes the basics of the d20/ogl system I may skip the pocket phb and just get the pocket B5 for a player/ GM ref (I know the B5 book is missing the source material but then the players don't need the episode guide or the like, plus I will have that book still on hand for the GM) anyway if you know the answer let me know, and thanks in advance.