So for most crews I can triple the numbers (assuming a 3 watch schedule) to get the total number of people usually aboard?
That'd be the standard crew... but for the main ship only. You then need to add pilots and support crew for the fighters (again several shifts - we can deduct this from the Sharlin - it lists 28 pilots, but has 24 fighters And 4 shuttles - if those 28 pilots were for them, there'd be none left to fly the big ship...), and a load of marines (sure there are - if there are breaching pody, you can expect pirate-style boarding actions to happen during combat in the B5 universe. Not often I presume, since the fighter combat space partol should have easy targets with such pods, but if it was too unlikely noone would build those things, so we Know it happens - and any race with enough intelligence to build warships will realize that eventually, and put their own fighting beings on their ships to have some trained killers at hand for repelling boarders, so the rest of the crew can do what they are trained for -fighting space battles- without too much interference).
Look at the numbers mentioned in the show - we heard in Crusade that about 350 or so men died with the Cerberus, while in S-4 we heard each of the Omegas in Mars orbit had roughly a thousand people on board.
Let's look at the requirements in TCoS - 107 people. Three times that and a few extras equals the number from crusade; add 75 pilots and a few dozend of mechanics for the 'furies, and maybe a hundred marines or two - and you get an nominal crew of about 650 for an Omega. Then assume the ships on mars had extra crew on board, because they were expecting a Really nasty fight (more marines in case they get boarded, extra hands to cover combat losses and help with damage control, maybe a fourth shift to be able to sustain an high level of alertness), and the "about 1000" also makes sense. (Though remember - more crew means more mouths to feed and lungs to fill, so any overcrewing puts a serious dent in the ship's endurance)
As for the minimum crew... remember that's the crew needed to operate the ship at 100% - you Can fly it with less, though then you have to make sacrifices (like no weapons operational, and noone in the engine room to divert power from the weapons to sensors for example, don't even mention damage control...). Of course, that also depends on the techyness and level of automation the ship you fly has - a Hurr ship will need a lot more crew to do stuff then a Hyach ship... simly because the Hyach have much better automation tech. And there are some ships that can practically fly themselves... not that your common PC will
EVER see one of those from the inside of course.
And it has been established in another thread already that the sizes are WAAAAAYYYYY off. Those figures were just in a table the Mongoose guys took from another system so they had something to base their ship combats on IIRC. No relation to real B5 ship sizes (hey, an Omega is said to be Collossal-IV, which ends at 1024 feet - that'swhat, 307 meters? Not even ¼ of the Omega's 1400-odd meters...) Ditto the HP - or did anyone Really think an Omage had just the HP of 22 Al-Besters? Sure, it's far from perfect... but it gives an GM at least Some tool to represent space combat, which was the intention I believe (hey, bad system is better then no system, especially since a good GM can gloss over all that anyway).
Some day Mongoose may come out with a better space combat system, with ship sizes that make sense, fighters that can outfly Every big starship and some rules that put the power and damage capabilities of starship weapons into the right perspective... if enough people cry out to Mongoose they want it, and will pay for it, it will come out sooner. So what are you waiting for? :wink: