Sharlin in an Asteroid field

basically yes. its how i moved a queen ship into a density 9 field, moved 1" into it, took the hit (which missed) and then was happy as you like.
House Rule; Ship must make crew quality check at the end of the movement phase if it was in an asteroid field at any time this turn. Success mean the ship continues without problem. Failure indicates that the ship will suffer an attack of as many AD as the ship moved this turn (minimum of 1AD). The attack is considered Super AP, Triple Damage.

Possible changes including; the number of inches moved through the asteroid field and minimum AD based on the Asteroid density.
Sulfurdown said:
House Rule; Ship must make crew quality check at the end of the movement phase if it was in an asteroid field at any time this turn. Success mean the ship continues without problem. Failure indicates that the ship will suffer an attack of as many AD as the ship moved this turn (minimum of 1AD). The attack is considered Super AP, Triple Damage.

Id lose the 'minimum of 1' bit, if its stationary I seems a tad unfair that it STILL has to make a navigation check ;) I know the ASTEROIDS arent stationary but you get the idea.
Cinematic Canon. You cannot be standing with respect to an entire asteroid field. None of those rocks are going the same speed at the same time. Even if you're station keeping under an AS! you're still going to be facing impacts from the asteroids. And with the addition of the Stealth or stealth bonus I'm thinking there should be SOME cost to stay there.
Attempt to neaten up the wording a bit (itallics)

Sulfurdown said:
House Rule; Ship must make crew quality check at the end of the movement phase if it was in an asteroid field at any time this turn. Success means the ship has safely navigated the asteroid field without incident. Failure indicates that the ship will suffer an attack of as many AD as the number of inches the ship moved this turn (minimum of 1AD). The attack is considered Super AP, Triple Damage.

Sulfurdown said:
Possible changes including; the number of inches moved through the asteroid field
This one appears to make sense at first. Consider instead, however, if you are hurtling into an asteroid field and that screw up mean you'll hit an asteroid hard. So the faster you move the bigger the impact. Which is how the rules deal with entering a field at present.

Sulfurdown said:
and minimum AD based on the Asteroid density
I'd not add this, I have fought in density 10 asteroid fields before, and knowing that failing the roll will mean 10AD of SAP,TD coming my way, I'd stay out of the field rather than attempt to move into it.

Another one to consider is allowing moving slowly under the All Stop! Special Action to provide a bonus to the CQ roll to navigate an Asteroid Field.
I wasn't imagining a direct CQC to AD, more like if the Density is 6-8 it's a minimum 1AD, 9+ it's 2AD. Actually I was also going to add as a possible addition that operating under any S/A except AS! would provide a -1 penalty to the CQC since the crew's efforts are split between the S/A and dodging rocks.
How about making the number of AD equal to to the amount you fail the crew quality check by (or at least make that a factor)? That way, denser fields are still more likely to cause more AD on the basis that you're more likely to fail the check, and more likely to fail by a greater amount.

If you really want to go to town on the house rule:
If a ship moves into, through, or out of an asteroid field, make a Crew Quality check. Add 1 to your CQ check if the ship is agile, and subtract 1 if the ship is lumbering. The target for the roll is equal to the density rating of the field, plus half the total distance moved by the ship for the turn. Fighters count as CQ6 for the purpose of this roll.
If the CQ check is failed, suffer a number of Super AP, Triple Damage AD equal to the number you failed the check by. These AD are not affected by interceptors, Shields, or Gravitic Energy Grids.

All you should need to do then is come up with a new table of asteroid densities, as I think the current asteroid densities would be too high for this new rule.

I was just wondering. Why do ships within an asteroid field or dust cloud gain Stealth but the ships that the asteroid hopper fires on don't? You're firing through the same amount of dust or rock, wouldn't it mean that Ships in the fields would treat everything outside it as if they had Stealth?
I figure it's like looking through a veil. If it's right up against your eyes you can see fine, but even a few feet away it's almost opaque.
Same reason it's harder for me to shoot you if you're hiding in a bush than for you to shoot me under the same conditions.
a 135mm cannon will kill an unprotected human with a near miss.
But we're not talking about unprotected humans. A near miss with a Beam is still a Miss. And firing into something that provides even minimal concealment is going to make a difference.
No i mean it on a other way if some one hides in the Asteroid filed an Emine shoud be more dangerous to him all the rock who start to fly around in an other way then they did before. Like second inflight check if the sharlin coud avoid the asteroids
Jhary said:
No i mean it on a other way if some one hides in the Asteroid filed an Emine shoud be more dangerous to him all the rock who start to fly around in an other way then they did before. Like second inflight check if the sharlin coud avoid the asteroids

Not necessarily. Lots of the smaller stuff gets vaporized and more gets blasted away from the ship. Depending on the location of the blast, some of the larger rocks would even shield the ship. Crazy, isn't it?
I'll never understand why emines are allowed to be aimed at random points in space instead of specific targets.