TL-16 is cutting edge for the 3I and most of Charted Space, with a few exceptions. I was thinking about the Darrians and how they used to be TL-16, but are not any longer. It got Me to thinking, what other civilizations reached TL-16 and then regressed or, for whatever reason, went extinct.
Anyone know of any Canon civs like this?
Is there any point in mentioning anything not printed by Mongoose, since the OTU is now theirs and the previous 40 years don't matter?
T5 suggests that between the Ancient's war and the rise of the Vilani there was at least one major civilisation. While this civilisation never invented jump drive they still had a huge presence throughout charted space. There are hints that this race may have achieved well beyond TL16, they may even have achieved the singularity and are still around in some form or other.
"There was a time, after the Ancients and before the rise of Humaniti, when another intelligent race – the Kursae – rose to technological power (*), reached the stars, and then faded to obscurity(**).
From an unidentified homeworld somewhere in now-Charted Space, these sophonts reached out and settled nearly five thousand worlds across half the galaxy. Over the next thousand centuries (***) these many worlds of
the Kursae all followed a common path: a downward spiral to a comfortable low technology level where they are today…
sharing a common heritage of myths about their past.(**)
What drove these enigmatic sophonts, filled with such potential, to reject expansion and abandon growth and instead
embrace a simple static existence?(****)"
* the timescale and hints suggest they achieved the singularity as detailed in T5
**both of these statements could indicate the singularity
*** 100,000years, nearly ten times the timescale the Vilani have been spacefaring
**** the sources about the Kursae are scant, some say they have vanished entirely, some say there are descendants on some worlds, this may be yet more evidence of singularity.
My personal head canon builds on what I think lead to the Droyne and the Ancients.
Elsewhere in the galaxy there are races that are millions if not billions of years old, or at least what passes for them now. This race or these races have conducted galactic scale competition against each other, and have also conducted grand experiments. What we now call charted space and its immediate surrounding area of the galaxy was either chosen to be seeded or seeded by accident with the multidimensional technology now called psionics. On the homeworld of the chirpers this resulted in Grndfather and he created the Droyne as augmented chirpers.
He eventually, through his children and grandchildren, became aware that he was living in a petri dish, so he took steps to compete with the greater powers.
He spread humanity and the Vargr throughout charted space - his precog machines indicated that these races would be critical to his future within the galaxy.
When the Kursae arose they must have encountered humanity, the Vargr, the Droyne and chirpers, and yet human et al history hardly mentions the Kursae - did Grandfather ensure the safety of his chosen races while allowing the Kursae civilisation to run its course, and hiding Ancient presence from them? or did the Kursae learn of the Ancients and build on their works until they achieved something Grandfather avoids, the singularity.