Noob Question on Character Creation


Hi everyone, long time roleplayer about to begin gm’ing a traveller game(shockingly late I know) with a group who also have little experience of the game. A couple of questions have me struggling to find the text to nail down the answer.

1. When continuing a career in the same assignment do you have roll to qualify each term? A couple of events imply this, and the flow chart does as well but I can’t find any text in the rules themselves.

2. Virtually all careers have a -1DM per previous career on the qualification roll, is this -1 per difference career the character has or it is -1 per previous term. Eg if you choose Navy for 3 straight terms is your next roll at 0 or -3?

3. As a GM I can’t see any advantage for the players in not choosing university/academy for their first term whatever future choices they will make. Am I missing something or is this only a roleplaying choice.

That’s all for now, any answers much appreciated.
Welcome to Traveller.

1 - You roll to continue in the career at the end of each term. For the most part when the traveller wants to leave a career they can, but there is always a chance they are forced to stay due to outside circumstances. Just like they might be kicked out due to circumstances.

2 - Only for changing careers, not terms in the same career. So Scout, Marines, then Navy yes to the negative, Navy, Navy, Navy, no to negatives

3 - Very much a roleplaying choice, it does make a lot of sense to do the pre-career term to gain the extra skills, etc. Of course you have to qualify and be accepted.
1) In Classic Traveller, there was a continuation roll to stay in your existing career. In Mongoose Traveller, it is a bit different. It is tied to your advancement roll and how many terms you've served in that career.

If your advancement roll is equal to or less than the number of terms you have spent in this career, then you cannot continue in this career after this term. Either your services are no longer required, or events have caused you to leave, or perhaps you are simply bored and want a new challenge.

If you roll a natural 12, then you must continue in this career. You are too valuable to lose and will be strong-armed into staying.
3. As a GM I can’t see any advantage for the players in not choosing university/academy for their first term whatever future choices they will make. Am I missing something or is this only a roleplaying choice.
Term(s) in Univeristy or Acadamy do not contribute to benefit rolls. Spending an additional term in a crareer does. In addition (certain) careers might provide skills not available through University/Acadamy.
Terms in Univeristy or Acadamy do not contribute to benefit rolls. Spending an additional term in a crarreer does.
yup. Also, it is one less roll to get advancement in rank, which also contributes to benefit rolls and can be a source of positive modifiers to said benefit rolls.
Going to the University/Academy instead of directly into a career can also mean one more term to get a higher rank if you do not get the commission if you do not graduate so rolling an extra time on aging table to get to retirement and those extra possible ranks for benefit rolls.
Welcome to the Board, Bulldash.
Another thing a lot of new players miss: Don't forget to roll for muster out benefits each term. Also, any levels of Jack-o-Trades does not count as any skill for any purpose unless specifically mentioned. For example, it doesn't count as Gambling for Cash Table rolls, etc.
Another thing a lot of new players miss: Don't forget to roll for muster out benefits each term.
End of each career, unless I've been doing it wrong, because otherwise the DM for high rank (where applicable) wouldn't apply to more than the last term or two.

p. 46: Benefits are gained when a Traveller leaves a career. A Traveller gets one Benefit roll for every full term served in that career...

That reads as for each term, not after each term. Again, I could be wrong, but...
Huh. I'd seen examples of character generation doing it per-each-term instead of end of career.
I guess clarification was necessary anyway! :D